Greetings Freeps
Whats that? Tearing down bridges you are supposed too advance on? Thats Ji´s job, not Tarondors.
Greetings Freeps
Whats that? Tearing down bridges you are supposed too advance on? Thats Ji´s job, not Tarondors.
Hi Loke
Remember that game that we played where the free tried to use that strategy as well ??
I believe the free gave up around turn 6 having lost Minath Arnor (and most of the rest of the world as well)
I hope you guys last longer than turn 6.
Put the bridge back up and come across, we will be waiting.
Yeah we screwed that up; meant to 775 instead of 475. Wait a sec, now who has all those ships in the Anduin Valley…?
Got a lisp? <g>
Dear Freeps
I forgot to thank you for wrecking the Osgiliath bridge, who needs friends with enemies like you. The decision to do it raises some question though:
-Is Tarondor a fifth columnist? If so? Is his betrayal driven by greed or is he idealist? (The latter is preferable as it is cheaper)
-Was it a “accident”? Is the Pelargir brigde prone to accidents too? Is this just an insurance scam?
-Is being a sailor the a childhood dream of Tarandor? (A slightly modified version of Monty Pythons Lumberjacksong is heard in the background)
It all begins to make sense, Loke. If you check the nation messages you will find “There are rumors of Gold being transported by caravan from Osgiliath to Mt Gram.” This had me thinking, but suddenly its all clear.
No problema Loke. We FP are always thinking about others…and we knew that you would want us to take down that pesky bridge so that you could use your agent orders elsewhere.
We just wouldn’t want you to have to waste any precious agent orders taking down bridges because we’re sure you’ll need them elsewhere…soon.
It appears both sides have moved cautiously T1…we gave y’all every chance to be the aggressors, and apparently y’all were afraid.
We won’t be giving any more chances…see you on the battlefields of our choosing…
"Originally Posted by lothrim
Minath Arnor
Got a lisp? <g>"
Beware Drew- they’ve got an Igor on their team (insider for Terry Pratchett fans)
As for the bridge, well there are different ways of dealing with enemy action. The way of the professional is to expect it and accordingly deal with it. The way of the skilled is to hide your suprise and reflect about it. Laughing at sneering at what he does not understand is the way of the fool.
Sorry Loke, you failed on your first impression
Greetings Mormegil
I see, its a bit along the lines of what Napoleon once said:
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake”
I guess Napoleon’s enemies have taken to that advice when he set out to conquer russia
but please go on pointing out our mistakes where you think they might be, we rather continue expecting the worst, even if that includes the risk of grossly overestimating you
Well I surely dont know anything about your grand plan, but pulling down the brigde equals serving MI and Osgiliath on a silverplatter, MI is gone anyway or to be retaken quickly, but Osgiliath is THE hex that blocks any DS movement out of the MI meatgrinder. In other words; we wont have to fight our way out of the bottle neck, you pulled the plug.
the funny thing about pulling plugs is that most of the time the only thing that pours out is hot air
please to stick to your conception and we will have a fun game…
Greetings once again
Breathtakingly hot bouts of hot air leave my mouth sometimes, its part of being on the dark side and the wish to be a nasty dragon (in combat value), wishfull thinking me knows - but your shoelaces are a bit shorter none the less:D.
Still Im perplexed about your opening moves, dont hope unfoundated fear did that to you rather than Tarandors sailing obsession.
Have the Dark Servants had enough yet?
Results look pretty good for the free people so far.
Gotta love it when a plan unfolds to perfection (unless you’re the QA) – gobbling up the CL cav was a bonus… Hey Tim I guess they figured out what Tarondor’s boys were up to now.
I am not quite so sure they figured out what Tarandor is up to. I think they are still laughing at him for removing the bridge.
I did ask for them to last more than 6 turns, and I am not so sure that is going to happen. Oh, I am sure they will continue to play, but they will know the outcome.
Bye Bye QA, Harad, your next.
I hope the get some worms up North, otherwise that will be over pretty soon as well.
Thumbs up for your move in the south.
The NW should be under the freeps control by turn 10 at the latest, so you have 6 more turns to get it over with.
It seems that the plains and Mirkwood are lacking a bit of support though, not to mention the Anduin valley.
And of course we will need some wyrms to boost us, the DS won’t win without them, unless playing against an incompetent freep team, and that’s definitely not the issue in this game.
As freeps we hope the wyrms don’t appear, but know they will. Mirkwood has a few to many dark icons on it, but we shall remove them shortly as well.
As for Mordor, time to turn our attention on the Black Gates as well.
Dear DS,
until now, I have remained silent as to answer your querries about lost bridges and missing Tarondors would either have been to lie, or to mislead or some other bad thing best left to servants of Darkness.
Now however, I hope you have a clear perspective on what NG’s, SG’s, and Corsairs’ plan has been. Could it have worked more perfectly? You be the judge. You have captured Minas Ithil, Osgiliath and Bar-en-Tinnen. The forces of the Free will have captured or destroyed essentially all of North Harad and all holdings of Adunaphel within five fortnights of the beginning of this war.
But at least I no longer have to remain silent. Death to Adunaphel and her legions! Carlon, notice is served. You are next.
King Tarondor,
Rightful ruler of Northern Gondor and Southern Harondor,
Ally to the rightful ruler of Southern Gondor and Northern Harondor,
the mighty Celdrahil,
Ally to the rightful ruler of lands Corsair, Angamaite