G225 Ends on Turn 21

Congratulations to my teammates for a game well played. The DS prevail in this one!

There were just a few FP pop centers left at the end. But, we were closing in on them as well.

Thanks to the FP alliance for their effort. If the early game artifact chase had gone differently, who knows what would have happened.


What is the defense against the Dark Servant Assassins and Curse squads becoming sooooo good? Just to beat them faster?

We had no curse squad until about T13+. Assassins we had, though. DS picked up RoW and RoC, though. Impersonation was in the ocean.

As for how to counter, the FP need to come up with 2 of the agent rings.

I think not letting SG start with the Ring of Impersonation is a game imbalance for 2950. DS start with about 8 agent items and the FP get one +10 agent and a few stealth items.