Rob says we only need 4 more slots. And they are neutrals. So, who wants one?
Ack, you again!
Sorry not Neutral, and they won’t let me play one along with a side at the same time… seriously! hahahaha
One neutral coming up!
We need only 1 player. Who wants in? Sign up and start immediately!
Rhûn Easterlings’ outrider here.
Our chieftain’s yurt is located in revolveri gmail com.
The Havens of Umbar are open for business, for whoever’s got coin or a tall sea tale to tell.
as (at)
The Dunadan Rangers checking in
The Northmen can also be reached at same address, (but I swear they are played by different people)
So is there really no one else playing in this game??? I don’t think ive ever seen the DS so quiet… the crickets are chirping…
Quite ominous!
Dwarves signing into this game (a bit late I know). Looking for some revenge after Game 228!
Interested in talking to any of the neutrals especially Rhun Easterlings.
Alan Gowler