Good people, bad people and you distant in between,
We King Targonn of the South Kingdom, Ruler of Gondor and Lord of the Middle declear that we will give audience to your rulers and ambassadors in Our halls (the center of the universe) at
sverreme at yahoo dot no
We will not be amused by treaths or blackmailattemps (not to mention rebellion, revolution or - may we forbid!- nasty independentdeclarations! )
, but we will know how to respond to it.
We expect to accept the leadership of one of the 2 allegiances the FPs or the DS about at turn 10 to 12 and that this allegiance blessed by Our inspired leadership eventually will dominate the world.
We do not wish to lead a 3. neutral allegiance. Because of these nations distant locations We belewe that Our leadership would be difficult.
Greetings all. I speak in the behalf of the rulers of the shy people living in the North of Mordor.
We are looking foward to make diplomacy with our neutral neiborghs, the people that live in the East of Mordor, Iron Hills, Khand and anyone else willing to start diplomacy with the free people of Middle Earth.
We iz Orkz Eet Dorffs! We iz also eets Elfez, but no much cuz dey iz unsibtash … inzebtan … dey not fillz us up lyk dorffs.
Hoy, dis ryteng stoff iz hart!
We iz eets menz too, if dey iz tink dey “gud”. Cuz who we too argyoo? We iz just eets dem too.
If yoo iz Nootrul menz an not wantz us eets yoo, den joynz us an arr DS allyzez. Den we iz givz yoo sum dorffs yoo ken eetsez tooo!
If you iz pleez givz us udder Nootrul menzez addrez, we iz sey hallo dem too. Kontakt usz to: pvcimahoney ( at ) gmail dot com
(The previous message was brought to you by your friendly DS nation of Orkz Eet Dorffs. Our apologies for the crudeness of the mesage. Orcs are, after all, well … Orcs.)
Greetings from the halls of Dor Daedeloth, we open our tables to neutral and DS messengers a like to feast with our great people… open communications encouraged at
FP, good luck to you and yours as we are looking for a competitive struggle
Another couple of weeks have gone by and the Far North is still snowed in. We tried to check that damn ground hog to see if he’d seen his shadow yet only to find we ate him last Thursday. If any of you should see the sun- send it back up north.
I want to thank those members of each alliance who contacted me (or replied) and will be watching the opening moves with great interest. One item of note though: I will be downgrading relations with ALL of my neighbors (whether you be good, bad, or just ugly) to ‘disliked’ immediately to avoid any “misunderstandings”. It isn’t that I don’t trust YOU personally, its just that I don’t trust anyone.
The Urdrathi, descendants of the mighty Easterling Urdrath of ancient days, a name which has been taken by many great Easterling leaders over the centuries, greet all nations from their fortress in Khand. All emissaries from all nations are welcome. Even orcs with an appetite for dwarves, though we cannot promise dwarf will be on the menu. However, we are more than willing to feed hungry travellers roast Mumakil. Very filling indeed! And you can make armor out of their hides, too…
The Urdrathi also wish all to know that the Destaari, another Easterling nation located to our north, East of Mordor, are our close allies, and an attack on one will be considered an attack on both.
To contact the Urdrathi leadership, contact our scribe, Ernie III, at
Urdrath V, King of the Urdrathi
OOC: Note that I don’t visit this forum that often, though I should – however, I also tend to forget to send out contact info by way of MEGames, so this will need to do in that regard. FP and DS, please feel free to share my contact info with the rest of your teams. Similarly, I joined with the East Mordor player, so messages can be relayed if you want to just contact one or the other of us. I believe Jeremy was sending a diplo by way of MEGames… Looking forward to an interesting game, and hopefully a fairly long one – the map looks pretty balanced to me, though I have not analyzed it too deeply yet.
Orkz Eet Dorffs iz sey hallo uhgyen to far uwey menzez!
We iz tawk wid sum menzez an we iz heppy to tawk wid all uhder menzez too. Dey mebby telz yoo we iz also eets elfez and menzez, no juss dorffs.
Sum menzez telz us dey not lyk eetsez dorffs an elfez! We telzes dem we iz no mayks dem eets dorffs an elfez if dey no wants eets dem. Iz moar dorrfs an elfez dat we can eetsez! An some menzez sey dey iz not tayst gud, but we iz no shur.
We telz dem eevun if dey iz tayst gud, if dey joynz uss we iz problee no eetsez dem. Dey iz no say dey joynz us yet, but dey iz no say dey no joynz us eeder.
So we iz juss say hallo uhgyen an mebbee yoo menzez iz say hallo us too!
Sorry for the late reply, but the messenger birds had trouble reaching us in the mountains during the winter and we were distracted with winter games. The usual downhill long shield races and the like. We have not talked to either the Orcs nor the Elves despite rumors you may have heard. The people of the North Kingdom have not taken sides and will not decide for several turns. Any communication would be appreciated from both sides and news of victories and spoils. We have started constant training and only lost a handful of warriors to the harsh winter. Our numbers are growing by the day and we are looking to expand our lands. Any atttacks will be met with a swift and probably outsized response.