g80 Clint vs Brad and Wade

Thanks Ed, once again you manage to raise the standard of what is to myself, Brad and Wade a fun engagement of minds and great fun for both teams; with a nice bit of friendly, and I stress friendly, chat and bluster.

VEO: I think Ed doesn’t want anyone particularly to win, rather he’d like me to lose… :rolleyes: LOL. Maybe I’m just taking this too personally… nah, Ed’s out to get me… :smiley: ROFL

I occasionally lose games, it’s even quite possible I’ll lose this one but other than for comments like Eds it’s been pure enjoyment. I even like the “sinking pit” feeling in your stomach you get when you realise that something dreadful has happened (nation gone pop!) All part of the joy of Middle Earth to me. Another part of the game I gambled on 3 50/50 calls and they all went against me so that unlucky (but I expect B/W have had their fair share of that as well). Out of respect for the majority of the players who seem to like the odd bit of feedback about the game I’ve decided to keep posting here.

Harad: Brad/Wades play there put me under pressure so that it encouraged me to make a mistake so laudits to them for that. I think that normally I’d have been okay but running the 12 nations makes it hard to keep an eye on everything all of the time. (I guess others who’ve played this format would agree with me there). As to how I’m winning there - well ask the Spaniards in our GM Grudge game… :cool:


Drew, Clint poured many agents, Long Rider, and Cloud Lord into the fray. We blew up Harad (taking numerous pops and using Northmen purchased timber to go MT to MT blasting forts…) but a nice 2300 HI army going poof and numerious kidnaps, fortification blowing, etc, really put the overextended Corsairs under pressure. The great follow-up DS investment in the area after the original huge FP initial investment fizzled (with successful results, mind…) produced the results we see: A powerful and powerfully supported QA and severly reduced Corsairs, with precious little to fight over inbetween. It’s been an interesting game, a 1 line “I don’t see how…” is most certainly unfair to all now, isn’t it? Consider, our goal was to eliminate the Harad, and barring a backup in Mordor, regardless if Clint did it earlier then expected, it was going to happen. The Corsairs we considered collateral, frankly, and the fact that they’re still alive and won’t die, has been considered a victory in and of itself from our standpoint. 4 blind men on different sides of the elephant, and all that…!

Of course it’s unfair; but I got the reaction out of you I was hoping for. <g>

You’re playing games with me, I’m playing games with Clint, Ed’s playing games with everyone.

"regardless if Clint did it earlier then expected, it was going to happen. "

Cough - :wink: LOL
