g86 GAME OVER - Insert coin to continue

Poor Minions - Beware of Saurons wrath

That was the end of a long, very long fight for supremacy, with the Freeps coming out on top. One thing I wont call you is quiters, you are exactly the opposite, fighting even if the chance for victory was too remote to call it a chance. It has been good learning game as far as Im concerned - loads of challenges in many ways - hehe. Only slightly annoyed by the lag of communication after smuller left.

Guess it was the economic crisis finally getting the better of you, market down to minimum in two turns and you stealing almost nonexistent with it or lets say it - we stole from you. The second wave of nation killing was far better coordinated and success was unavoidable. Our big advantage was that we got the majority of the PC slots from the start and were getting more almost every turn. This and your lag of determination in finishing off just one of our nations finally did the trick. Im very impressed by the CL kill score: 98 not bad, but as can be expected if you mostly name agents, only one emisary:D
and getting wacked by loosing your capitol two turns in a row.

Maybe more more later on.


A little snapshot

hey guys

Silence, for what, give voice smuller youre out there. Might be an misunderstanding, the only adversary not on the the mailinglist was jmason.

As always


Come on guys, it isnt a shame loosing against a better coordinated opposition. Sure there where newbies around, but they where backed up by old foxes, thanks to them for introducing new players. T 6 Morannon was taken and after you did never touch the the ground.

Arg Loke:D:D:D


I will hope that Clint will follow me at this, I want to to play this game, it will be as far from you as circumstances will permit. I think it is disgraceful, your lack of comunication is to me disturbing.


Oh by the way Im writing a Bree something, Ill hope you will contribute, it is such a bore writing it at my sole perspective, give your word!


Loke, give it up this is a Loke only thread seems like no one is interested in discussing anything with you.

Hi Bradden

Were you a part of g86? If so declare yourself, if not get off my thread. This game lasted far longer than it should have done and I still hope to etablish some kind of communication with my former enemies. As this is my first game ever, Im very interessted in the mechanics and their outcome. Analyzing would be easier if you got all and not only a half. My comments were lately very annoying, but to some extendt justified, I fight for victory - not a draw, I expect my adversary to do the same.


next game as Dark Servant, maybe my rhetorics will be even more annoying - use the force only to annoy:D

Nope I wasn’t. Just pointing out to you that you are talking to yourself and obviously no one else in that game seems to share your desire to discuss it further.

Minions and Bradden

I might be dense, dear minions, my advisor urged me to cease any of attempt of contact, maybe he is right.

I might not agree with his attitude or his wording, anyway it was a battle I will remember.


und ich hab mich immer schon gefragt, wer ist dieser freak, der dauernd mit sich selbst redet? gibt es dieses spiel 86 überhaupt oder existiert es nur in seiner fantasie?
jetzt wo Du Dich als deutscher geoutet hast, muss ich es wohl glauben :smiley: :smiley:

Moin Bernd, es gab dieses Spiel - ein sehr langes Spiel, einziges problem war das unsere Dark Servants eigentlich keine chance hatten in den letzten 25 turns, dass ist mir eben sehr auf die nerven gegangen.

½deutsch/½dänisch, aber gut geraten.

Viel spass Holger

moin holger (norddeutsche unter sich) :slight_smile:

die lösung heisst grudge game - wo man seine gegner kennt…

andererseits, wenn ihr 25 züge gebraucht habt, um sie auszulöschen, könnt ihr soooo überlegen auch nicht gewesen sein?!

was spielst Du jetzt?

Bernd, its not a question about being “überlegen”, you have to rethink your question. Start with another look on the palatirmap, please.
The questions in our game 86 here is;
when did DS loose the chance of winning? answer= around turn 18.
When did DS loose the chance of getting a draw ? Freeps would answer when cloud lord died in apx. turn 30.(after killing 98 characters) DS answered turn 40.
Its only BS and LR who didnt get their capital destroyed, all others were forced to relocate up 4 times against 3 relocations on our side.
Survival is another game than winning. Moving to and improving new major towns isnt that hard, winning is.
Sprechen sie afrikaans?

sorry, it was impolite to exclude all non-german-speakers from this posts. I don’t speak anything else than german and english, only a bit plattdütsch, which is a kind of dialect in northern germany.

you are referring to a bug hunt, which I have witnessed in some games, but it never lasted longer than about 5 turns. if you needed 12 turns to get from a possible draw to certain victory, then the DS could not have played that bad.
and then there is always the chance of one ring victory in the late game.
just my two cents, I really do not intend to diminish your merits.


You are right in some of your points, though this was a grudge game and the next one will start soon I guess. One reason for the prolonged game was that there were quite many f…ups on our side, combined with a disturbing lag of reality among our enemies. As Rune pointed out, the map speaks for itself. We had the majority of the PC´s from the start, we lost many characters to their agents, the result was that 4 of our nations were at the brink of exstinction, but survived none the less. In conclusion, you will not win by defending yourself and they were on the defence with few exceptions. I think you will agree that it is far more interessting to fight an evenly matched opponent. There were lots of good players in the opposing team, but I guess that victory was attained by better coordination. At some point they almost assassed our kampfgeist.


Im augenblick spiele ich nicht, aber sobald wir einen gegner finden, gehts wieder los.

I’m not saying that DS played that bad, its the best opponents I’ve met. BUT
they showed very bad jugdement and played on needlessly far far too long. Steve Muller left when the game no longer could be won, thats the right time to stop IMO. I dont care a thing about my PBM merits, I care about fun games.
And thats all from me on the matter.