g86 t23 Khamuls, Uvathas and Din O´s final undoing.

Be greeted those of Saurons minions who still are able to do his bidding.

The scourge (Din O and Uvatha aka Gøg og Gokke) of the Northmen and Eothraim has finally been caught and with them some small artifacts have changed possession. Some will be put to good use while other are quite useless to us, well, useless yes but the mere having them saves lives. The Dunlendian Donkeyriders did some redecorations at Barad Dur, they transformed an ugly cluster buildings to a nice pile of rubble. I guess Urzahil has been given a new temporary capitol, heres a bit of advice: Dont get too attached to it, ere long it will be burned as well, as we now have almost unhindered passages into Morrrdor and face only sporadic and small armies. Must be hard to make ends meet in Morrrdor these days, a decreasing number of PCs, a falling market and the need to find replacement chars is a costly one. Im not saying your position is completely hopeless, given the successes againts South Gondor and Eothraim, but once again: How long is it to last? Remember Pelagir? Many able agents are doing their utmost to hinder our armies in what armies generally do. They get nearly all of them thats right, some before they do any harm, some after they have eroded a bit of the foundations on which the power of the Dark Master rests.

It is the slow and grinding defeat of Saurons minions that is our declared and ultimate goal. Risc for it to fail - nil.

Nazgul update

t18 Hoarmurath flattened with his army.
t23 Khumul and Uvatha loose big agent shootout at Thuringwarthost.
Havent seen or smelled uncle Ren an awfull long time, was he flattened with his army in t17?

Best of luck to my teammates and the lack of it to our esteemed enemies.


ps. Sorry for starting a new thread, for some reason our Noldo didnt like the old one.:rolleyes:

Homer Simpson

Aha youre all playing nations like quiet avenger, quiet lords, quiet leutenants, quiet rider and quiet kings havent missed anybody havent I, doh, there is a quiet sorcerer too.

  1. Diversions: Yes you do fine in this art, but think about the effort it costs you and what comes back: A few turns tax and a mighty loyality drop. 2004 beautifully played, I guess you got the coms to back it up.

  2. Agent and curse teams are always great, if they are in the rigth place. The agent part hasnt been the biggest problem, you got them plenty and their victims too. The curse part seems a bit more tricky, 2(3) curse teams with marginal payoff, cursing all predictable and…

  3. Capitols; relocating by force seems to be your way of hiding, I cant recommend it though.

  4. Buy outs you handled great, this and stealing must have kept you afloat.

Im greatly dissapointed on the communication part, lets see if it is the same about bughunting.


My own tread at last, cant stand the enemy contradicting my views.

Ahh - and yes you will loose how many MT´s? How many left? I know - questions, questions and not a single answer. Look at your turn it may tell you something. Sauron may be great, but not that great, he cant turn ash into warmachines or dead orcs into armies. See?


Hmmm, sounds strangely similar to game 87 . . .

Just thought I’d talk to you as a DS as our Free People won’t talk to me :slight_smile:


Hey, i send you an email at simon.arnold1@which.net as you suggested! Maybe your spam settings played a nasty trick?

Feel free to contact me at sibroc@otenet.gr.


Noldo-Arthedain in game 87

To all folks from game 86, sorry for the intrusion!

And I have replied . . . . your message arrived after my post here.

Anyway, maybe we’d better stop crashing the G86 guys thread!


Hi guys

Nice to have visitors from the 87th tolkieneese parallel univerese and to know that Im not the only one who gets expertly ignored by hard pressed enemies.

Back to our minions, was a bit dull this turn wasnt it? Havent only seen half of the turns, but it seems that once again its a turn in our favour.

-Ill be back- with more when I have a clear picture.


Hi there

The Clyph challenge at Buhr Widufiras was a bit close, but still to my liking: once again a dead pointy knifed minion - and for a change my army(com) survived. Next time send in some more agents and see how they will fare. Im sure you can easily afford to loose some more, at least half of your chars must have agent skill, if not, its the most common skill of all. Now Ostigurth is in our hands, and Doggy once again has moved to a maybe far safer place, you will face the possibility of freep armies recruited from what seems to be the center of the Mordor fortress. IK is about to loose his capitol(its a fact), only, for the first time and still better: next stop Eoplex, for a short or last stay. It may be a bit megalomanic to have this goal: Drop at least one DS capitol pr. turn, but it will strain your logistics to the breaking point or so we expect. I know you will try to get even after the loss of Rhudaur, but will you succeed before another or four DS-nations are out cold?

Assuming there still are 23 nations in this game I summed up the total victory points to 18400. We got the total of about 11000, which is roughly 60%. I take it as a indication that we only slightly have the upper hand. Agree?

Next I subtract the basic 400 VP´s for every nation and get a rough 2/3 lead in our favour. I take this as an indication of a comfortable outgunning you on the average.

These are only indicators on our mutual strength and they are to be viewed with care.


Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
Sir Winston Churchill

Dear minions

Please announce such a massive visit of notables as in Buhr Widufiras, now we will miss the shootout, its a shame isnt it. My boys have something else to do in the forest and I had to get them going now so they wont get there late. If I just had known sooner, wouldt have been interessting to see the outcome, but we will meet some time not far from now. I guess Ji failed to make his intentions known as well, such an hounored guest and none to bid him a proper wellcome. The capitol-sacking-program is working out great: t26 it was Doggys turn, t27 IK got his(not sure, havent seen the turn) and now Ji´s boys will have to pack their daggers and move on. Seems that IK prefers the familarity of Mordor for siting his new capitol. This capitalistic buying and selling has started again, I guess youre well in the money, maybe its time to hit your only well off nation.


Oh Im a bit confused, forgot to tell that we did a nice job at Ji´s capital, its cleaned out and better yet, no one there now.

Once again

I know its not a real Nazgul update, but here it goes:

t18 Hoarmurath flattened with his army.
t23 Khumul and Uvatha loose big agent shootout at Thuringwarthost.
Havent seen or smelled uncle Ren an awfull long time, was he flattened with his army in t17?
t27 Urzahil made his last appearance and a generous one too. He saved Doggy from being homeless, but then his luck ran short one dark night, in the morning his gratefull host found him with his own dagger in his chest.


Wellcome dear minions

At last you found the way to my capitol, thought you wouldt ignore it like … posting. Should be easy, 3 chars with average ranks, go knock your self out, but wheres Erennis, Ji is there Carrog, Thormog, … as well, I guess you send the whole lot. Was it the late Hoarmurath who got some trouble with taxes, seems to me he will have a hard time in Greenwood, maybe a last stand as well.


Mmmh, maybe there were some nasty surprises this turn, I woulndt know. We did what we could to frustrate any attempt to supply any MT´s to The Clouded Nazgul and the former Hoarmurath. Maybe it worked maybe not, there is a great deal of luck involved. Our sigint-team is, due to the procedures, a bit slow, but we will know eventually. Seems that the (second) first Nazgul is helping out, but again: I wouldnt know, just some thoughts. Ji did a good nigths work at my capitol, one of his fellow thugs did well as well, but the rest failed miserably. My little heroic army commander got a fouthnights lease of life, encore un foi Carrog and bunch, eventually you will get past guards and do the job. As youre not bragging at your fortunes I will do for you: nice work with your curse team and your agent backup at Urzahils capitol, you got one of our finest agents and another good one too, they will live on through the deeds they performed. -5 mins silence in honour of the fallen- Ohh and yes, 2 capitols down this turn, guess which.

Loke :smiley:

My words Loke

Master of Sands

I wonder, is there just one player on your team who is expecting a DS victory, dont be offended, but think about it. Our Cardies comment on this “I admire the stamina”

:smiley: Loke

ps: Maybe its coincidence but Im hounored of the attention my wooden nation is getting now. Concentrate your efforts and get rid of me in a flash. Some will never see it though:D

Wonderfull tidings have reached Maethelburg from barren wastes of Mordor.

After battling the forces of Sauron for more than a year now, the free won a decisive victory. Ji and his followers have been defeated, now the killing will abate or so we hope. The big question is how the Ice King fared, did he join Ji or was he lucky to survive. More coming forth later, there loads of allied emisaries who seek the exchange of the latest news.

Loke:D :smiley: :smiley:

IK still around:mad: , but we will find a cure for it:D

Announcement to guests of Maethelburg!

Cant see why Maethelburg attracts so many tourist from the distant parts of Middleearth. There are no pretty sights, the food is below average, the only thing would be the lokal brew. This tourist business isnt paying off, you may say its a real rotten business, ugly creatures sneaking around thieving, getting wounded and keeping the normal crowd of paying guest away. Yes its you, Carrog, Thormog and stooges, its no use hiding in that dustbin, the towerguards have spotted you miles off. There is one small thing that isnt so bad, its the entertainment, normally this place is a bit dull, now with these comics around the guards are ever watchfull as not to miss the next bungling attempt to murder their commander. Im pleasently surprised by my little armycommander, she has not only will to live, she has the skill to survive, until now that is, she has lived one month longer than I ever hoped for, well I hope she stays around a bit longer. Carrog, dont disappoint me, trip over your own feet once again.


Ohh no its Bob Dylan coming up

How many popcenters can freeps tear down
before you can call it a loss

Ice king must be about to set a new record as MRP
(Most Relocated Player).

DS you have around 80 orders less a turn than us
You’ve been on the defensive all game long
You’ve managed to hang on to one original mordor capital, wow
Do you really wanna try hanging on until turn 50?

Wasnt it Joel Mason who almost quoted Kenny Rogers “The Gambler”:
“You got to know when to fold them…”
and not hang on to one last major town and so forth…

A short rundown on the rundown nations of the Dark Alliance.

Witch King: special service this turn?, will loose 2 MT´s, 2 left.

Dragon Lord: Havent seen any action this turn or the former, one MT left.

Dog Lord: The same thing, seen nothing done by this nation, one MT left.

Cloud Lord: Collapsed, one of his agents kidnapped by a former ally, expect to see some of his chars in action soon.

Blind Sorcerer: Reverting to the army game with success, captured one Wm MT inside Mordor and one Village south of Greenwood, Dol Guldur is the next on his wishlist. Will loose one MT, one left(his starter capitol).

Ice King: MRP, a small free army at his capitol, which possibly is his last PC, has plenty of agents, but seems to be a bit short on commanders. Estimated deficit: 15-20k.

Quiet Avenger: Running an emi team with some success, may take Minas Arnor (MT) with it this turn, I wish him best of luck, he will need it, may loose his backup MT to an emi team, ironic, isnt it?

Fire King: Still running armies, which he did well throughout the game, lost two armies to agents this turn and this before they could do any damage. One backup MT, shortlived as it is a former Arthedain PC, expect some of his PC´s to degrade next turn and some camps to drop.

Long Rider: His attempt to take over the NE with cav-armies has been foiled by well placed free armies. Not much character activity which can be attributed to his nation over the last few turns.

Dark Lieutenants: Two MT´s, running armies(one at or near Thuringwathost, ready to roam the plains with Gothmog in command?), has some good emies and has a curious fixation on Maethelburg. Seems to be easily provocked by big mouthed, shapeshifting Woodmen.

Haradwaith: Two MT´s, some armies with roughly 4000 troops, will win one battle and loose another, cant be long before he is defeated by Corsair and South Gondor armies.

Rhudaur: Collapsed in the early teens, if I remember rightly.

The MT count is too low or so I suspect, my estimate is that there are 2-3 more somewhere at the most.

The overall picture: Plenty of gold and recourses, gold theft now virtually nonexistent, only some 19k, compared to the last turns where it occasionally almost excieded 100k. Many agent and emi orders in the next turns will be used to retrieve CL artefacts and recruit CL characters, giving us breathing space. Emies employed in taking back our PC´s in Mordor (2 MT´s, some towns, villages and camps) benefits us in the long run, much better using armies and inflict a fierce loyalty drop. The relative low success with defensively placed curse teams and agents might just crack Saurons spine. As pointed out by Fupstein, our 12 nations are doing well on the average, none of them are so battered that they wont survive a concentrated attempt to push them out. You got 80 orders less pr. turn and two natsells as well (amounting to some 54k gold). Dont kid yourself, if you fail to uphold some pressure, we will make good use of it. WK´s well played comeback in Angmar will soon enough be something of the past, with or without ss, it wont do any difference. As for the two army icons at Thuringwarthost, I dont think they will do any difference or last out more than two turns.

I will now cast the Runes and what do they tell me. It looks like you will loose at least another nation in the next two turns. By t35 you will be lucky to have 6 nations left and they will be in disaray, clinging to their last MT. The first free army is inside Mordor, some more will follow soon.

It looks like defeat, it smells like defeat and feels like defeat. Dont count on us dropping out and winning that way, we will continue the game as if you still had a chance of victory.


To the 9 quiet minions

Yep 4 MT´s down, QA is the happy new owner of Minas Anor, well done, I´m impressed. Surprise, Dork Lt. is out on the plains, who would have guessed that, every citizen in Romenost is crazed with panic, there are rumors of Sauron casting off his disguise of failure and proclaiming his supremacy by sacking this very important camp (vic). The BS minor rampage in the south of Greenwood has reached its final. Interessting was the abundance of challenges between my little wooden nation and the powerfull first Nazgul, 2:1 in favor of the treehuggers :smiley:

Lets peek a bit in future. Harads capitol is toast (HUGE Army), all the other freep army icons in the area are only 100 MMaA (Mounted Men at Arms) a piece, so dont worry. Carrog and bunch will get very wealthy in the Eoplex, now they missed an opportunity to assass the very last non-kidnapped Eo commander:rolleyes: . There are now some freep army icons inside Mordor, ah yes Mordor the freeps have now about 14 PC´s at this place, might be some more next turn.

Havent mentioned it, but it seems you lost another nation somehow, if you go on with this rate of loss you will win this game eventually. You may have had your small victories in this game, maybe will have some more. How many nations will have to get lost before you see the light, we are still 12 and very soon you will have only 8 mostly harmless nations left. Is it the last MT we are supposed to hunt down or is it the vic´s we are to hit hard?

Loke :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Ps.: Have god mind guys, you have lost, you know it, we know it and so on, it might not sound very convincing but now we have played you for what 25 turns on the defensive more or less and it has only gone downhill for you all the way, it may be our inability to deal you the last dramatic blow or just the lacking sense of reality on your part. Is it a standoff your going for, the really disturbing fact is that no way of communication has been succesfull, no word whatsoever has come back, cant recommend anybody to take on your team.Aaaaaaaarhg “#¤%&#”&/%¤#¤ and many more curses, hope to learn a new spell, HurlNuk: Hurl Nuke on den…, rundown oppoistion or ZapIdio and so on. Is it the humiliation of being displaced by freep armies after t30 you seek, tell me… :eek:


Oh, finally your curse-guys did something for their upkeep, you killed two of our best agents, congrats. Boa I will miss, she stole Nallagurth from Murazor, Elenruth from Orduclax and was the bane of countless minions, there are other who will try to rival her deeds, though it may be hard. Enough crybabytalk.

It seems you arent that attached to the Harad-nation, he is fighting for his life and none came to assist. You curse our chars - we are contended with taking out your nations, boriiing as it is.

The fact is that DS winning this game is far out, DS getting a standoff is … far out, the one ring is your last hope.

It is most surprising that havent been able kill off one single nation of ours, you came close, but it wasnt good enough and you insist on moving on to try the next. Now it is the 4/3 in our favour, soon the odds will shift once again. The fun has left long ago, some fanatics holding on to the very last is not what I deem fun. Its a case off “too many agents” will win the game, wake up, they die trying, freep armies recruited INSIDE Mordor, the fact is as stated before is we will grind you into dust.

Did hope smuller was around to reply.

Loke, member of the 12, slayer of countless, angered by fools :smiley:

Sorry, did forget all about your offensive on plains, dont know if it is worth writing about, it might just be wasting time - just like your offensive on the plains.