Hey Dark Serpents
How u doing?
You had us worried at the start with 5 consecutive turns of food at 2, but t6 results show prices nice and low.
Is it hurting yet?
Hey Dark Serpents
How u doing?
You had us worried at the start with 5 consecutive turns of food at 2, but t6 results show prices nice and low.
Is it hurting yet?
Lets up the smack talk a bit…
So, how are Harad feeling now? Are you going to say we were just luck to get SG landed in the south? Or are you regretting not getting your navies into play?
As for CL and all the LR coming south - wow did they underachieve or what… Corsairs held the whole lot off pretty much singlehandedly… Guess you wish you’d sent them into Rhovania? Talking of singlehandedly… NG is doing a good job at 3024 eh? And have the FK forgiven the IK for just standing by as the IK attacked (and lost) a couple of turns back?
Poor old LR navy… gets sunk the first turn it comes out to play
Ok, so let me update the 101 viewers (and nil respondents) to this post
Atlast (t8) we are rolling over Rhu, who will be down to 2 starting pops with this turn. WK still in there, but not for long. Vamag falls this turn, leaving only Lurgular on the south bank. Where oh where did the Harad go, eh ?
DkLts lost 3 pop centres this turn (at least) and the DS barely stole any gold last turn.
The only good piece of news from the DS side was the arrival of yet more dragons: the Woodie assault on Gundabad has been put back a few turns in the nick of time (sigh). Here we go again…
They must be cowering in their holes, to fearfull to even come forward to speak let alone fight! :bash: We will just have to have playfull banter amoungst ourselves! :bash:
Well even the playful banter amongst ourselves isn’t amounting to much…hello, hello is this thing on? We are getting as much banter from the DS as we are getting resistance in the game… none!
Well okay, shall I join the fray? Corsairs here…
It’s a challenge! How do we finish in 3/4 turns? Too many pops to capture :eek: