Game 02

Hail and well met:D

Hail of Arrows, Thunder and lightning to my Foes:fork:

I am playing The Dark Lieutenants:D

Neutrals and DS can contact me on;


Hail all mighty nation of Free people of Middle Earth and to all Nazgul’s of Middle Earth Angamaitë checking in early to open up some great communications 1st i would love to hear from my mighty neighbor Harad.

Please feel free to contact me

Greetings to my fellow DS, and to the Neutral nations of Middle Earth!:hug:

May this be an exciting and entertaining game to all.:smiley:

And to the Free?

Let the :bash::fork::stab::slap: begin!!!

Long Rider

Greetings from SG! Another glorious season of anti-Mordorkian endeavors.

Northmen here. Best of luck to Sauron’s lackeys and the Freeps alike.

Neutrals can contact me at

Gajendra (NM)

Noldo checking in. Good game everyone.

Will look at contacting the neutrals as soon as i can.


Hello All,

Good luck to all. :stab:

Witchking checking in.:rolleyes:

Neturals please contact me at


Hail All

Greetings from the deep south and the mighty nation of Harad

FPs and DS alike can contact me at

Would especially like to talk to other neutrals

Great Gaming
Harad 02

I have made contact with a few DS you know who you are. I would love to hear from other neutrals and FP especially. Would love to see list of Freeps email me directly if you can, i would like to know who is who.


Greetings to all of Middle Earth, Neutrals, Servants and Free alike. The Duns are checking in. I may be reached at

Good luck to all!

At the end of the second day the contacts stand as thus

FP: 1
DS: 1
Neutrals: 2

Seems pretty quiet to me:eek::rofl::eek::smiley:

Would this happen to be Jacob Pipkin from game 81?

Long Rider

Not THE Jacob Pipkin:omg:

I think it is Erik:D


Yes this is THE Jacob Pipkin :stuck_out_tongue: back for another game and ready to steamroll some peeps

Btw- Kinda hoped not to be recognized:D:D:D

Greeting all ,

Let the dance begin :slight_smile: – Blind one checking in – can be contacted privately at if you are so inclined !!


So far contacts from:
NP: 2
FP: 4
DS: 4
I would like to hear from the Rhudaur player ASAP. If anyone has his contact info, please forward it to me. Thanks!

Andrew, Duns

You and me both.

Rhudaur…come out come out whereever you are

There goes the neighbourhood :smiley: Let the arty hunt begin, may the best Elf win :stuck_out_tongue:

Ian - Noldo

Hey, if the best Dun gets there first, it better not get stolen cause I will find out who did it. :bash: :smiley:

Peace loving Easterlings wish joy and happiness to all.