Game 10

Well here we are Gixxx and I signing in again - this time as the Bad guys (it’s really hard to carry that off when you’re so pretty :-). Turn 1 has passed, looks good for us but initiative doesn’t usually get tested until T2, so we’ll see what we see…

From the top then…
ANGMAR - All’s quiet as yet. No sneaky cav attacks yet. Icons at 1407, 1409, 1609, 1510, 1513, 1514, 1614.

MIRKWOOD - The Noldo from Imladris moved onto Goblin Gate. A WK force intercepted at 1406 by the Woodies but a second WK force unopposed at 2405. NG army slipped in to knock out the recruit at Dol Guldur whilst the Dol Guldurese were wandering Sylvania.

RHUN - is pretty quiet. Free icons at 4015 and 3916. No DS in sight. No freep in sight at back door.

RHOVANION - a dog army ran into a Northy army at 3416. Other than that nothing at either the black gate or Ithil passes. A freep icon at 3215 :slight_smile:

ITHIL - freep icons at 2924 and 2927.

HARONDOR - The brave fleet from 2730 intercepted the combined SG and Sinda fleets at 2629. Is quiet otherwise (though I’m sure that will change :slight_smile:

So not a lot to report just yet. See what T2 brings.

Winsten Wun Toof

Before I get started, anyone who wants to make a comment or ask a question is welcome to. It often sounds like it’s my site, but it’s not (the telling point is that there are no pictures :smiley:

Okay - 'Winter is coming… no hang on it’s gotten stage fright and reversed off stage. Turn 2 has come to pass and so has winter. The forces of darkness have shucked their winter drabs to frolic in new season colours (well except stinky Ren, we can’t tell what colours they were). On to the theatres…

T’was all quiet at Mordor not a stir in the house, neither Eo, nor Gondor, not a pig nor a mouse. Some interesting results. On turn 1 NG seemed to fall back to a more defensible position, and then fell back some more. I’m starting to wonder whether they’ll reverse so much they’ll re-enter the game on the east side of the board :slight_smile: FK has reached Osgiliath unopposed. DS armies twiddling their thumbs outside 3120, nothing at the back door.

Eo still hasn’t made an appearance either. Ah well, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? (Is that an Eo-wife with a dowry? :-S

Not much sign of freep in the far north either. 1810 is hosting 2 Cardy armies but that’s the damage.

In Mirkwood the dwarf startups have lobbed into Goblin Gate. Given that I’m the goblin that made that gate I’m a little put out that they didn’t go somewhere else :slight_smile:

The NG army previously at 2715 scarpered.

Woody will retake a much diminished former holding at 2405 and Drag forces ran into sinda in the elfwoods at 2513.

In the far south the Sinda/SG fleets stayed put and watched the Harad commit acts of foulness (mainly upon themselves alas :slight_smile: The other Harad fleet has landed in the same hex for round two. I’m feeling much more confident this time :smiley:

A freep army has wandered to 2830 (presumably NG). So all in all it doesn’t look like this turn is the turn for exciting freep happenings either.

In S.Harad a harad army has run into a Corsair army at 2536, and nothing else to tell.

That’s about it. The freep are being a little mercurial at this point, kind’a like a wargame without any war :slight_smile:

Cheers - Winsten Wun Toof

Hi all. Turn 3 is in and so are the freep - looks like they decided to join the party which is just great! :slight_smile:

Some sneaky moves. The Eo combined armies pulled off an evasive move and made it through the tangle to Morannon - that’ll hurt :slight_smile:

Next freep at MA and Pelargir.

FK threatened Osgiliath and LR landed unopposed at the Northy Town 4017

In the far south the freep combined (Corsairs, SG and Sinda) to land on Vamag.

The NG fleets landed at 2631 and a NG cav force unopposed at 2833. Freep starting to make some progress there.

In Mirkwood the Drag knocked out a woody force at 2513 and then acted as a roadblock for Sinda and NG.

The dwarven startups knocked out the Rhu/Drag defenders at Gob gate but didn’t attack the pop.

In the far north the Rhu have their hands full. A huge Duns force reinforced by other freep have made it to 1910.

So a few key DS MT’s to fall in the coming turn. Wouldn’t be a game if that didn’t happen :slight_smile:

DS still looking quite good other than the few sneaky evasive movements. We’ll wait to see what the next twist is :slight_smile:


PS category 5 cyclone due to pass straight over the top of me tomorrow. 285km/hr winds. Very exciting! :slight_smile: