game 118

“Once there was 12, then there were 10. Who will be next?”

It would appear that I have counted my cave trolls before they were hatched. Also, since one of the pointed eared assassins cut off two of my fingers, I have had trouble counting anything over eight. It would seem there are still eleven FP’s waiting for our embrace, not ten as previously announced. (and, this thread has dropped too far down)

The family trifecta is complete, first Elrond, then Elladan, now Elrohir. Arwen must be so sad. Those elves need to quit hanging out on the wrong side of the tracks. I heard Elrohir got a fork in the side of his neck while leaving a quaint little diner specializing in Haradrim Cuisine.

akhorahil made the worst of all mistakes…never bring more then one lady home at a time in a freep town…his mom warned him about that…nasty little cut throats they are she said

You guys probably have no idea how on the ropes the QA position was about 15 or 20 turns ago, i.e. right before we put the blitzkrieg on Umbar. Now you have QA navies on the offensive in SG and CL armies sacking the remnants of NG (the foliage in Pelargir is spectacular this time of year!). You should never have let up, but then again, I guess that was the previous Noldo player who had a functioning curse squad at the time…

Morarthdur watched the dirty little dwarves digging up the ancient dwarven gravesite with some interest…surely they weren’t bringing back the dead…he’d been working on that fro decades…no half witted dwarf could have figured it out. “you there…slime with the shovel…what do you think you’re doing?” The gritty gungy pox faced dwarf looked up in trepidation "master…we are getting coffins…the dead don’t pay rent but the recently dead do have friends that’ll pay to have them buried. Morarthdur wasn’t suprised that the coffins were needed…his agents had instructions to stab in any direction…you’ll hit a freep

how many will die this turn…only the dice god knows for sure…you freeps still have functioning keyboards? I would like to hear a few moans and groans once in a while to brighten my day :slight_smile:

Game might not be that much longer as one of our allies has dropped and Clint won’t let us pick up a third nation – Sigh – am so enjoying this game to !!


You would still have us outnumbered by 3 or 4 nations, as we’ve been down to 6 for quite some time. I would urge you all to play on! Surely you guys could come up with someone else to pick up the drop?


We won’t have you outnumbered by no more than 2 nations then – with you haveing all the curses squads – just doesn’t pay then – person that dropped is running two nations as we all are now !! You try finding someone to pick up a nation way in on turn 60 and getting them up to speed – found someone when person running Noldo and Duns dropped – not gonna be this easy to find someone else !! Should be a new rule that once a game starts a person can pick up as many nations as he or she wants !!

Has been fun so far – by the way how many assasinations does the CL have under his belt – lost count of mine – know he gets a tally – my CL game lasted till turn 96 and i had over 137 kills !!



Put a post out on the yahoo mepbmlist, I betcha you’ll have several interested parties reply…I would hate for this awesome game to end because of drops. Btw, of the original 10 DS players and the 2 newts who went evil, there are only 2 of us 12 left. We’ve had one position go through 2 replacement players, still in the game.


P.S. I’ll probably get my 137th kill this turn. <g>

THIS IS MY 4TH ATTEMPT TO POST A MESSAGE…any one seeing this.mike am i coming thru,mr. drifter you out there?well good game so far darkies …dont think for a min that you have it yet. gator/a.k.a.jimg

Drop the game! What silliness! If it was a game of chess I would gladly switch sides with you and play on. I would agree with the advice from the 137 kill CL, post up and bring someone in. Not only do you have us outnumbered but by playing two postions each you have had additional advantage. Also, we do come out to play when properly invited. The FP’s took out three of the precious few cursers left in the game recently. My personal beef with you mass dropping is that I have spent the last 20 turns recovering from the massive charcter losses, the taking of my capital, backup captial and backup backup catpital. :smiley: So, I am just now being able to send out an army to play as SG can attest. Anyway, stay and play as the LR is being trounced by the Arthedain & Cardolan alliance. Stay tuned as LR retreats to his island fortress, after sacking Esgorth first, that is.

Dog :cool:

<sniff> I miss my curse squad…but I am happy to have taken a few of the enemy characters with me :slight_smile:

I have the feeling ouch is the most commonly used word in the free people’s turn reports…am I right? lol

Is there a Spanish ulcer in the White mountains, growing? Remember that Ingar contrived the conquest of Umbar. And I guess Longshanks didn’t get the memo about Elrohir and that quaint Haradrim diner in Caras Mirilond, it’s just not safe in that neighborhood. Was Rosie Cotton in town looking for a job as a cocktail waitress? She might put in her application at the Osgiliath kitchens, or better yet, send her on down to the Umbar brothels, I’m sure they could make some use of her…

We won’t have you outnumbered by no more than 2 nations then – with you haveing all the curses squads – just doesn’t pay then – person that dropped is running two nations as we all are now !! You try finding someone to pick up a nation way in on turn 60 and getting them up to speed – found someone when person running Noldo and Duns dropped – not gonna be this easy to find someone else !! Should be a new rule that once a game starts a person can pick up as many nations as he or she wants !!

Has been fun so far – by the way how many assasinations does the CL have under his belt – lost count of mine – know he gets a tally – my CL game lasted till turn 96 and i had over 137 kills !!

Mike, I am thinking that you are SG. This turn, CL picked up the rumor that Cosairs have collasped. So now you are at 10 nations. NG is crippled as we have taken (at least once) every NG starting pop centers. I will take a wild guess here and speculate that the NG and X player is dropping. Perhaps you would be able to land a player for the X position and let NG go away. Most of the FP positions are untouched except for charcter losses, and heck, who has not lost the vast majority of starting charcters. ( I still have tears in my eyes when I think of LORD MARSHALL BULRAKR being assasss by an 80 agent) I would think that Noldo, SG, Cardolan and Arthedain are “super” positons is all areas. WM and Sinda have a few bumps and brusies, but not bad. Dwarves have been hurt badly and NG is crippled beyond repair. Anyway, I would find intrest in this game as a FP if not already in it. If you have an opening in the future like this, LMK. Best of luck in 118 if you continue to play. And if not, best of luck in the next ME game.

Jim C

Another Cloud Lord Guild Master goes down, damn those hobbits are tenacious. Sorry about Rosie, when she didn’t get the job, she was “terminated.” <g>

just a quick question,drifter. what is with all those sheep at 3929…when the blind guys away ,the troops will play??? just wondering .gator

please…no sheep jokes…mine is very sensitive you know…our parents don’t approve…she asked mom if she could live with me and I’m not sure but I think all her mom said was naaa…well…guess she may have said baaaa

hey i got the hang of these boards (gods forbid it took me long enough) SO OK i will trash all 301 pages of sheep based script that i haqve been working on for 46(one every three weeks)turns. no request to big or small for the cowPOKE(ouch,ok ok i wont go there either) who has been slaughtering gators large an small.(with a song on mhis lips i would guess, or was that a curse?) that will cause a slight delay in next missive…less than last though to be sure.