Game 13 II

The Early Game has not yet run it’s course - and we find ourselves in, typically, interesting times… Gondor has played solidly in the Ithil Pass, a Huge SG army currently sitting on Barad Ungol - Do They Have Enough…?

Their Eothraim Allies have made some impacts as well, 3621 and 3822.

The WK has poofed himself and Angmar is in the hands of the Free People, currently descending on Rhudaur.

The FP have massed masses of mass for an assault on Dol Guldor, while the Dragon Lord mages have failed in their attempts to Conjure Heavy Cavalry every turn thus far in the game.

The Easterlings are doing what they often do and rolling up the Rhun. 4015, 4017, 4217 after 4415 already taken by the Long Rider, with significant troops at 4013 and nary a bridge-destroying ally in sight.

Umbar has invaded Harad for a private war.

Here we go. Turn 7 next week.

I see we got a new thread. Are you trying to run away?

Thank you for the kind words on the ithil campain, its really not the doing of the Gondors, the honor goes entirely to the DS team. We have so far faced few troops, no NG commanders have been asasinated (which I take as some sort of sofisticated insult) and there is no trace of a curse squad operating.

You rewiew of history is so far accurate, but you totally neglect to discuss artifact collection, which as far as I now (and thats not much) seem to favour you quite strongly.

Do SG have enough? I guess time will tell.
The interesting thing is that you havent mentioned the lizards at all. That is the big question in my mind.

I’ve finally decided. Been a few days of contemplation, wondering why you’d continuously try to set yourself up as the underdog. But I’ve realized that, as per your frequent comments, you truly are paranoid… You have Tinculin and Elenruth already, add in you’ve seemingly grabbed the stealth toys, our “strong” edge in Artifacts is R’s o W and C. Kick in our early failure in SG to steal RoI amongst other defeats, well, I’m not sure your paranoia is founded.

For all, I am the closest to the truth seer and sayer thou shalt find on these threads. Believeth not the fearful self loathing of the Free Peoples (certainly don’t join their Oprahesque failure to self actualize…). Listen not to the grandstandingly boastful Khand, while even our brother in cause, noooot necessarily one I trust with the board report if his section isn’t glowingly reviewed… I, Hardmudwrath (sp?), shall be your unfailing beacon of Truth in these propogandist times of confusion.

Cheerio, pip-pip!


If it wasnt for the fact that there is no such thing, I would have thought that
they just had happy hour at LCBO.

Hmmm. Now, are you trying to make me paranoid…? I won’t fall for it, no sir. YOU are the paranoid one, and your allusions to knowledge of…whatever it is you’re alluding to (well, you must be alluding to something, no?) it’s well, Lacking. Yes, that’s it. Lacking, not enough, very little, ignorant of, in fact. Yes, you are totally ignorant of whatever it is that you are alluding to such that I have no reason to be paranoid. No sir.

Ice - aren’t you glad I didn’t say banana?

Allusions to knowledge?
No, no I am a genuine psychic.
The knowledge is real, whatever
you are referring to.

Hmmmm… Will “Oops” do…? Likely not to my allies…

Icey Dragon

I take it the Oops refers to the new Gondorian ski resort in the Ithil pass.

Now I wonder if the DrL has a dragon in his capital army? If not relocate…relocate…relocate

Stumpie Information Services

Yes and I think IK should think about recruiting one too.
Ahhh never mind, those three armies probalby dont have neough too burn Durthang

Yes and I think IK should think about recruiting one too.
Ahhh never mind, those three armies probably dont have enough too burn Durthang, and its unlikely that they are fed too…

Hmm, I just heard something - sounded like the death screams of 3000+ NM troops. My warriors can almost taste the fear emanating from Shrel-Kain…

I would be pleased by the efforts of my chieftains, were it not for events transpiring elsewhere in the world.

Bah, it matters not. As long as we fight with merciless fury, our spirits will be welcomed by the Gods of the Plains and Battle when the end time comes.

  • Keith of Khand

I’m so flattered to be targetted so. Really, it’s the best I can take out of this right now…


How is Din O? He must be enjoying a health of, lets say, 21. That was 7 points from death. If only Tarondor has 430 some more…

How is Din O? He must be enjoying a health of, lets say, 21. That was 7 points from death. If only Tarondor had 430 some more…

… Useless?

Oh yes, The Easterling Lord is right. Din O is useless. How many bad rolls can one have in one game?

Well we did have a nation message a few turns back saying he had an encounter and upon reflection he took a bridge down, so thats his alloted good roll for this game.