Only 3 nations remaining~! This is potentially a 2 nation game folks, come one come All~!!
There is a perception that “neutrals declare too fast and ruin the game”. Read any 2 week game threads lately…? There is no difference in this kind of play between 1 and 2 week games.
The key difference is how much time the Allegiances have to respond. If you check your email once a week and play from a printed pdf and poster map pegged to your wall, this is NOT the game for you. If, on the other hand, you have the new electric lights, flush toilets, and have ever made a purchase with “plastic” there’s a chance that 1 week is a horribly ridiculous amount of time to wait for a simple turn result…
Imagine: making plans and remembering what they were when they finally come to fruition~! I appreciate that part of the fun is getting a turn result for a long forgotten game makes Christmas come every 2 weeks, isn’t that exciting…? But seriously. This is serious business, we have a world to conquer and carnage to mete out to various deserving populaces across that world. why wait?
I’ve received word another player has signed up, so we’re down to 2 at least. Come now, if you’ve never played the 1 week game and you don’t have a Fort Knox firewall at work, GET IN~!
I don’t care if there are 24 players waiting for 1 more or 14 players waiting for 1 more, it’s 3 minus a couple who claimed to sign up recently, so that’s 1’ish more. 1 week game. Pound out the orders, pour in the results, map the ebb and track the flow. Le’ts Goooo~!!!
Well I got sick of seeing the lamentations of folk waiting for the game to start. i’ve just messaged Clint telling him I’m in. It should motivate me more for my grudge game as well.
Lord fowl wishes to join this game but only if the due dates are mondays and at the latest tuesdays as i have 2 other games that have due dates of tuesday and wednesday.if this is acceptable to the other players then sign me up.
P Matic
P.S i am a returning newbe long out of the action so put me on the side that needs a lilability
Lord Fowl, hope you ended up in the game. I am also a returning old-timer, but now I have 2-3 games under my belt in the past year, I played dozens in the 1990’s but stopped in 2001.
I am running into many of us, and I wonder what has us coming back in such numbers at this time…?
QA here checking in, no more wars or off to foreign countries to go to, military time has retired me I’m home to stay. Looking to make contact with me 3 neighboring neutral and of course fellow DS.