Greetings from the ruler of the Dunlendings people.
We would like to hear the news from our forthcoming allies; with we intend the join the fun at the frontline as hasty as possible.
To decide our allies a strong team is indeed a top priority, but everything that can strengthen the Dunlendings in their chest to built strong commanders and agent would be persuasion for our people.
For further communication use the this mail
Greetings from the lords of the Easterlings Tribes.
I Mullma, a humble servant and scribe of the most noble lords Ovatha and Tros Hesnef, send you warm salutations and a wish for prosperous communications. We are most eager to meet our future allies and foes … although as to which those will be the gods have not yet disclosed. Let it be known that my most wise lords do not seek gifts or bribes but loyal allies and crafty strategist … as well as a challenging endeavor when seeking their future brothers in arms. We are open to envoys and look forward to receiving them at your earliest convenience. Till then … Huzzaa!!!
Adunaphel, Mistress of the South, seeks an audience with the Lords of Umbar, Khand, and Harador.
Do not be mislead by the false whispers of elves and dwarves. What do the flighty tree-folk or dour creatures of stone know of the trials and tribultions that hamper the lords of Men? Your woes may be laid at the feet of the descendants of Numenor and their lackeys, the men of the North. Too often have they hampered your rightful expansion in the past, speaking prattle of freedom and peace even as they established their own empires!
I never thought you were bad, heavens no! I just thought you and your cohorts were lying, thieving, murderous, rat-bastards.
In response to the manifesto so eloquently espoused by the IK, I’d like to voice a rebuttal:
Blah, blah, blah!
Tha DS talk big, but you always lose! Didn’t you see the movie?
We, the Free, exhort the Neutrals to ignore the mindless warbling of the slaves of Sauron and instead join us as equals in wiping out their loathsome existence from Middle-Earth.
Ahhhhh the babbling of dark servents, they are so misunderstood. tell me then Murazor and Hoarmuarth if the dark servents are the mighty servents, why do you need the help? surely your mighty nation and i will try not to laugh at that comment should be able to handle us.
Celdrahil of South Gondor
now all role playing aside, welcome everyone to the game and i hope you all a good game.
We the Dark Servants, would just like to share our good luck and high salaries.
Unfortunatly, those of you that have embraced the evil that is the light, will need to get 4 references signed in ungoliant blood written upon the paper from numenour.
Elrond, we would have just killed you, but now you will suffer a fate worse than death. You will be taken to the deepest dungeon of Barad Dur and you will be given a… MULLET. You will then be released to wander Middle Earth, a ruinous shadow of your former self, so that all may see your folly and despair.
And Celdrahil, I’m going to spend a few turns dreaming up a fate worse than a fate worse than death for you.
At this time I have got replays from all DS player and ONLY one FP player.
FP you have lost this game before it even began, if you continue like this, and trust me, we neutral can’t even with our great potential make it out for the lack of communication on the team level.
No one choose a side that not even bother to answer a simple note and say hello
I cannot say why the Free haven’t contacted you, but sometimes players wait to initiate contact through the in-game diplos so that everyone knows that they’re really who they say they are. Or they may be on vacation, or they may not have time to peruse the message board. I know at least one player on the Free team from another game, and he’s a good player. Any team with Chris on it can’t be all bad!
It’s not that unusual for a delay in communication until the first turn runs. But if Southern Gondor hasn’t contacted you when he’s on these boards, well, that’s obviously a calculated insult that should be met with cold steel and thousands of invading Dunlandings.
Adunaphel you should know better than telling other people to come and kill me. I only want peace and love to be spread across the land. I personally think that all the trolls & Orcs should be dressed in colourfull armor and carry flowers rather than brandishing swords and wear heavy plate armor
oh hold on what am i saying i keep on forgetting DS can only equip armies with no armor and wooden weapons, Leather Armor will be a luxury to you guys.
Now that said, i personally apologize to all the neutrals i have not contacted personally so far, no insults was intended.
Lets hear it for the Neutrals! Yes the cheers from the cities of the elves send waves of pure joy to the souls of the neutral nation…
The Elves of the Sinda Nation salute the neutrals in general. I have already said hello to some but not all of you.
I have not been on holiday and I was not insulting anyone in any way I would consider as an insult.
In fact, the Elven nation has been consulting with allies and has devised with them some well-crafted and fantastically clever plans for the downfall of the Dark Servant scum.
Keyvan of South Gondor has correctly pointed out that for the whole game the DS will be fighting barebuttocked with blunt sticks. This is surely not a dignified way to conduct war.
Anyway nuff of snubbing the opposition. My name is Nick and I have the absolute pleasure of being an Elf for the rest of this game. Since I am spread out all over Middle Earth it means I will be able to irritate the DS in several places at once.
I have been playing for years and yet this is the first time saying hello at a forum. I thought I’d make an exception this time. Most of the time I rely on my fellow team mates to give me the neutral e-mails to contact them direct, which I do quite often as maybe one or two of you here can attest to.
Good luck neutrals and I hope you will join the righteous…
Sinda propaganda! There will be no bare buttocks in the ranks of the Ice King. It runs the risk of frostbite and lacks decorum.
That the Sinda fail to understand the difference between unarmoured and naked, should be evidence enough for the neutrals to make their decisions upon.
True, we will be attacking you with sticks, but I can assure you they will be pointy sticks, and not blunt ones. And, of course, certain of our characters possess really quite sharp daggers too - as the Sinda will be able to verify shortly. Cerin Amroth’s really not very far from Mordor…
The Sinda said “Since I am spread out all over Middle Earth it means I will be able to irritate the DS in several places at once”.
What they actually mean is thet they are spread so thin on the ground they are asking the neutrals ‘please, please, please do not attack us…pretty please’.
Furthermore don’t the FP know that naked orcs/humans/trolls are beserkers who fight to the death - the FP death that is.