Game 13 turn 5

Dear Tarondor and Mahrcared,

Either of you want to explain 3222 to me?

6000 troops in Mordor for 3 turns and one camp is all you have to show for it? Shame on you. :wink:

I guess I get to keep Durthang a little longer…

IK 13

Hiya Paul,

i think you will find that the peeps that play in game 13 as i used to, there are not that many who use this forum at all. but i pass the coment up when i see some of the lads for a drink later on.

good gameing mate

The Question is, is Tarondar & Mahrcared going to last another go?

I’ve moved a little army to 3222 hope they like the company.

Talking about major towns being kept why have you not yet taken Barad-dur?

No ambition, that must be it.

DkL 13

Another turn has gone and still the Eothraim cavalry are at 3222.

Please tell me if this is some type of strategy, because for the life of me i can’t work it out!!!

DkL 13

Just wondering.

The Free have annihilated Rhudaur (or rather, they will this turn) and the Witch King bankrupted, so the Northwest is completely Free turn 9 (Dunland went Free).

In Mirkwood, the Free haven’t taken Dol Guldur yet, but they have enough troops in the area to do it. They’ll wipe out the Dragon Lord’s recruiting army at Dol Guldur this turn and sent agents and emissaries to Sarn Gorwin (revealed previously). The Dragon Lord took out a few villages but no cities, unfortunately.

In Rhovannion, no damage to the Eothraim whatsoever. On the other hand, the Eothraim starting HC, while it kept us busy in Northern Mordor, burned a camp/fort for all his efforts, which isn’t great.

In Rhun, the Easterlings went Dark and stomped the Northmen, who though they will survive (the Free hid Esgaroth, a wise move… he considered moving there) aren’t in particularly great shape, sort of like the Dragon Lord.

In Illithin, the Gondors never made it past Barad Ungol, but we haven’t taken Minis Ithil yet, even though Osgiliath has fallen. A strange set-up, the Fire King certainly wasn’t idle, just good play by the Gondors.

In the South, the Corsairs (apparently going Free) treacherously attacked Harad (apparently going Dark) so it looks like war is erupting there. (I couldn’t resist a little editorializing there. In the Corsairs defense, the Harad moved against him at the same time).

In Southern Gondor, the Harad and Quiet Avenger attacked and have taken out two town/towers with two more to fall this turn.

It should be an interesting game.

Bradford, Quiet Avenger

I think Bradford summed this game up quite nicely but it would be nice to hear the free people’s point of view.

Ian DkL