Game 13

Late Rhudaur declaration for the DS, no WK, 5000 FP troops a march away.



They haven’t even earned “scum” yet, they’ve done nothing but take the lollipops and balloon horse given them. “…um, okay…” They’re probably quite gentle, upstanding folk. Which, frankly, merit’s death more than being scum…

I didnt say it had to be obvious.
I stated paranoid and far-fetched.

You be paranoid then…that’ll work in our favour…




Where were we, ah yes, I remember. The WK did more damage to me in 5 turns than the Free could do in 15, sweet. That’s what I was doing, crying for the last week-and-a-half.

Anyways, I’m going to MacArthur my way back into Angmar, just for spite. Consider it a promise.

Geez, you Kingdoms just aren’t letting up, are you? While it’s nice to see in an independent game this kind of (thus far…) sustained human pressure, well, it’s not so nice… :eek:

Tell us, did a failed bridge shot at 3024 allow this to happen? It doesn’t matter at this point, but the guy whose agent muffed it up is feeling kind of bad, and I want to make him feel really bad…! :wink:

Well, I’ve been reading this threat all the time, and I find it quite funny that the DS won’t give Mike and me any credit for the battle against the Wk. Fine with me. We’ll just go on playing having fun.
But as a hint to the DS: Being annoyed with one player of the own team doesn’t mean the other side has played badly or wasn’t prepared for more.
And we haven’t even started with the plan we mentioned earlier :).
Tine - Cardo

I just gave you credit, re-read. Sorry, what more do you want?

I surely didn’t take any credit away, but I’m still disappointed that you knew the WK was out before we did. It usually takes a turn, so that smells funny.

No one said you played badly, it was said you played nothing new. I give no credit to any FP’s in the West, other then you moved your armies on the WK and he handed you Angmar, the WK killed himself…Crow on somthing that matters.

Bring on your big plans, its still a long way to Mordor. My armies move 12 hex’s a turn…How about you?

Ji Indur

Hey Tine,

I wasn’t being critical of your approach, in fact I think you’ve played it well. It’s just that pretty much anything would’ve worked, as the WK simply threw away the NW. Damn, he didn’t even try to prevent himself from going bankrupt - even as his own teammates were making sacrifices to keep him afloat.

I’d like to think we all want a good game, where the opposition is challenging and victory is well-earned. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. I’ve played in a few games now where players just flaked out on their teammates (remember 92?). It sucks and I’m tired of it. The WK seems particularly vulnerable to this, probably because on the surface it looks like such a powerful nation but in fact it is a really tough position (call it “North Gondor syndrome”).

Hmm, looks like I’m shifting into “rant mode”. Time to stop. See you on the battlefield.

  • Keith of Khand

Did Sinda’s suicide against Dol G work? I see the DrL split off part of his army running home.

Stumpie still awaiting his turn…

OK, here we go:
Veo, sorry if I misunderstood, but the most positive thing (remember I’m talking NW) is that we’re “probably quite gentle, upstanding folk”.
Gargamel, as you see from this threat I knew Adrian before from #88; so this was a rematch with changed sides.
Hi Tine
Life is great although we are going through hospital merger/downsizing here - much like the Witch King really. Have to say playing this position has been challenging not helped by some mistakes on my part. Ah well live and learn. Hope things are good with you and hope to see you in a future game
All the best
This is an email from Adrian. If you want I can forward the whole email threat to one of you Darkies. Now I’m not a natural English speaker, but HAS BEEN means past. The email is dated from the 29.3.06, btw.
So no sleeping with the enemy, but an unfortunate use of phrase.
Iron Lord: Well, you keep crowing about the WK - get over it. You’re having 2 Neutrals and none of the Free is whining about that.
Keith, thank you for kind words :). I unfortunately do remember #92 as well as #88 which were both a pain. And you know I love a good game - good luck to you; I’d say so far you’re doing very well!!!
Tine - Cardo

Actually, Adrian forwarded most of that particular thread to the DS group…

Considering the circumstances, the whole shock value of the WK’s demise is, well, extraordinary… Turn 5 and the whole of Angmar except 2006 is in FP hands, and INTACT, with the WK elminated from play. I wouldn’t have imagined that as possible, frankly. I’ll remember this game for a long time if for no other reason than that… Many years from now, in the MEPBM retirement home, we’ll all be “Remember that game, the one where the WK gave away his nation and died on turn 5? Never before nor since seen the like of that…”

I think this is a good game. FP have problems around the sea of Rhun, you have the upper hand in Rhovanion and the Black Gate area. We have the upper hand in Nw and more or less in Ithillien. If only a neutral or two would join us it would be almost a perfect game…

You might think it funny, but both Mike and I were occasionally a bit nervous since we couldn’t believe it either. We kept looking around for hexes where some armies could have disappeared - cavalry attack in the north?? I admit I’d love to exchange turns when the game is finished.

So we have the advantage in the areas that are least densely populated, excellent.

Akhorahil, Goat-Herder

Master of Goats: I think that defeating the Northman is the key to most DS victories. Of course it would require a coordinated effort to exploit the opportunities so kindly provided by the easterling. Your upper hand in Rhun/Rhovanion is much more mportant than the collapse of WK, which in most cases are more or less unevitable, assuming all players to be of equal skill etc., etc. Right now the overall strategic situation is to your advantadge, but given a neutral declaration or two it could be evened out.

I agree that the WK in general is pretty much doomed, but whether it happens sooner or later is what the war in the NW is all about.

Right now the overall strategic situation is to your advantadge

Hmm. I think you’re overly pessimistic about the FP situation. However, I’m not going to complain if you tell me we’re winning… though that doesn’t mean I actually believe you. :wink:

  • Keith of Khand

Work? Well, he died, so that part of the program ran ticketty-boo :smiley: Is the Dragon Lord bankrupt? No :stuck_out_tongue: Have his taxes gone through the roof? No :stuck_out_tongue: Is he mildly constrained in his available order choices? Yes :mad: Are you going to eliminate him? No :eek: