Game 13

:confused: Are you serious??? 9500 troops en route to Dol G, WK not only eliminated but Angmar handed to the FP on a platter…and turn 5, NOT 10. Huge SG army on Ungol, Ithil back in FP hands, more FP commanders than DS agents, talk about killers.

And the DS have the Upper Hand? Are you serious??:confused:

“What?? This can’t be happening… NO. It’s not possible…??? They MUST be somewhere, LOOK BACK! No…? UP NORTH…! Oh Gawd get the Palantir…!! What? Really? Um, okay, well, let’s try to threaten another one then…just keep moving forward, yes, that’s it, let them react to OUR game, yeah, he can come, let him come…!”

Yeah :frowning: I know…

I’m never completly serious.
You forgot to mention the loss of three towns and two MTs in the Rhun area, and more are likely to follow.

You moan of the loss of NW turn 5, the entire battle up there probably wont be over before turn 8-10. The question is: how much damage can the NW FP do to the DS once WK/Rhu is elimanted?

I will also answer your first question and divulge a secret: the bridge failure probably had a significant effect, and it is much worse than it looks…it really is…:smiley:

Veo: Most magnanimous of you to give us credit after all. We’d like to think our campaign in Angmar. After all, Arthedain hasn’t assaulted anything yet, not even a camp. The good burgers of Angmar seemed delighted to switch sides.

Our congratulations to the Easterling, who’se done more damage than the rest of the dark servants combined. History will not record that the easterlings went dark, but the dark went easterling.

I imagine the Sinda feel the same.

We’ve been begging Ovatha to let us join him, me, heck, I’ve been doing it for 3 consequetive games now…FINALLY, he allows me onto his yahoo group (I was the proud 2nd member of the group!)…!

My warriors are honored by your words. However, since history is written by the winners, what I expect will actually be recorded is:

The Easterlings were a bunch of vicious bastards who used an accidental stunty infestation as an excuse to go on a brutal rampage.


a. It’s the typical way the FP propaganda machine would portray a DS nation
b. It’s exactly how most Easterlings would describe themselves (a few real diehards would want “baby-eating” and “drunk” thrown in there as well).

  • Keith of Khand

Just had to make sure you were a suitably nasty troublemaker before I let you into the club. Believe me, I haven’t been disappointed… :wink:

  • Keith of Khand

Obviously has his standards set really, really low :wink:

Rock bottom, in fact. :wink:

Harumph…well, I most certainly stand apart from the crowd then… :frowning:

Absolutely. As a schemer, gambler, instigator and all-around wildcard you have few peers. No wonder I like having you as an ally. :slight_smile:

Now if only Clint would let us sit next to each other in class (WK and Rhu, perhaps?) :wink:

Can you blame the rest of the DS?

Well, if it’s a popularity contest amongst the smug and self righteous, well, they’ll vote for one of their own, no? I don’t see how pointing fingers at the DS is in any way accurate, those are more human than wraith qualities, no?

We dont point fingers at you!
Its more like swords, spears and such.

Point away Hellbit, point away…

That’s just soo sweet!

As I have mentioned before: Brad would make a great Byzantine Emperor. Keeping the barbarians confused and disunited is an art form. The first thing out the window is English ‘fair play’.

For 600 years the Vikings and Celts who made up of the Vagarian Guard kept
the Byzantine Empire afloat, in the last 400 years the Byzantine
Emperors were decedent and a hinderence to the continued survival
of the said empire… My Phd was the peoples of Western Europe’s influence
in the continuation of the Byzantine E. They wouldnt allow me to do a
Lord of the Rings Orc Study… Good luck to all in this game… I’ll leave it up
to you guys to discuss if Brad is one of the earlier Emperors or one of
the later Emperors…

Brad, I intneded my comment as a complement. Guy intended his (probably) as a disparagement. You may recall Guy disparaged the U.S. Army a few years ago.

Wonder how the Greeks and Armenians view his racial theory that the Anglo-Saxons/Danes/Celts held up the empire despite them.