Game 13

You can play 2 nations. Get a friend or 2, and finally you can invest in a game that you have some input into AND it turns around fast enough to actually SEE your strategic vision develop whilst you remember what the heck it was you thought you were doing in the first place…!!

Come now, send in your nations and let’s get this one going~!


I’ll either go one nation in 13, or one in Ed’s - Stevie Wonder vision for world conquest game :smiley: I’m easy, I do prefer being able to exercise my impressive interpersonal skills though :cool: I tell you what, you decide which is the more important to start.


Winsten wun toof

Game 13 - how appropriate~! 1650 Indie, 1 week turnaround~! If you like the game, you get results and work on new strategies faster. If you think the Indie games suck, this one last 1/2 the time - here, I’m reducing your suffering~! Come come, sign up, put in for 2 and see if you really have a clue~!