Game 141 Begins

Woops, sorry for posting the other thread titled Game 441 Begins, since it has now been assigned a new number!

Greetings to all from the North Kingdom, Jeremy Richman, Hope to hear from all players, especially my fellow-neutral Forlinden!

“By the grace of my Lord, i bring gifts from the East to Thy Majesty”

Both? so you dont want to hear from me? :frowning:

Here it is “The Sing a song” hoping to hear from “ALL” the sides.

PM me to get email address.

Greetings from the Southern Kingdom!, looking forward to talking with everyone.


oh well maybe i will receive faster answer if i give my email:

euREMOVEMEgenio at eru dot it

to send email remove the part in caps (REMOVEME)
at means @
dot means .
of course every space shall be removed as well ^____^

i really hope to be contacted by everyone

Greetings to the Neutral nations! Here’s hoping you all choose the side of good and light, that being, of course, the Free Peoples.

And a pox on all you icky Dark Servants!

Ground Pounders
pvci mahoney (at) gmail (dot) com
(delete spaces and do the other usual stuff to make a real address)

Hi all,

I’m the neutral at Forlinden, Alvernus. You can contact me at

Good game all,

great so also the goodies exist… i was starting to fear only neutrals were around ^_____^

I think there are quite a few folks who play this game but rarely (if ever) check these forums. I usually only check during the first few turns, to get contact info for the Neutrals, or to provide mine if I’m playing a Neutral nation.

So you may not see much more here from many of the other players - FP, DS or Neutral. (Also, I think some folks won’t even know the turns have gone out till they get off work and get home to check their emails. It’s still not yet 5pm here on the US West coast.)

I knew the forum is often neglected, was just joking a bit, anyhow at least i got in touch with you… but i am still here, waiting for a gracious DS contact too :slight_smile:

It is a bit unusual that no one from the DS has chimed in yet. Perhpas they realise the darkness cannot prevail against the Light, and they have given up already. :wink:

And it seems there are also … <counts on fingers> … um … <counts again> … er … <and again> … more neutrals that haven’t put in an appearance here, and we’d like to at least say “hello” to all of them.

Hello All - Trollusk here from the DS checking in!

Glad to see everyone trading contact info. And Jeremy - good to see you as NK again. You just can’t get enough of Arnor eh. :wink:

I’m adamonmars <at> for folks who would like to say hello. Happy to talk to Freeps as well as Neutrals.

Ernie is following the darkness on this one, but rarely checks the boards.


Great Trollusk

Trollusk … is that like some mad scientist’s cross between a troll and a … snail? :slight_smile:

Benim an Pharazon from the DS here.

NK again Jeremy? Aren’t you tired of that position yet.

Hey Paul, looks like we won’t be allies this game, what with you poxing me already :slight_smile:

Contact is: lechipman at comcast dot net


For those who ask – I requested NK for this game looong ago, back when it looked like game 47 was going to be made untenable by the layout of neutrals and the large 3-nation neutral team that had joined together, which made game balancing look difficult. When this game (141) started I had forgotten I was still signed up for NK! However, happy to have another chance to play it.

Yeah, more or less. Plus some hot-sauce and a buzzsaw. :slight_smile:

What can you expect though - now that Sauron’s gone us little orcs have to name ourselves and linguistics never really was our strong suit.

Sh’iar Empire checking in; I can be reached at

hope to have a fun game; this may be the last game for the Twins Perilous ( Jason and Jerry Roberts) for a time as Jason is time constrained professionally and needs to step back from gaming for a time. so drop him a note if you know him and wish him well would ya !!

and any idea why I keep getting booted and have to sign back in every 5 minutes, literally? Thats reeks of Freep tampering with the forums again.

Looks like an interesting group of DS. J, wish J all the best.


Twilight Hammer clan signing in from Enedwaith…Thanks fax for the well wishes. Only1_4peincipal at yahoo dot com

I will be in touch with the neutrals to establish commerce and information sharing. We are looking forward to winniing this final game for the twins…hoping it is a fun time for all.


Enedwaith…I can knock you out on my way to Ernie…

Now where’s this Sh’iar dude hiding? I got boxes to check off here, c’mon boyz, fess up and prepare to face the music.