Game 142 (IV age)

who is joining this game?


I’m supposed to be in it. I’m at work, though, and can’t check my email to verify.

I’m looking forward to it. It’s going to be a challenge since you know nothing about the other nations!

I’m in the game. Got the email today

The regions have been assigned.

yep but no comment until the game has officially started as said in the ME mail

You may chat to players who you have signed up with (but no others inside the game). Listed below is your allegiance and region. No posting on the forum at present please until you’ve received the 0th turn.

Its Friday. Will our set ups be sent out today?

4th age setup needs a bit work, i believe monday or even tuesday

Me and a few friends have been waiting for about 4 months to get a game filled, and today we were informed that a player didn’t get their setup info in on time, so we’re back to waiting again…

Yup! Dang it!

I was informed that there are a few interested parties in the position; now just hoping it is taken quickly so the game can begin.

Thursday, March 14. Get ready for it…

do you have official infos that it will be out today?

Looks like Thursday is out. Friday we hope?

i believe it will.
work was halfway @first afternoon.

NK checking in.

looking forward to talk to my fellow neutrals and the fp just out my doors.

of course any mail from the DS side and the rest of the fp will be more than welcome.

mail at Eugenio at eru full stop it

Friendly Neighborhood Necromancer checking in!

Looking forward to hearing from everyone.

adamonmars at yahoo dot com

Let’s get this game rolling!


Ulairii checking in.

Am I late? Miss anything?

Right on time…