As a neutral in this game you (the dark servants) might like to curb the rather mad over-enthusiasm of The Emerald Order (Steve #13).
He has cleverly sent an email to all neutrals declaring them (including the kingdoms) as immediate enemies that he will attack.
Much as I’m sure you will appreciate having not only the freeps but also the neutrals as enemies from turn 1, you may need us in the future.
Sadly the actions of one person might very well have lost you potential allies.
And as for him thinking that because we chose to start as neutrals we might be newbies at the game…ha ha ha ha! Wrong.
Well, the Emerald Order’s posture sure makes it interesting. Shall I consider both DS and FP enemies? Because the EO isn’t the only one to start the game with a threat.
The FP also started the game with a threat. They threaten my nation with their starting positions. Especially the Marsh Men. Their start says that either I should expect to join them early, or expect to fight them early.
My choice is to fight them. Very early.
At least they were more subtle than the EO. But their threat is also more serious. So be it.
After talking to the FP, they state that they had no intention of attacking your good self at this time, and have desperately been trying to contact you.
Can I suggest you at least speak to them?
Looks like no-one on your side is interested in having the neutrals join you. Your choice I suppose…
I never believed they intended to attack me early. I believe they intended to try to diplo me into joining them, while preparing to take me out if I chose not to.
Since I wasn’t willing to be under pressure to join the FP, I decided my best option was to fight them early rather than wait until they were prepared. Now when I make the decision to join a side, I’ll do it on my own terms.
I think it is very clear now that, your attack of the Marsh Man on turn one was more a matter of you having ties to nearly everyone else in this game. Not only did you start this game with two neutrals allies; the Flurtharin and the Brodic Sons. But you also have a hidden ally in the Good Nation, the Prophets of Doom, and a group of Evils to boot, The Seekers and the Frost Queen-and others? All of these nations happen to start right by you. If you need to load a game so heavly in your favor to win…I feel very sorry for you. Yes, its true the Goods in this game would have a very hard time overcoming 2 to 1 odds (or worse) and attack by one of our own teammates (not that he ever spoke a word to us) and nearly all of the Neutral and Evil players. How sad; your probably even proud of your success.
One thing you are correct about, Order of Iron. I did start as part of a neutral team. Though this was not hidden information, everyone knew there were neutral teams.
As I said in a previous post, I made some early decisions. One of these was to attack the Marshmen immediately. If you are so aware of what is going on, then it should be obvious why I might make such a decision.
I started this game only knowing my two teammates were in the game and was rather dismayed at seeing my setup and being quite surrounded. I beg your forgiveness for cutting deals where I have to in order to survive (sarcasm, for those who are impaired). However, the fact remains that the game was not stacked by anyone, nor is it likely winnable by my team. Not that we won’t try
Hope that there are no hard feelings, after all, it is just a game, and we are all just trying to win as best we can. I would like to point out when starting next to a kingdom, there is no guarantee you’ll not be attacked. I would not have chosen the Marshmen setup (and if I did, there would have been a camp/tower between NK and my town).
I joined this game with the intent of nuking the NK after pop center limit.
The MM foolishly placed camps in my area, during the whole camp placement phase of the game. The FP became enemy number 1 for me at that point.
I pretty much hate neutrals but the camps placed in my territory caused me to change goals. I plan to do as much damage to the FP as possible.
You only have yourself to blame for my involvement
Its clear from your troubles with the game set up, Emerald Order, you where not part of the NK’s less then legitimate game play. Your reason for attacking the MM are your own. However consider that the MM had NO IDEA that you where up in the NW most corner of the map. He put two emys up there thinking that the area was empty then once he saw that you where there, he left. The Prophets of Doom did not do this becasue he was with the NK from turn 0 knew where everyone in the game started.
Your excuses for attacking the Marsh Men on turn 1 are weak. You communicated with no one on the Free People side other then the PoD, and he did not speak with us. The fact of the matter is that the Prophets of Doom started this game closer to you then the Marsh Men. The Emerald Order was just as close. I’m sure there are some evils near you as well. You left the Prophets of Doom alone, you even let him move large Cav. armies near to your Capital and over your PC’s so that he could move down and attack the MM on turn 4. Why, trust him and not even bother talking to the MM or any of us for that matter? If your so put out by someone starting KIND OF close to you then why not attack the one who was closest?
Your point about needing to win the game as a Neutral as excuse for your play so far, is not very convincing. It makes winning this game for you guys that much more easyer (it will be the DS). Winner only determines who places 1st and only one player can do this.
I do find the play of this game less the honorable and I’m not alone. We, the real 7 Free Peoples of 142, have asked Middle-Earth to look into the game in that we believe that you, and those with you, started the game with hidden friends playing the other two allegiances. It might be a easy matter of just seeing if you swapped contact info. in the frist few turns of the game with the PoD and others. Or by looking in detail at your play on turns 0-2, if supplies where moved, info. spells for you cast, ect. However, it might not be so easy to show; regardless (unless considerable evidence revealing otherwise comes to light) the whole good side will most likely withdraw from this nonsense. We want no part of such less then honoralbe adversaries in this game or ANY to come. You can fun cheating yourselfs out of a good game.
Nope PoD joined the game with me. We play lots of game together and we never play against each other. As you must know I joined the game as FP but MEG “screwed the pooch” with my setup and I was the 10th FP vs. 8 DS. When I was asked to change allegiances, I informed MEG that allegiance would not matter and that I would work with PoD regardless of what our icons showed.
You certainly have the right to express your opinion but it sounds like sour grapes to me. This is FA; there is no guarantee of allegiances staying together. The best FA games that I have played in were multi-allegiance games under GSI (#7 was the best). I don’t really know why people assume that FA still has to be a Good versus Evil struggle; I guess they are few lateral thinkers left in this game.
Your statement about the MM placing camps in my area is not accurate. The MM knew I was up here on after movement on turn 2 and still placed camps on turn 4.
If the “7 real FP” feel the need to drop then do so. I don’t much care to play against people that are always looking for someone else to blame. I don’t really understand why 7 is not viable team though; I have played tens of games with 7 allies or less most of them in successful fashion.
There was no conspiracy on my part nor the PoD’s part other than to nuke the NK. I even sent an email to all the neutrals turn 1, telling them that I considered all of them the enemy. Feel free to send all you have the EO and PoD. We will either survive or we will fall but you will not see us complaining in a public forum about what transpires. We both know that the only guarantee in FA is that there are no guarantees in FA.
I am only posting the PoD part because he works 64-72 hours per week and has little time for inane banter.
Thanks to the EO for sheding some light on the set-up info. If M-E set you up with another nation of the opposite side and you where clear with them that the two of you would work together (understandble if you asked to enter the game with each other), then the set up would be 10 vs 8 no matter what. That fact alone I personaly don’t mind and don’t see as unplayable at all. My apologies to the NK with regaurds to that matter. I never would have just assumed that M-E would set the game up so “screwed” and the only other option in our minds was that he to came into the game with hidden friends. We did not know that you had a friend that got suck on the good side or you on the evil, whichever, we thought you where a solo switch.
This results of all this however have now snowballed. Becasue of your contact with the evils and deals struck with the N-K and his gang. We have game with nearly (other then a few stray neutrals) EVERYONE attacking one side. The evils moved over the NK and his friends and came after the goods, along with the NK and his neutral allies and with you and the PoD. This will not make for a good game, if you think so well then I don’t know what to say. I got to say that we where more puzzled then anything. Each turn we watched the list of people attacking us grow and grow until it became almost funny. Its turn six the MM have been attacked by a Kingdom and what 5 other nations?
I think if you or the PoD (or the NK- and his friends or the evils-hell anyone) could have maybe spoken with the goods just a little (even if it was: “here is the shake down, now die”) it would have easly advoided this confusion and hardfeelings over why eight+ nations from three sides are attacking four in the west alone. Of corse thats your call. I don’t feel like airing my grievances, here was wrong. It happens to be the only way we have talked and it seems some good has come of it. I’m unsure what the goods will do now …its clear to me that we don’t have any chance if everyone is going to ignore all but us. Its not like you guys are playing poorly and we can overcome the 2 to 1 edge by strong play. Such overwhelming attack so early has us very flat-footed. Reguardless I’ll speak no more of it. Best to you, the PoD, the N-K and the rest of 142.
You can believe it or not, but I did not start this game knowing (or even suspecting) anyone in it but the neutral teammates I joined with. My name was public knowledge, so it isn’t too suprising that someone who knows me might contact me right away. That I didn’t bother to talk to you or your teammates is irrelevant. I made my intent to fight the MM known early, not that I was obliged to do so. Being the one who was surrounded (by 6 other NON-neutral nations, no less), I think I have the right to choose who I deal with and who I don’t.
Maybe I should point out the obvious. I am NOT allowed to change allegiance. That kinda puts me at odds with all FP and DS, don’t it. Not going to survive without cutting some deals. And the threat of NK bearing down a couple choice nations does give me some bargaining power.
As for not playing, that’s your choice. My neutral teammates and I didn’t quit just because we were badly outnumbered. Nor did we quit because a DS jumped one of us first turn without warning. Marsh Men (and by association, your FP team) isn’t the only one I am out to trash. The Blood Pact I am after as well, for his attack on my ally, and I am already taking action against him. What deals I have to make with other players I will, be they FP, DS or neutral. Chances are I’ll tend to make those deals with people I know. No offense to you.
This game may be a free for all, but it is certainly not won by any “side” yet. Certainly not by the DS. I’m gonna trash a few of them if I have my way, and I don’t exactly owe any neutrals except the ones I joined with.