You know sometimes I almost wish that is true, these Greek girls are
very tiring. When I want to check the palanitr out they just wanna
check my ‘palantir’ out… Sooner or later its going to be a heart attack
in the middle of passion but hey what a way to go
1873 and 1211. 1022 and 978, respectively, of those are mostly insults, childish name calling, and judging each other’s abilities as sadly lacking. The others are Guy setting up a grudge team outside this game, and me, of course, ruling the FP councils, orchestrating everything and generally running roughshod over tact, decorum, and the banal pleasantries found on other yahoogroups. :o
Well, more like 10,000 if you include the funny navy bit too… Pelargir’s got itself a little crime wave, I’m guessing… Interesting strategy all together, though. Steal me blind while I have 50,000 in army costs and then bug out when I have none. And don’t listen to John. In our other game he wanted a curse artifact for Ji Indur and keeps insisting the Ice King build HC to protect the back door…
Which DS cracked Guy’s password to lull us into a false sense of impending doom…? I was quite enjoying the prospect of catestrophic slaughter, this hopefullness just will not do. I’m reporting this post to Clint as offensive…
You mean money and stupidity, don’t you? What NE mages are you referring to, anyway? It’s “NE Mage”…no ‘S’…
“Ring Leader” Ha. HaHa.
Hey, Brad, luck was on your side, I admit…Tracking 135 and landing on the same hex with your company… I have some explaining to do to my teammates. And if just a turn later, Elrohir would’ve got a leukemia instead of pneumonia… Oh, well…
Now, it is our turn to play hunters… You better run very fast!
The funny thing is we didnt track Elenruth, we just hoped the BS would
feel safe enough to train a curse team at his capitol… So sillyness isn’t
just a FP provision…
Now, now, now Brad. Don’t exagerate, it was only 10 or so emails about
setting up another grudge team. Already in a grudge team with half of
the FP of game 13 and have been for a couple of years. Now thats a fun
team to play with.
If we were planning on stealing Elenruth and we succeeded in stealing Elenruth, then what exactly has Luck to do with it?
We found it first. We just wanted it back. Now, if you’ll hand over some more of those artifacts, we can make a game of this.
Big HUG!!!
Sorry it was so long in the coming Khamul, but I did not realize one was requested.
If NG had much to crow about in this game other than sacking DG, I would post more often. B.B. gets as much credit or blame as everyone else in this game for the success or failure of his teammates. Still, as long as there is fight left in one of us, count on all of us to continue.
Ahhh… thanks John G. good to see you post. I’ve wondered where you where in all this…
I’m sad to report that your men at 3113 are outnumbered as I have more dragons in that army then you have troops. Please keep out of the Dragon-Plex as the DS now call it.
Good Luck,
John L.
The self fancied mighty DragonPoo is under the false impression he is
busting my chops in this game, didnt you mother breast feed you when
you were young? Not only that but speaks so much smack its hard
to believe anything he ever says… So you have more then 1300 dragons
John? You’re so full of it I wouldnt be suprised if the US government
declares a state of emeregency and a 5 mile health risk exclusion zone
around you.
Now if you’re gonna talk smack try to make either interesting or funny,
both preferably… Please look up interesting and funny in the dictionary
as you obviously have no idea what they mean
Luck is that I brought my mages back to my capitol exactly as Noldo company arrived! IT IS luck… But it changes
But on the other hand with an NE agent company in the area hitting DS
capitols it wasnt a good idea to move the mages back to the captiol… If
you were there to name mages sending 1 without any spirit arties would
have been a better choice… It was a calculated guess you would be
greedy and move back a few mages to name mages… We all live and
learn from this game…
There were a lot of mages on the BS capital. With the agent hitting miscellaneous capitals in Mordor, well, it was certainly interesting. My previous question was rhetorical, as I wasn’t tracking Elenruth for the purpose of grabbing it. We have a couple LA mages who pick off interesting toys at random, and Elenruth was LA’d close to there the turn or so before. I used my weakest mage to steal it, thinking “What are the odds it’s here”. We all found out the odds. Lucky, I guess Yes, as Guy implied, there is always lots to learn…
John and Guy, now now boyz. Trying to get one over the other is likely a little tougher than converting the Pope to Scientology. One day you’ll end up on the same team by accident - geez, even Guy and I take each other’s advice sometimes…! :eek:
You stole with a mage? Wow, you have some serious super mage
super powers Brad! This game remind me of a certain African country
when my squad was ordered to hold a bridge at all costs with 20k+
rebels desperate to break through to the city beyond. A dark time, when
even hopes were counted in dead bodies. No mercy asked no mercy
given… The DS wont get a surrender if ME was the real world and its so
much easier to fight on in fantasy… Dont you think?
In the real world, surrender can be worse than a clean death in battle.
In the fantasy world of ME, surrender frees up some time and $$$ for the next war.