Game 16 POWER

Well, I AM the Noldo you know… :wink:

Okay, I think faster than I type…or type faster than I think? Likely the latter, ever since I’ve added the 3rd middle finger, I just rock !

I’m not sure what breast feeding has to do with this game, but um-okay…

The dragon post was an exaggeration, something you’re quite good at as you do it almost every time you string 3 words together.

Funny, funny, funny you keep talking about this? Yet if you think you have been the funny Guy of 16, I’m afraid to report you’re having some off the self-fancied ideas your point a finger at me about. You have done little more then piss folks off, including most of your own team from what I hear. The DS are not the only people talking about you…it just seem I’m the only sucker actually talking with you. Something I should change….but I just love bad hobbits. You nasty little bugger you…


Aaaaaawwwww, thats the nicest thing you said so far to me… :stuck_out_tongue: Gonna
frame it and put in the wall

Excellent! Pride and ego dictates that instead of a graceful surrender knowing the war is lost, you would rather be kicked while you are down…:smiley:

Ice Ice Baby

Lol, I do love a good kicking… Kick me kick me hurt me hurt me :stuck_out_tongue:

You`ll get yours, we show no favouritism :wink:

Ice Ice Baby

Can’t wait… Nothing like a good ol kicking after a good meal with
litres of wine… :stuck_out_tongue:

Uh oh, naming calling now. That really hurts coming from someone as esteemed as yourself.
I would refrain from using brains and yourself in the same sentence unless you preface it by “lack of”

Actually, I will say what I please so you can add me to your ignore list or live with it.

As for my ignorance you certainly have the right to that opinion.
My take is that I defecate more MEPBM skill per day than you will ever possess. :smiley:

Thanks for your concern. I am just fine. Was your statement a Freudian slip per chance?

I will pass of the hug; afraid I might start playing ME in a piss-poor manner like yourself.

Since you were so generous to offer it I feel that I should reciprocate with something, hmmm. I know, how about a lesson in ME strategy and tactics?
Nah, that is no good. One lesson pales in comparison to the schooling that your team is receiving. :smiley:

Wow, I thought I had left the playground insults behind me long ago. Given what you have to work with, I guess I should not be surprised.

For the record I have 20/20 and 20/15 vision

I am sure you have heard “don’t bring a knife to a gun fight”
You should pay heed to that before trying to match wits with me.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

He is right Guy, I mean Celebion, he is like short bus or special olympic skill good, be afraid

Hey Celebion, just because 1 game isnt going perfect for the free, dont even begin to think you can measure any of my team’s skill any more than i could measure your lack of intellect or social skills.

Exactly Nightsbane, lets put an end to this name calling. :slight_smile:

I almost feel sorry for the Corsairs now (almost).

Resorting to childish insults speaks volumes about your ability to express yourself as an adult.
Of course since your team is getting their ass kicked, I guess you really cant talk about the game.

Later in the summer, I should be down to only a few games will be happy to play either you or the other “blathering mouth” in BOFA for money if you have the backbone for it. It is the only scenario that is suited for a 1-on-1 challenge.

Put up or shut up, if you will.

Feel free to PM with your responses and let this thread gravitate back to its original purpose.


Oh dear seems someone got their panties in a bunch, doesnt it? This game thread was fine with good light hearted ribbing until you seemed to need to attack a player’s skill or lack their of, Ill remind you again 1 game doesnt say anything about anyone’s abilities. Talk about childish, take a good long look in the mirror buddy.

As far as put up or shut up…why dont you try the latter?

Mike, dont bother with him, he just aint worth it… As Kev told me he
would even prefer to have Brad on their team then Steve-Celebion. Now
that speaks volumes about Steve’s character as we all know how much Brad
and Kev like eachother…

Done and Done, I apologize to the rest of the DS and Free to have seeming contributed to letting this spiral out of control, my part with it is done

Speak for yourself, Happy, not others - no need to degenerate to the level of junior high gossip.

Steve’s a fierce competitor and one of the strongest players I’ve come across in ME. I’d be happy to have him on my team anytime.

I wasn’t talking to you DieHard but; so in your theory Stalin and Hitler were
just misunderstood and just fierce competitiors? Its all good to be good
and fierce competitors but there’s a line one must draw involving respect
to the opponents and good natured ribbing. Celebion has only insulted
and its no concidence that more than 2 members of your team agree with

Who’s Kev and why doesn’t he like me? Oh bother, who cares…:rolleyes:

The game is done. Kudo’s to the DS. Excellent economic work, good job on the early Mage Killers, solid play from most quarters. I always like the Rhuangmar forces into Mirkwood, and I’ll never forget how fed cav can avoid the block from 2715 to 2711. Lots of learning done, lots of fun all around.


Brad SG/NE