Really?? Id love to know how, you expected to take my capital?..
Oh dear the total smack continue’s EVEN after game’s end! Talk to the hand
John because we just aint listening! Yawn
LOL talk to the hand.
Hey John,
Any chance I get to see how you guys managed a curse team on turn 3??
After all these years and countless games I’ve never seen it before this
Lots of yelling and screaming to enforce cooperation for the greater good against the pride of vested, individual interests, I’m assuming, what else could it be? I’m in a game right now where we could have killed on turn 2 - but the Individuals had better ways to use their characters… MY question is “How many people thanked you for it afterwards?”…
You need to be punished for your excessively optimistic banter.
A WK cav. army is siting at 1602 this turn.
For two turns, Arth was capital hit by agents and curse’s and is now clear of armies and commandes at 1407/1409 and the PC’s near by.
The WK is landing on 1407 this turn and would take it. Most likely by threaten as Ashub has a 220 command skill. Curse Company #1 as we call it and Khamuls RoW company holding CL, IK, DrL agents where coming to vist, to knock out all your chars at both Tharbad and your capital. Two 70 point IK agents where moving to the towers/camps on the road between Arth capital and Cardys capital to blow the tower. That makes the road clear for one turns march for the WK cav. army at 1407 the following turn. Bridge was blown below you this turn to stop the Dun from helping you.
Good chance your capital would have fell in 3 turns, Happies would have fell in 2…well at least that was the plan. I also planed NOT to lose 2715 but um…my dragons when to the EO-plex not Duran and we know what happened there.
Sounds nice John…I think rather optomistic, but would be a nice and interesting attempt none the else…then again I dont think you planned on losing 2809 anytime soon to 2300 Cardie HC and 2000 HI with warmachines, .as brad put it best, works in theory atleast
I may have heard of this game you speak of.
Gobins Gate was going to be toasted only a matter of time, if you did not get bottled up enough there you guys where moving well into MW and Back Godor areas…wait lets stop make me regreat the game’s over.
I was about to take the CO capital. I’ve got 2400HC and 32 warmachines and 3400HI. Seems like overkill but gotta spend the money somehow.
Coupled with the MT the Cardolan were going to lose and the reclaiming of Vamag, this turn was going to be a good 'un for us…
I feel sorry for Wade though. He played the first few turns as Harad but then went out travelling for a month. I’ve run his position and the QA in his absence. He comes back the end of this week and the game’s over…! :eek:
hehe indeed, like Guy said, the untouched nations couldnt be selfish enough to keep the game alive when the others wanted to concede, guess we will never know what would have happened, in the NW.would we…
I think you make a good point that we might not know when stuff would happen in the NW, as you guys would have thrown all kinds of interesting obstacles in our path… But we do know what would have happened as the situation in the rest of the map is deteriorating so rapidly, that the what is a forgone conclusion. We were definitely in a snowballing situation with more pops going into DS hands each turn than being lost, with more chars (and their orders) being lost each turn by the FP, etc. While the economy is huge, we could have made it not so in the not too distant future to make it even more difficult for you guys… No, I think the what is known, but you’re right that the when is debatable.
You guys (thankfully) chose to end it and gracefully concede. Thank you! We all enjoyed it very much and I’m sure if it was to be played over again, it’d be much tougher as you guys definitely came together (from our perspective) somewhere in the turn 6-10 area with more cohesive and interesting challenges to us.
The only chance for the FP (IMHO) was a one-ring victory, and as always, that’s a real long shot, would have cost a lot of real $$$, and so again, thank you for ending the game!
I had Elrond casting on it for a few turns and hasn’t been successful locating it yet. Of course, John advised you guys were about to kill Elrond…so even if we played the last “free” turn, it looks very much like it would have been the last… And here I kept Elrond in a company so he would be “safe” and then sent him to the Ithil region…duh…!
my mages congured 50,000 MA for him
Anyway, a great game, and just about BS was to have some REAL fun they concede… oh, well, back to miniature painting
Your Blind Sorceror
Don’t feel sorry for me Kev, you did a capital job in my absense. I must admit to being a little peeved, though. I seem to recall begging the team to not win in my absense…