Game 16 POWER

No Iron Lord, there is nothing worse then spending all this cash on a game
for a cheap easy victory in Agmar, in fact I feel cheated by the challlenge
the Wk presented in Agmar. Its the 7th time I played Arth now and I was
expecting much more from the fight. Aaaaaaawwwww, give me that 11th
ring… But I’m impressed with the Mirkwood strategy which we as a team
should have responded sooner when we saw the DS icons on the northen
road on turn 1.

I have to agree with Dave’s points, repsect…

The Arth (sick of thrashing the WK every time just to see the rest of the
world in trouble). :frowning:

I still have Navorn…

b. Mordor is intact


c. 2715 is intact

Overrated, Dol G…

d. 3822 is intact

Please, I sent a crew in for a reno quote, that wasn’t accepted let me add, and THAT place is far from intact…

e. North Harad is only 50% conquered at the end of turn 8.

You mean 8% conquered, 42% given away.

f. South Harad has only lost one town

You mean the QA lost a town and an MT. That’s even with the Corsairs, although the Corsairs got a bitty back.

g. Mirkwood progress for the DS
h. Agent progression & capability
i. Curse squad status

Okay, I’ll give you Mirkwood (could have just asked…) and the agents (what’s this about? sun goes up, sun goes down? eh?). But the Curse Squad is likely the only real thing to crow about. Oh right, the economy.

We continue to be paranoid about a number of things

That’s the spirit! Ask Herman for some of his psychtropic pharmaceuticals, quite good for this kind of symptom.

da Freep

Should have done alot more with these troops than sit there. Waste of good moving cav, should have taken a chunck of Eoth as well. :cool:
Bains on his way don’t worry, time for you to start thinking about that 215 order. :smiley:

Regards Herman

By the way, did anyone ever see a game where the DS took more MTs that the FP by t8? By my count we have taken 6 so far: 3124, 3024, 2508, 2339, 2711, 3024 (again).

How many have the freeps taken? (please dont say it is 6 or more :-))

(for what it is worth, I dont think that the FPs are playing badly… it is just that we are playing BRILLIANTLY):smiley:


3124 doesn’t count as it can’t be held, it’s a given. So we will give you 5 and retaking one you took then lost doesn’t count, you only get to count the ones you keep so we will call it 4.
1910, 1804, 2409, 2730 so far for our guys with 2135 about to be added to our list. Not great admittedly but not nearly as bad as you would be suggesting. :wink:

Regards Herman

But how many cities have you guys taken??? Cheeky, counting 1804 as a
major town! :stuck_out_tongue:

Notice the quick and witty DS reply…

HappyMadCat - we never claimed to be quit or witty…

Neither did we. LOL. So how exactly many cities have you guys taken??

ok, at game end, if nothing else, you FP can lay claim to the “quick and witty” and maybe “cities captured” awards…

maybe the “cities captured” award… maybe…

but surely you can have the “quick and witty” award.

We DS never even aspired to such a lofty goal. Heck, I can’t even count accurately enough to figure out what 50% of north harad is… and as you pointed out, we can’t count MTs either… good thing math isn’t the primary factor in victory.


You strategically abandoned 3124 and 3024. But that still leaves 3 MTs taken by us that was definitely were not part of your game plan

Whereas I guess by now you would expect to have at least 7 out of 2730, 2732, 2535, 1910, 1804, 2305, 3822, 2715, 2409.

So by my ecto-frastic boolean wassercallit logic(*), that makes us 10 up :wink:

(*) yes we have professors in that discipline too

What is that tempting smell?! And just in time! My orc boyz just cleaned the horse bones, and here it is, more meat just coming our way! I take it, those stumpys are a bit “aged”, but meat is the meat - we will take it.

Thanks, Herman, for arranging its arrival. We will send you what is left after we digest it.

Yours in gratitude

Blind Sorceror…

Yes but now you will have to waste an order to pick up those ships again and you will have to take time to replenish the army so you won’t be getting up to much for a couple of turns. :slight_smile: I think I had a couple of agents chasing me also which is tying up assets all part of the fun.

Regards Herman

Wasting 2000 stumpys is worth wasting an order. Now, I have 30 orders per turn, do you have 60k of dwarven meat?? Bring them on!

Yours unfaithfully

the Blind

Missing an order has a snowball effect, especially in capitals. Those slow plodders shouldn’t have gotten past the 42xx row. :stuck_out_tongue: Wasted agent training opportunity I thought. As for 2000 stumpers, plenty more where they came from, next lot will be fed (short one of those valuable orders to get food!) :smiley:

Regards Herman

I hope the FP are not ready to roll over yet. The game just picking up and we got some free turns coming…

Come on Freebs bring it on!

Dragon Lord

Who said anything about rolling over…we just assumed you were surrendering. Guess we are both wrong eh?

Thats the Spirit!

Hey, Nighsbane your about to have a lot less troops this turn…

Herman, why did Bain stand up Ashbu? To much Goblin ale forget to march out?

Dragon Lord.

Perfect, Nightbane can recruit more… Plenty more where that came from. Give
me 2 more turns and not even a dragon will stop the next Arthy army…
Bring it on… Was waiting for Bain a wasted order IronLord?

LOL well I guess we need to move one of the multiple dragon armies that way.

The FP can’t outrun inevitability despite their delusional and masochistic tendencies :smiley: