You can’t secure Mirkwood till both Eoth and Sinda are removed and that won’t be happenning. You have gained a slight temporary inroad at the cost of your Angmar territories which have not been well defended at all. Once Angmar is secured by the Freeps (about 5-8 turns ) the weight of those troops will move East and clear away the small gains you have made. Far too early for you to be braging about things that probably won’t come to pass.
According to Ji Indur’s stoiachical trigonometrysonic counting mechanism, your statement is overly boastful and this shall be proven to you this fortnight.
I guess that you stumpys need to talk big to make up for size problems elsewhere…
Note for example, that we don’t seem to be hearing the same false bravado from your pony-loving brethren, the EO.
Here’s a little ditty for your EO brethren:
1…2…3…4 EO commanders missing before
5…6…7…8 EO commanders will abdicate
9…10…11…12 EO commanders the CL will shelve
13…14…15 woops… EO has no more characters
Harad. Very sneaky. Give everything away so you can brag that WE didn’t take them from you. I bet you’re having a screaming fit at the FK and QA for losing your homeland. I won’t brag about Carlon, maybe you’ll learn for the next time? (ps - of all the choices I had, I chose the one that issued Tactics…see? I’m gracious in victory…). Meanwhile, let Mirkwood burn. Morass, what a waste of green ink, I’ll have to doctor the bitmaps from now on to just remove it from ‘play’ entirely… (hint - if I’m ever the Sinda or Woodmen on your team, be afraid…)
Who’s playing Rhudaur again? Who? Sorry, what was that…???
Still no 11th ring for kings of men found in Agmar, you servants of Sauron have hid it well… Not many WK pops left so it might be in Rhuduar… Poor
Argeleb wants his 11th ring, must be at Cameth Brin where the Rhudaur Lords
are too overawed to wear it. Thats where my prresssiiiioooouusss must be…
No Guy! Don’t Do it! Don’t got to ROOOOOOOOOOODAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!! They’ll have DRAGONS! Wyrms in dem dar hills! YESSSS! Please don’t go to Rhudaur~! [sniff]. They’ll get you! You’ll never make it out ALIIIIIIIIIIIVVVVE!
Ahaha! Sorry, missed this one! Rhudaur Lords…! AHAHAHA! Oh you kill me, you’re too funny! Fresh - Frozen! Get your militarily intelligent genuine replica Rhudaur LORD today! Ahahahahaha~!!!
Brad, please don’t be jealous. We know how hard it is for you to watch someone else play Rhudaur. Perhaps one of your teammates could hold your hand for a while - that should make you feel better…
More Sinda to die at 2715…And yet more Sinda are to get ate at 2610. 4k sinda die in Mirkwood this turn and do nothing. The King of the Sinda must hate his people…wait there is no King of the Sinda…
Dwarfvy Poo, time to die at Mathelburg. Please send Bain over as well thats 860 E NE NO now make sure you march Normaly or you might not reach! Ashburbuk will be waiting for you.
The Free Peoples will lose another 8k+ troops in Mirkwood this turn, the trees weep with the blood of Men, Elves, and Dwarves. 12K+ FP troops dead in 2 turns. Sauron is pleased.
7500 WK troops, 1 city/Castle, 2 towns and 2 villages in Agmar destroyed. Is
Sauron pleased? Well give me that 11th ring and I’ll go easy on what remains.
Agmar never comes up in the DS posts… Eeer, why’s that?
Let’s keep in mind 7k troops in Angmar have been traded for 7 K troops of Arth and the Dwarf. I’ll grant you they did less of their job at defending the WK PC’s then was hoped. Death in Mirkwood was do to Challenge, Kidnaps, and Dragon. Those are the kind of exchanges to be proud of. They make Sauron sake like a bowl full of jelly. I know that’s going to be hard from the FP as they have now lost all the curse arts and all the Agent stealth arts to the DS…but keep trying. You never know Elrohir might get lucky this turn.
There is very little to say about the FP’s wining (though it’s not over yet) in Angmar. Honestly, if we where playing “the West” then we would be upset about it. I’ve happened to have seen the DS win 1 or 2 or 35 games where they have lost the West before turn 10….lets see how far its get’s you in this one.
True Iron Lord, but us Arthies never give up and we love a challenge. We consider it an honour to die in combat so many many more will come. Only 3k
of Arth troops have fallen to Wk troops, the rest died burning out the WK pops.
Really not a good defensive job any way you try to paint it…
Time will tell Celebion, just maybe we’ll suprise you guys… But to crow about
victory at this stage is a bit sad isn’t it? Yes, you guys have the upper hand
but victory??
Not sure why me expressing my opinion would be sad.
I don’t know 1650 well but I don’t think things get better for the FP as the game goes on due to the DS character advantage. Plus the FP have punted the artifacts on scale I have rarely seen.
very clearly this game is not yet over. It’s only over when one side admits defeat and neither side has done so. Thank you HappyMadCat for the kudos. The DS are pleased with a number of things so far:
a. artifacts have almost exclusively been retrieved by the DS
b. Mordor is intact
c. 2715 is intact
d. 3822 is intact
e. North Harad is only 50% conquered at the end of turn 8.
f. South Harad has only lost one town
g. Mirkwood progress for the DS
h. Agent progression & capability
i. Curse squad status
Clearly the FP are doing well in Angmar. Kudos to you for that. And kudos to the FP for the move onto 2135 this turn. ouch!
We continue to be paranoid about a number of things and will work to remedy the sources of our paranoia. Until we reduce paranoia sources to zero, we won’t ask for a concession. There remain a large number of these items. We don’t feel like we’ve “won”. But we do feel like we’re “winning”. That said, lots of sports games are lost in stoppage time or the last minute of play, so we’ll keep vigilant and we’ll keep our paranoia meters turned to high.
Trivia question: Just how many FP army/navy commanders are required to capture a Quiet Avenger MT/Castle? wow. the answer may surprise many
Dead is Dead Arth. But keep in mind 3,000 RH/WK Cav. went to Mirkwood and took out the Woodman. If they would have stayed home FP gains in the West would have been nothing. Its a price we payed and we are happy with it, sounds like you are as well…great. But, if you’d not won the 50/50 march to the WK capital you’d also lost all your starting troops with nothing…You have done well and got some luck…dont let it go to your head.
I got a bit of luck myself taking down the NG army outside 2715. I however dont think its over there…