----- Sauron announces weapons of mass destruction
Eastern generals, orcish warchiefs, and ambitious men of the west took note today as Sauron demonstrated the awesome power of unadulterated evil on the fortress of Minas Ithil. Where only moments before a mighty fort stood - a sore in the burning eye's sight- now rose a fuming cloud of toxic hate. Observers from as far away as Vamag could see the light in the night sky, but those closer remarked that this accomplishment had been done before a single orc had stepped into the pass. Already folk tales of goblinkind are being written in honor of the "fortress that leveled itself." Let us hope that coming days will bring us many such stories.
-------- Men of Gondor Vow Regime Change
Sauron continues to flaunt his hostility toward Gondor and to support terror. The Nazgul regime has plotted to develop assasins, and dark sorcery, and the one ring for over a millenium. This is a regime that has already used poison gas to murder thousands of its own citizens – leaving the bodies of orc-sows huddled over their dead orclets. This is a regime that agreed to the watch on Mordor-- then kicked out the rangers. This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world.
States like these, and their neutral allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes pose a grave and growing danger. They could provide these arms to other neutrals, giving them the means to match their hatred. They could attack our allies or attempt to blackmail Gondor. In any of these cases, the price of indifference would be catastrophic. For this reason, Gondor has decided to topple the regime of Sauron with or without neutral support. The destruction of Minas Ithil will not be forgotten (misremembered?).
I don´t want to critizise the mighty nation of the corsairs, but were you need a armada the DS can level a fortress without a single soldier or character. Sauron just wiggles his fingers and mighty fortresses disapear over night.
Join the DS ´cause they have super powers. Think what you can do with an armada and these super powers.
I can categorically deny that we have any WMD (Ways of Mastering Dragons) or that any agents are being trained for evil purposes. The fort at Minas Ithil is still standing. We do not have armies poised to fight, we are a peace loving people who simply want to be allowed to prosper.
Sauron is really a nice guy and works tirelessly for peace across all of Middle Earth. The media have frequently quoted his desire for blood to flow from the walls of Gondor completely out of the friendly context in which it was meant.
Simon (Cloud Lord)
PS Will one of the FP’s promise to tell us what really happened once the game is over . . .
I do not usually post on these forums but need to get in touch with the FP. My initial diplo via harly having gone astray and the mail I recieved from the NM via them having no email address on it I have yet to speak to you.
Just recieved my turn 2 pdf to find I have both DS and FP forces on two of my pcs. I have already told the DS I have no intention of an early declaration so I assume their move is an order glitch. I also really want to avoid a conflict with the FP over this. However I am not going to accept the unexplained presence of allegiance armies on my pops without comment.
The people of Dilgul rejoice as they have been freed from the yoke of oppression. The cowardly Northmen, led by the craven Eoder did not even offer battle to the Peoples Peace army, hoisting sail and fleeing at the site of the liberators on the horizon. A few losses were absorbed as there is always some malefactors who do not wish to give up their positions of power, but with casualties so light, Brigade Commander Hargrog was noted to say that hostilities against the so called “Free People” would continue without pause. The next target has yet to be determined, but little doubt remains that the feeble Northmen and their short, smelly, hole dwelling allies will soon be expelled from the region.
Minister of DisInformation, no doubt. The cowardly Hargrog was given an opportunity to meet Eoder in personal combat but begged off. There are unconfirmed reports that while his soldiers terrorized the citizenry of Dilgul, Hargrog was nearly beaten to death by an 84 year old Northmen cripple woman bearing a wooden rolling pin. Had it been bronze or steel, Hargrog no doubt would be fertilizer by now. Nonetheless, she will be avenged.
Anyone seen the Dragon Lord? Better look fast if you’re looking in Mirkwood.
Hiya, Gothmog! Long way from home–whatcha doing up here with that puny little army? On your way to terrorize the Easterlings, no doubt. Back to Mordor with you!