Game 16 - while we're waiting

Yes, you can contact me on and send me all your plans so that I can help you:D :smiley: :D.


Well, I don’t suppose that was an answer to me asking for Rhudaur’s adress that came from you Simon? Last time I checked it was against the policy of Clint and the guys to let the same player be Rhudaur and Cloud Lord in a normal 1650, but then again they may have changed that! Then I want to have the BS as well, to use all my bloody palantiri!!


We’ve got Clint in our pocket, and the source code to the game. You may as well give up now.

By the way Harad and Easterlings, please pop me an email at The Quiet avenger wants to bring you into the fold.

CJ “Its the Cheat, and he’s cheating!” Adunaphel

[QUOTE]Originally posted by seejaie
[b]We’ve got Clint in our pocket, and the source code to the game. QUOTE]
If this be true than truly we now have an even game.

My neighbor and compatriate, please drop us a line. We would like very much to have a chat with you about the protection of Angmar.
Murazor your buddy;)

Corsairs saying hello. Anyone heard from the Easterlings?

Cardolan seeking contact with the Rhudauar in game 16.

As a gesture of unity from dark, free, and independent people’s alike, let us all gather around Mount Doom and collectively wish for a 1.5wk game. It wouldnt have the urgency of a 1wk game, and my biggest fear wouldn’t be passing out between now and Monday. Then when the turn arrives, we could stick it to you free like proper nazgul do.