Game 18 at last

Naw, not sour. I don’t believe we’re on the Schneid Brad, but I’m not going to quibble. Glad you’re smiling. Read Muller’s post. Angmar a sideshow? I don’t buy it, the east well bring it on, notice there wasn’t much movement this turn. Killed a starting Cloud Lord agent but lost Tarondor. Hmm, who can be replaced faster? Concentrating on the Pass yet again, OK then. This game isn’t going to end soon I can see that, you guys can probably as well.


We have no doubt we’ll be quibbling for many a moon yet to come…! :wink:


SMull’s is right about Angmar being a sideshow. Sauron doesn’t live there for a start. The fires of Mordor are lit but not by the DS :smiley:

I guess the only thing left for you guys will be the Ring… show me yours for the kicking me thinks :eek:

Of course the one thing about Angamar we need to be clear on is it will become an important camaign in the near future given you are going to hitch the cart to the wagon and drag the rubble to the north :o

Tarondor… you compare an army commander to several major pops and potential killer agents to him… your values are screwed but I’m happy to entertain your camparisons in jest… another beer sunk for another lost comm, hic, life goes on for the freeps

Umm, something else on that, I’ll let you know if you don’t spread it to my allies I’m releasin gconfidential information but we Do NOT intend on threatening your pops away either KaBOOOM… the Big T was caught in the explosion… and how is the Ice King anyway, recovering in the burns unit of the Hospital is he? :smiley:

How’s the money going… planning any buyouts to boost the economy? Perhaps buying mage and conjuring some hordes will be the answer to recruitment? :stuck_out_tongue:

I was hoping it wouldn’t end before I got into the fight… if you think it’s not ending soon then I take it you your prepared to play on with half a team and one third your startup… for example :confused:

Just joshin with ya… yes I’m a smartarse but I got nothing else to do :cool:

Northmen, to the back door we come!

Did you guys kick winstun off your team or did he die of alchohol poisoning?

winstun is keeping busy deciding what enemy capitol he wants to burn next. since durthang and morannon are gone, hes got a bit of distance to march. plus, hes been spending time with some of his starting hc. hes amazed hes still paying for some, but it does help gather new recruits.

maybe we’ll call it winstuns 1650 tour de force(ver 18).

morannon-captured and stripped
durthang- burnt and stripped
next stop?


So he dropped huh? The first rat swims off.

I love your team’s posts…you guys have more chutzpa (and less grasp on reality) than the Iraqi information minister.

He’s no rat he’s the big Ape and living on an island he’s probably got some swimming ability… swimming in little Orc girls blood at the moment :slight_smile:

We love your posts too but not as much as your military tactics :smiley:

No need to grasp reality in a fantasy game :wink:

AD’s you guys are the last to use reality in a post… not once has any of your mob mentioned the Eothraim, is he nothing? Maybe nothing is killing you off one by one but that’s the reality your going to have to face sooner or later… death but we shall not mention it’s name :stuck_out_tongue:

Love and peace, man, the Dark Liutenants may wear sinister threatds, but why destroy major towns when you just need to talk to the people nicely and they’ll hand you the keys?

  • DkL, up two major towns … and counting

QUOTE=Another DarrelDid you guys kick winstun off your team or did he die of alchohol poisoning?[/QUOTE]

*la la la la, he don’t drink… he don’t smoke… he don’t fool around with all da blokes… la la la… but he got style, he got grace… he aint no rat, he’s da ape with the nana that sends all his enemies running wit their skirts a flyin’ and there eyes crossed in girlie squealin’ terror…

*Can’t remember the rest but it’s all about how good I am :slight_smile:

*I’m still here. I’m just a wonderin’ what to do next??? I’m thinking of kicking over all the floral arrangements that the DS are building in my area (while I’ve been slaughtering their undefended capitals :slight_smile: or mayhap I’ll cut all the hair off their barbie dolls? Hey I could call it “Winsten’s bed time Barbie - ‘everyone gets a spanking’ tour”. It’s catchy and you can dance to it …

Winsten Wun Toof - largest collection of Nazgul wiggly bits in Middle earth.

Good too see you made a full recovery, we were worried about you.

Hey AD that’s one of the funniest F&&*ing websites i have ever seen :smiley:


A little tasteless, but it seems people have for generations had too much time on their hands…Now I have to google “” I guess, eh? :slight_smile:

If it’s as classy as this one it’ll be a real cultural treat :stuck_out_tongue:
i wish you luck finding it. Get some valuable pointers on how the rest of the world sees ya :wink:


Rest of the world be damned, although the rest of the world looks better every beer…sorry, every Canadian beer, every 3 American beers (I guess it’s our metric alcohol content or something…)… :stuck_out_tongue:

… coutning down to zero, I guess !

Have Fun !


Thanks. I saw that picture and just had to post that link. :slight_smile:

Anyway, is it just me or does is this game heading down the path of game 3? (Except the DS seem to be in a lot better shape this game enroute to victory.)

So, so,
the DS of game 18 are in a better shape than the DS of game 3 ?!

Maybe you’re right, but looking on game 3 the next turn will be 21.
What will happen to the WK and Rhu in the next 14 turns ?

Ha, ha, ha !

Have Fun !


Hmmmmm…way to bolster the troops morale Gixx…but they’ve played enough to have the same odd feeling that the FP have passed their apex.

I figure that the next few turns will be somewhat balanced and then the character advantage will rear it’s head and the FP will start to wilt.

I’m not sure we will still be playing by T21.

Sorry, isn’t Ed on your team? Such a narrow, standardized, MEPBM 101 version of the game, no? One must thing beyond, around, and behind such theories…


How is game 3 working out for the FP? I mean they’ve got the DS on the ropes right?