Reinheitsgebot? Geez, I couldn’t imagine having a six pack of Aus beer, go back for me seventh and say that to the servant
To me that’s the sound I make after about 30 of them… oh I’m feeling crook…hup…hurp … Reinheitsgebot…Ahhh, that’s better out than in
Now xxxx (Fourex), you don’t have to know how to spell it nor say it, cross your fingers and the beautiful bar maid (who seems to get better looking with each slurp), she knows exactly what you want
The only nasty offspring I can think of… ummm, when the Missus shoves me off the mattress onto the floor after drinking copious amounts of the Amber fluid :o
Anyway, I don’t drink beer… since I found a way to eat it
I only drink twice a year… when I’m thirsty and when I’m not :rolleyes:
I’m no Aloholic either but I’ve drunk a few of them under the table
Back to the game… under these conditions it is important that I play on the edge of the map as one leg always seems shorter than the other… round he goes again.
Tried that against Clint once…almost worked, actually…but no, not here. Our strategy is to have you believe we have a strategy when we don’t even if we do.
I keep waiting for the big surprise. The hit and run of the Dwarves was a bit of a surprise. I once heard Gimli say they were natural sprinters. I guess they didn’t move quite so far because of the funeral right for Bain.
Only on Free icon in Harad, fewer and fewer in Mirkwood. Yes surprises abound in this game.
Mirk? Seems to me the big, bad Dragon Lord’s attack fizzled out in record time. 300 DarkL HC seem to be doing all the damage… and that aint much.
Yes surprises abound in this game.
No question about that. The cruel sacrifice of the FK starting military was an interesting one. Pretty expensive blocker. Up to you, though - we certainly don’t mind destroying each of your armies in turn.
A Dragon Lord attack fizzled? Isn’t the Dragon Lord one of the most outnumbered and assailed positions in the game. Normally going into turn 4 hasn’t the Dragon Lord come under intense pressure just to maintain a presence in his home area? I’ll let the readers of the forum figure this one out.
Turn 3 was just run. Goblin Gate is in Dragon Lord possession, for that matter every starting Dragon Lord population center is in the Dragonlord’s possession if my memory is correct. The Sinda Lothlorien army has been killed off. The starting army at 2711 has been killed off. The follow on army from 2711 has been killed off. From what I hear the commanders of the Woodman armies who have engaged in battle are now in hospital nursing wounds and trying to recover their self respect. Bain is now dead, Sneed the new agent named by the Dwarves is now dead. Thrar withdrew from Dol Guldur this turn as he was not strong enough to take it on his own. The Woodmen have gone north to Mount Gundabad I hear, has it fallen yet? I don’t think so. For a game to be going into the fourth turn and with at least 3 nations sending forth their might against the Dragon Lord and to have taken nothing hardly sounds like a Dragon Lord defeat to me.
As for the Fire King. Do you forget he hires armies for free. What did your victory gain you?Well you still hold Osgiliath whoopee!!! Have you taken anything from Mordor? Were you able to move any of those armies into Mordor?
How about in the West? What has the loss of all that cavalry gained your nations except more balanced budgets? Yes you have taken a camp maybe even two I can’t remember. You have however lost Imladris.
In the South, well as Gixxer said counting may not be my strongest suit, but I don’t hear any desperate cries from help from Harad or the Quiet Avenger. Time is our friend Die Hard; we don’t die hard we are deathless we don’t die at all. We’re having fun, hope you are as well
End of first Novella; hope you were entertained Brad B.
Oh no, Morannon is a biggee, but what it is going to cost you and the question of can you hold it, well that’s a different one altogether. I just found Die Hard’s comments about a Dragon Lord offensive amusing. I don’t expect that many would expect the Dragon Lord to be much more than defensive against the superior numbers that can be fielded against him.
The game is early I expect the happenings around the Fords of Isen are one cause of Thrar’s sudden departure from Dol Guldur, maybe it was fear that what happened to Bain would happen to him. Early in the game I think most would be expecting to see pressure on us. We think we will weather it pretty well though. Hope you’re not too attached to those huge armies.
Did 2514 fall? Looked to be your plan. Dragon Lord military is looking pretty pathetic now.
What did your victory gain you?Well you still hold Osgiliath whoopee!!! Have you taken anything from Mordor? Were you able to move any of those armies into Mordor?
1000 light troops could’ve done the same job. Sheer waste. Keep it up.
Did we attack at 2514? No, if you read the reports carefully you will see that the Dragon Lord army there stood on the defense and allowed the Sinda and Woodmen to throw themselves on the spears.
The Dragon Lord armies may be smaller but they still do exist unlike those they faced. Come on Die Hard you have 3 nations in eastern Mirkwood the Sinda, Dwarves and Woodmen. You outnumbered the Dragon Lord, had many more character orders, bigger recruiting centers and yet now there is no Dragon Lord population center under threat. The puny 1200 Sinda at 2514 are not a threat to Dol Guldur. There is no credible threat to Goblin Gate. You will probably waste an awful lot of troops in trying to take Mt Gundabad as well. The Military campaign in Mirkwood has been a failure for the Free many troops spent for no gain.
As for Osgiliath against the forces of North and South Gondor would have simply over run a thousand light troops. We know that you know that as well. The Fire King’s troops gave as good as they got. You lost about 2200 troops most of them higher quality than his. He can replace his at no cost in about 3 turns and have them ready for immediate use. Oh and as said earlier at no cost. Argirion and Celdrahil will have to go home pick up more and sea lift them all the way back to the front. That is if you have someone at home recruiting for you now. Now add to that the fact that you probably realize that Minas Ithil is under new management. It will be a bit more costly for you to take than it was for us.
Hope you are having fun now, we are. Yep we’re sitting here thinking, you’ve got us right where we want you.
So your “master plan” was to throw away the cream of the Dragon Lord’s military without inflicting any permanent damage? Hmm, that sounds a little fishy. I suspect it comes down to the fact that:
you couldn’t seal the deal on the reveal, and
you couldn’t prevent us from massing substantial forces there
p.s. For a guy who is so pleased with his team’s progress, you’re awfully defensive…
Well you must search for the silver lining in every cloud. No 2514 wasn’t revealed but then Imladris was and was immediately taken. Stop you from massing substantial forces. How would that have been done? The point is that you massed as much as you could. It wasn’t enough though as it was wiped out. This made it impossible for the Dwarves to take Dol Guldur though why you wasted Bain in such a way confounds me. You had to know he couldn’t take Dol Guldur, so why send him to such an obvious target. To have him murdered for no return at all? He killed off around 500 troops was that really worth such a character and the Horn of the Deeps? Permanent damage? The Dragon Lord is playing for time trying to hold a presence in Mirkwood keeping troops tied down that cannot be used elsewhere. He can’t fight your three nations in a stand up fight at least not in this stage of the game. You have troop numbers on your side. You have a bigger recruiting base and much much more gold. Now in a few turns when the Dragons start to make their presence known maybe then permanent damage will be done.
Me defensive? Keith, you’re the one trying to spin this one. Instead of the Free beating the brains out of the Dragon Lord you have lost your armies and taken nothing, not just in Mirkwood but everywhere. You haven’t hurt the Witch King have you? Has the Lord of Angmar lost anything? Even Mt Gundabad is still in his hands and you sent the Maethelburg army that way. Can you take it? If you do will your commander survive fatal backache?
Rhudaur has lost a camp or two but you have lost Imladris and it appears that the Duns have company. Where is the Arthedain and Cardolan Cavalry force? On barbecue spits in the Rhudaur army camps. You have lost the mobility edge there it seems.
What have you taken in the South? Anything?
Mordor? Anything? Brad correctly points out that Morannon is under serious threat but come on you should be able to mount at least one threat.
Defensive, yes we are. That is how we planned it that is why there was no great Dragon Lord offensive.
I am happy you think things are going so well. Come and get me.
your right,
the evils are killing us everywhere. perhaps we should just pack up are marbles and go home. maybe our overall game concept is that we don’t have one, or it might require more then 3 turns to unfold. nah, we just don’t have one. i always get full of hysterics when when the free don’t rout the evils from angmar and mirkwood in 5 turns. its a long game, its a team game, so we’ll see what happens.
wait, you did take imladris, and you killed bain. actually, i’m a bit more concerned about the price of the metals. the other two are a com-50, and an unfortified m town thats fairly indefensible once its revealed( barring a major investment in timber better spent on war machines.) good luck in all things not game 18. sorry ed, not biting on your bait.
No, wrong again. You are the one trying to spin the situation not me. I’m quite happy with the situation.
As I said I hope you are enjoying the game because so far we are.
Steve, you’re right Imladris is pretty indefensible once it is revealed. Especially when there’s no one at home defending it and little distraction to keep Rhudaur from snatching it.
Bain however is a serious loss even if he gave his toys away. It will take a lot of time to replace a 50 point commander and that is not even mentioning his other skills. We know that you guys had one starting Dwarf character hire an army in the North. You have two others commanding armies from the Iron Hills and one in Kheled Nala. Gain and Bain both started in Khazad Dum, Thrar joined Bain not a lot of spare Dwarves to go around especially with Sneed’s untimely death.