so the dwarves are commander short. okay, at start, they are commander short. next, you’ll forecast the sun rising in the east with stunning accuracy.
losing ashdu in combat at 2405 would mean what to the witch king?
using the cav of rhudar to dispatch the noldo garrision at 2209 was what?
now, i understand ashdu/feagw are still free, but i like the chances they don’t wind up that way in two weeks. why is it that we commit our cav to pointless battles, and you commit the rhudar cav to a noble effort to keep the noldo from defending whats indefensible? how many witch king commanders are sitting in space, not recruiting troops(thanks for selecting double tactics at 1804, made my arthedain happy to face less hi). wait, did i slip??
you have your plans, and your objectives, we have our plans and our objectives. on the subject of plans and objectives, i think the ice king is a turn too late, too slow, and out of position. i kinda like how the huge freep armies at morannon and ithil look. granted, they’d look better at 3423 and 3224(worse at 2715/1804), but one hex at a time. nice play on the market, a turn sooner then expected. really, weakness at 2514, thats the best you could do with that mage. cast weakness and move.
sauron will recieve justice at the feet of the free kings, my job is to help arrange the meeting. it’d be sad if some of your agents had spent the opening turns of this game sitting in places that served no purpose, perhaps they are doing so now?(poke, poke, poke) stealing from my eothraim camps, please.
luck in all things outside game#18
more next turn, this nonsense should keep the good mr mills pondering through the weekend.