Game 18 at last

so the dwarves are commander short. okay, at start, they are commander short. next, you’ll forecast the sun rising in the east with stunning accuracy.
losing ashdu in combat at 2405 would mean what to the witch king?
using the cav of rhudar to dispatch the noldo garrision at 2209 was what?
now, i understand ashdu/feagw are still free, but i like the chances they don’t wind up that way in two weeks. why is it that we commit our cav to pointless battles, and you commit the rhudar cav to a noble effort to keep the noldo from defending whats indefensible? how many witch king commanders are sitting in space, not recruiting troops(thanks for selecting double tactics at 1804, made my arthedain happy to face less hi). wait, did i slip??
you have your plans, and your objectives, we have our plans and our objectives. on the subject of plans and objectives, i think the ice king is a turn too late, too slow, and out of position. i kinda like how the huge freep armies at morannon and ithil look. granted, they’d look better at 3423 and 3224(worse at 2715/1804), but one hex at a time. nice play on the market, a turn sooner then expected. really, weakness at 2514, thats the best you could do with that mage. cast weakness and move.
sauron will recieve justice at the feet of the free kings, my job is to help arrange the meeting. it’d be sad if some of your agents had spent the opening turns of this game sitting in places that served no purpose, perhaps they are doing so now?(poke, poke, poke) stealing from my eothraim camps, please.

luck in all things outside game#18
more next turn, this nonsense should keep the good mr mills pondering through the weekend.

Then why are you ranting? Or is verbal diarrhea just your modus operandi?

A Rhun Smaller???

Ummm, It’s Game 18, turn 3 mate. While the far eastern lads were enjoying a few Rhun Brewski’s at 4415 with our mates the Tree Huggin Pointy’s, we noticed a whole heap of meat pull up in town… hic, slurp… we just kept drinking as if nothing happened…

Because nothing did :smiley:

Well the pointy’s left town…beauty more for us :slight_smile:

Please continue to make me smaller in this mannor :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh No, does your MA where army boots?

Terrifying :wink:

Slurrp… hic, what happened to the beer talk :confused:

I’m enjoying the beer… is there a game on???

Sneeds untimely death? Must of had a bit too much too drink… I didn’t think there was going to be any deaths when we joined? :eek:

So your chalenges are more sucessful than your agents… who cares, another steps up to bat.

Cany you guys muster an attack in the east, if my men don’t get some action soon, the keg’s will run dry from loafing around… lucky we’re not supplying the Eoth with beer as rumour has it his horses guzzle it down too :stuck_out_tongue:


P.S Hope you don’t stop the banter… though utterly boring, reading the novels does cut back on the drinking <burrrrp>

Yo, Ditski, in America its “Fleet Week”. You know, be nice to sailors. Only the Sinda fleet has made a liberty call at our ports. We are disappointed. Where is the NM fleet?

Please Keith, you are just too much. I’ll sign off now and wait until next turn to jerk your chain some more. I’ll even make it easier for you. I am the Dragon Lord now see if you can put the hurt on me.

Steve, let’s see what the next couple of turns net you. We can compare notes after the next one.


Notes? If we were taking notes, things would be much worse, well, for someone. Brad, you’re the Dragon Lord? I’m the Moss Lord of Miserywood. I hate this place, it’s my fondest wish you removeth me. Thanks in advance.


Hi Brad,
do you’ve taken a closer look on 3124 ?–

Have Fun !


Of course. This is a forum for talking smack, isn’t it?

I’ll even make it easier for you. I am the Dragon Lord now see if you can put the hurt on me.

Doesn’t really seem necessary - you’re doing a pretty good job of making your nation a non-factor all on your own. :stuck_out_tongue:

See you next turn…


Yes I have, no worries there, really, just come on in.

my mates will consider it and the chance that they will move back isn’t really high.

Have Fun !


Aye me lad, ye lads are a bit fleet weak, ya sayin? Here in the land of Rhun, the land of Geenies and enless beer kegs Fleet of foot weez are!

Arrr, yes me fair and fine boatski’s, They be right where we wants them!

Pirates weez iz! And yee be not knowing wherz we are ey? Weez been thinking ye be smart enuff to use some lad named Dim Oh… thanx for tellin us e aint around then

Thee be trying to pry some info from me poor drunkin lads ey? Well me boats and me beer are not for your knowin…hic… burp, until weez are ready for the showin :smiley:

And meez a hearin the pointy’s aren’t be sharin no Liberty passes either… continue to feel disappointed or anything pointed me matski’s can muster… burp :stuck_out_tongue:

Hic… Ditski

I be thinkin you lads are comparing a bit more than notes… that’s where the Northmen got their name. North being a direction that is usually “up” the map. The Big “N”… “N” for Nice to see you :smiley:

My men, well, we be “up” anything that moves and if it don’t, we be givin it a shove then :stuck_out_tongue:

Ditski… no point in comparing “notes” mine are always bigger :wink:

PARTY!!! I hopes me boyz gets a personal invites… theyz be really hissed if they had to crash it.

The talk was much amongst the Northmen tribes and their cham pions…pion anything actually…

Barlin, aptley named from whence he was born (in the bar) and the sound he makes after a big night on the Rhun Grog, shouts:

“Merry Men, transfer the timber from stick throwers to Draglines, weez be headin up the creek to dredge a channel to the Wyrm Lord… his shout aparently!”

“Psst”… he whispers to the Big E, (*note “Psst” is a quiet sound made from either end, to attract attention and aka result of copious Lager consumption),

“Don’t tell the lads it can’t be done… weez be just inspirin themz and raise their morale”, as Eoder listens in with fingers clasping nose, just in case.

“Morale?”, says Eoder, who checks the cellar thinking Barlin can’t be serious… but ‘clicks’ when he realises it wasn’t ‘More Ale’ he wanted,

“Ahh, morale Barlin, It be high as the lads after saturday night’s pub crawl or the view our horse neighbours have (or ‘Hoarse’ from too much shouting “Charge!”), atop Mount Morannon” (or mount anything given the chance, aparently)

So the story is told and the Northmen Bards begin to sing songs with titles like, “Mountain of Love” and “Wake me up before you Go Go”, which made no sense but was a merry time we had :smiley:

Ditski of the NorthBoyz… Dredgin or Sledgin weez the Ladz :smiley:

Well, not as high as the view from the Mountain real estate :smiley:

Ditski… the Northmen Wise One and a serious conversationist… Where’s Winsten?

I’d be willing to bet I outrecruited your 900HI last turn. I also appreciate your failure to downgrade me and transfering your HC to a crappy commander…thus saving me the 400HI you think I didn’t recruit recruit at my capital.

I certainly don’t like paying 5k to hire army but it’s better than losing PC’s and the markets have been kind to me.

I’ve previously given you kudos for your aggressive attacks so I think I can rib you back a little. :slight_smile:

The woodrats made a good move sending more troops to Buhr Fram last turn…but I’m just buying some time for now. I’d rather have them after Mt. Gunderbad than Goblin Gate so I’m happy with that. Maybe I lose it, maybe something happens otherwise? I just might continue to have this streak of beginners luck.

That’s “Woodrats”…proper noun, needs a capital “W”…thanks.

Beorabrad the Grammatical

G’day A.D.,

Transferring to crapy commanders comes natural to freeps as not many of us start with the commander pool the WK does…

Out recruiting your opponent, hire, buying chars… taxes up then and you’d be about ready to receive a transfer… you’d be hoping Robin Hoodlem and his band of merry football hooligans don’t intercept the kings ransom? :slight_smile:

Enjoy the time you have, spend big, there’s plenty of money, trust me yoru allies will bail you out :wink:

Aggressive attacks? Your not cooperating with Dragin the chain lord… he says we’re not aggressive enough but feel free to slap him around for good measure if he’s not singing the company song

Beginers luck? Does that only happen at the begining of a game? I’m going to use begrinners luck for the moment :smiley:

I’m Begrinning to enjoy this forum thingy

I know, I just can’t mind my own business…

Anyway, what happened to the good old fashion back door Mordorians, scampering to save Mumma Sauron’s beloved Hill top views? Surely one of you have a come back to that :o

If it is your first Darrell??? Hope you enjoy it all the same

Northmen… coming to a theatre near you!

Well Ditski,

I guess I have to choose the lesser of two evils in that spending gold is better than losing PC’s at this point. Want to send me some gold this turn? :wink:

As for scampering back to protect Mt. Gunderbad…well…I can’t protect everything and for now Ashdubuk has done his job of buying me a little time.

Nah, this isn’t my first game…#5 or 6 I think. You should have an easy time beating me…it’s just that I’ve been really lucky so far. :slight_smile: