Okay so you and EA are going Free that’s okay by me so it just makes my choices easier. Honestly i had little to no contacts with Free anyway. So good luck in this game and feel free to do whatever from my lonely camp.
Okay so you and EA are going Free that’s okay by me so it just makes my choices easier. Honestly i had little to no contacts with Free anyway. So good luck in this game and feel free to do whatever from my lonely camp.
You talk of matters you know little my Corsair adversary.
Our diplomacy with the neutral, dark and free allies gives me a voice within all factions of middle earth. We have explained to all our friends that we are a neutral nation, we do not look to change alliance. We support those who support our cause, but it is not aligned to any one faction. Free, Neutral and Dark have all benefited in some way from my nation. That benefit is based on what has been done for us.
You infer Khand and I are going Free, but that is blatant propaganda. Cardolan is a friend, but other Free nations draw little sympathy for their plight. As you and Harath have said virtually no contact has been made by others. What they sew, so they reap.
Ice King is a friend too. Murazor, Dendra and Ren are all casual acquaintances and the newly joined Haruth is a well respected leader. While some of these acquaintances have proved difficult I have more dark friends than not.
Khand is the only neutral willing to work as a neutral. This is why we are friends. The other neutrals have been drawn to the Dark servants, he has not. You are the only other unaligned neutral nation. Without wishing to incur the wrath of Free or Dark nations I choose to engage the Corsairs. Of the 2 remaining neutral nations you are the only viable target.
Your decline in standing coincides with our aggression against you. Perhaps when and if you are willing to bow low to our King we shall forgive you your impertinence. Until such time we shall stand at arms. If in the event that your much vaunted navy arrives on my shores and can overcome my armies you can still not succeed. He have plans within plans.
King of Dunland
I told them not to build the capital in the plains and a few hours from TWO enemy major towns, but NOOOOOOO…they had to have a river side and mountain view. Now look what’s happening.
Tree folk should live in the trees! That’s what I told 'em. Stupid city folk!
King of Dunland
Your words as far smart for my mere intellect can handle this weekend maybe I’m missing the big picture somewhere. I don’t remember many if any of the FP actually speaking to me as my nation was growing. I do remember speaking with you maybe more than 1 occasion, but it was only after I had violated some gaming laws when I posted a camp on your precious lands. So please stop boring me with your long conversations on how I violated your lands and take over or destroy my damn camp all ready and move on cause I frankly don’t care what your nation as a free people does anymore. So you need to hear the truth how can I make it any more simpler YES the Mighty Naval forces of Corsairs is going Dark. I do hope your communication lanes are vastly open with each other so you and rest of Free can talk more than they did with the other 3 neutrals whom chose to go dark because of that miss communication.
I do not judge and I’m no jury and I know this is a mere game that helps pass my valuable time now that I have to adjust to civilian life for the 1st time in almost 24 years of US Military service. So I wish you the best of luck in this game and many games to come as a ally or an enemy combatant. Because frankly I don’t care for your tactics, simply put.
General Sangahyando
Admiral Sangahyando
While you have your huge armies and mighty navies, we have our elusive agents and our sibilant words. These are weapons we each use to gain advantage over our opponent. I do not expect you to lay down your weapons, you should not expect me to lay down mine. Words have availed me little though as the Darks servants close ranks to protect you, their new ally. Your treasury and armoury both outmatched our humble nation and while our agents are valued, they did not grant us the freedom of actions we had hoped.
Many nations hold different views on neutrality to me. While I prefer to entreat the unaligned nations, some have the opinion you are either for or against an alliance. I was hoping to be a little more complex than that, but the difference between what I want and what I get vary greatly. You are safe now little admiral. Run to your Dark brethren knowing they can defend you.
Our conversation has revealed the world is in darkness. At least now you have openly spoken about your allegiance. We have done well to solicited a truth from the pirate nations.
To the elves of middle-earth, flee to your sacred lands in the west. Middle earth is no longer a place for you. Your reclusive nature is not suited an allegiance of men. The Dwarves prefer their mines and their gold, but of all things that were corrupted, gold was the most effected. Comfort yourself with wealth as the Dark Lord closes in. Finally to men we say take your life or prepare to submit to the will of Sauron. He is master now, such is the decision of neutral nations you have failed to secure.
Our armies hold to their borders. War with any nation avails us not.
Great King Aonghas.
PS- I write my transcript in the third person to keep the whole experiences in a game context. In doing so my hope is to have players realise it is all a big game and to not take offence. It also allows those not in the game to have some interest or feel for events if they read the game boards. You mention 25 years of service for your country. Personally that is highly commendable, I have great respect for those that have served in the armed forces. I have never served, more than that I cannot say.
Aussie Mick
Aonghas to The Oracle
What can we do to save our people?
The Oracle
You know what must be done great king. You have stengthened the empire to the days of old, but your diplomacy has been your downfall. While you rule, while your blood line rules, the children of Eru will not relent. Saurons minions may be stronger in Mordor and in Harondor, but those west of the Misties they are no more.
But without my rule, we are at the mercy of all
The Oracle
How is this different from now? Perhaps another will come forward to take the mantle of a neutral nation, unspoiled by the machanicians of war. To join the Free alliance and then attack them with agents is a wicked idea, unworthy of such an iconic king.
It shall be as you wish.
PS- Mike Johncock here wishing all the best for what is rapidly becoming an interesting game. I have built a strong nation, but made too many enemies. I’m not sure how it went so pair shaped, but am undoubtably not the first leader that has hppened to. Hopefully a new player is quickly found and the negotiations can recommence for the allegiance of the final neutral in this scenario. Good luck to all, except those who sent me expletive driven personal emails.