Game 18

Witch-king here. So far, so good. I am interested in contact with the neutrals. Of course, I have special interest in hearing from Rhudaur and the Dunlendings.

Jz the dirrty Dawg Lawd sends his pit bullz with greetingz to the neutralz…

OH MY BRUTHA…the IK…We shall rule this Middle Earth…

The Twins Perilous erupt from Mordor! The halls of Morannon and Durthang shall empty and the pillage shall spill forth on the lands…

Only 1 _ 4 principal at yahoo dot com

friends, enemies, neutrals all welcome at our email

Good luck,


Hi all,

I’m playing the easterlings in this game. I’ve been a bit snowed under at work recently and so I’ll probably be devoting my middle-earth time to other games for the first couple of turns. I just thought I’d give both teams a bit of advance notice in case communication is poor at the start of the game.

I don’t expect all members of a team to contact me at game start (there isn’t anything to say on turn 1 anyway) so feel free to just assign one member of the team to keep communication going. It would work better for me that way at the moment. The only piece of info that I would be interested in finding out early on is who is on each team. I’d also like to hear from the other neutrals too.

Best wishes to everyone, lets make this a good game.

Chris Guise

Hey folks,

Ice King is available for discussion with neutrals, allies, and Free People nations. You may reach me at

Twins Perilous indeed. I hope the freeps have as good a team as the DS happened into…I have played with several of these folks or know of them…yall is in trouble honestly.

To Chris of the Easterling persuasion, thanks for the note and the dS will be in touch via one person whomever it is that steps up to that role. Should you need anything else do not hesitate to inform us.

To the freeps, my condolences. The chill you feel is not just from the winter storms that are brewing in Mordor and Angmar. You know it to be true. The Nazgul shall heed the call of their master and you shall as well. There is no chance for you. None at all. The ruined nations that you hold together through empty promises and coercion will fail. Your troops will fight us and they will die. You will recruit more and they will die. You will grasp at any chance to turn the undecided away from us. It matters not. We will not surrender. Through our power, we will earn the respect of your own people.

Still yet, we wish you the best.


Greetings to all fellow FP and DS Corsairs here man it feel like a year since my last active game which i played this same nation but looking to hear from everyone and looking to see allies from each nation.


Northmen signing-in. All are welcome to email me at

Looks like this could be a game of tired old hands against youthful exuberance; I haven’t felt so young for a long time!


The Dunlending welcome emissaries from all nations. We particlualry look forward to missives from
-Rhuadar who are a respected military power
-Witch King who is cold and alone in his northern fortress
-Cardolan, NG and the Dwarves who combined create a significant military collective
-SG who we share land south of the white mountains with.
-All other neutral nations wishing to entertain peace with the Dunlending nation
-Team captains who wish to articulate the benefits of their team

Those listed specifically above who do not contact us without some explanation will be considered arrogant, weak or vulnerable. Declaration of allegiance is far from my mind.

Anyone else wishing to communicate with the Dunlending nation in the spirit of friendship.

King of Dunland

Mike Johncock

This should read

Anyone else wishing to communicate with the Dunlending nation in the spirit of friendship is more than welcome too.

Also could all players note that in the spirit of an enjoyable game I will be sending my emails in the persona of a character or characters from my nation. I’ll be assigning “emissaries” to each nation and these character may give insite to my nation. They are on my roster and if your “emmisary” dies or is wounded you will be informed

Of course there is no obligation to reply in such a manner, but doing so will be akin to you speaking my languge in my house.

On the forum here I’ll still ramble on like the rest of you. There has to be somewhere I can taunt my enemies and sing the praise of my allies.


Mike aka
Aonghas King of Dunlending

Greetings to all from Harad, looking forward to a great game. Would like some time to see how the Great War unfolds before choosing a side.

Jeremy Richman
aka Harad

Should it please the neutrals,

Brian of the Corsair nation would you provide your contact email for us? The DS will be in touch forthwith.

Jeremy of the Haradwaith we shall be in touch within a day of this posting. In the interim, enjoy the sunshine down there and please avoid the sharks! I heard South Gondor breeds them and releases them to drive up the price of fish for his markets.

I believe the dS have been in touch multiple times with the Easterlings and Dunlendings; no email from the Rhudaur as of yet.

If any kind soul has his email we would appreciate it.

All neutrals will be duly informed of the demise of any freeps prior to your declarations for whichever side. Your neutrality shall be respected.

all the best
Serpent Scribe of the Court
Ice King Tribunal

Where are the Free? Only the Northmen has posted, and the Harad have received the greetings from many dark nations, but has not had so much as a postcard from a free nation.

The DS nations are a talkative bunch…discussing the merits of several strategies…ALL of which have the recruitment of powerful neutrals as a priority…

We value you as members of our team…the more the better…

Game balance is a cry from the weak…join the team you want…our team…

We will convince you of the truth of our words,

Jz 13

Greetings all

I have appreciated the dialogue between many players from all alliances.

If Brian of the Corsairs could contact me or make his email available it would be most appreciated.

If anyone manages to get in contact with Rhuadar please provide a contact. I would also appreciate an opportunity to discuss important events west of the Misty mountains with him.


aka Great King Aonghas

Hi all,

I’m finally able to post here !
South Gondor reporting for duty !
My nation is of course totally available for any discussion with the neutrals or the DS (though I’m afraid the latter won’t have much to say…) !

I hope this will be an enjoyable game for all of us ! Good luck !


[Celdrahil, for South Gondor]

Woodmen checking in.

I’m a bit late to post, but this game took so long to start that I had forgotten about enrolling. :slight_smile:


Hail Darkblade,

Surely you meant to be a DS!? Just hold the thought as I will give you time to flip sides for " game balance ".

best of luck mate, will bring some orcs to your turf before the game ends.

jerry roberts

We would be honoured to welcome the Beornings to our halls if we could but find where they reside!

aka Great King you know who.

Sorry my bad;

  • Corsairs

To the Corsairs,

you should have a contact note from me within the hour.
The DS are most willing to parley with the Black Ships of Umbar.

Honored dwellers of ancient Arnor

Our kinship of old has been neglected over the past generations and in these times of impending hostility let us reforge old bonds to show the coming generations the might of our lands.

Our brethren in the east have long lived under the influence of Moerazor the first Ghoul of traveling beer-jockeys and we do not agree upon watering down a lousy glass of beer and charging double the price.

The court of Argeleb would serve any of our kin the finest refreshments available.

Please contact holger(at)