Game 2, POWER Game

Urzahil got lost in the woods at Rivendel and only found his way back home today so we had to wait until now to get our marching orders. We had to bathe him in blood and gore THREE TIMES because the stench of Elrond was upon him.


In answer to your question, Yes. It is a great a sin. Have you no feelings of empathy for the farmers that till the land and provide food for our tables, eking out a meager existence from the soil? Alas I fear that you don’t. And I fear that this is far from your most grievous sin.

To War!

Procrastinate, no way. The problem is that BAIN has so many targets to choose from, and not enough inches in his stride. Then there is DURAN. He won’t stand still long enough for me to catch him. Similar problem with HUZ. Thankfully ENION is waiting for Stubby to catch up.


How does Bain feel about his close-range encounter with a whirlwind of orcish scimitars? Nothing like a near-death experience to temper dwarven arrogance.

That was an Orc? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (I wonder if Khamul will laugh as hard this turn), I thought it was the Easterling’s women!

It was the hooves of Hargrod’s “mount” that did BAIN in. Everyone ran so hard to stay away from the disgusting creature (Hargord more so than his “mount”), that we forgot the game plan.

Ah well, things look a bit different at Dol Guldor. Who knows, maybe there is a randomness that will send a dragon to some AComm other than Duran. Hold on a minute. There is no Duran or army on Dol Guldor to worry about, anyway. And how many downgrades did RH get in for the Goblin Gate fight. Not more than we did, I bet.

Still with all of your troops floating around the plains, it is about time I re-focused. Good thing for Sauron that all of the EO cav is gone, oh wait…


Ooooohhh, geeeee, woooooow. Dol Goldor falling on a turn 6? I guess that’s one way to use all the EO cav. A nice maneuver overall, but have a hard time getting excited about it. Mirkwood should be Free by turn 10 latest, if played right. Just as I’m sure you’re not too excited about Cardolan losing most of their towns.

your doom is upon you. flee to Mordor now, for your lands will soon be yours no more. In fact, we intend to begin a land grants program with special bonus grants for apple farmers.

Your defense on the outskirts of your capital only delays the inevitable. Go ahead, surrender. Open your gates and we will spare the lives of your citizens, though I fear that your outpost of Nerbush will not be so lucky. We have it on good authority that it was from this outpost that the scurilous apple thieves launched their skullduggery. An example must be made.


It is going on turn 6, oops, I mean TURN 7 and only now do the Eothraim armies show up at Dol Goldur? That doesn’t sound too smart to me.

Mouth Of the Mouth of Sauron

Oh ye of little faith. I will come to all of you in your sweet time.

As for taking so long to get to Dol Guldor, well all I can say is that trying to defeat the starting RH armies and the DrLo armies simultaneously has taken us one extra turn. Not too untimely, methinks.

I had looked forward to doing my Clint Eastwood imitation, and now I do not get to do it :frowning:

OK, I am going to do it anyway even if it makes no sense:
“I know what you are thinking. Does he have a dragon or not. Well this being a 50.000 point comabt artifact it will blow your heads clean off. So I guess what you should be asking yourself is: Do you feel lucky!, well do ya punk !”

gahh… I guess I should just have made for the 2. sinda city and burned that.
I am quite pleased though with what I have acomplished so far, and duran is not dead yet. Perhaps I should make for that sinda city;)

Itangast Hungry

Best start looking to your Dragons boys, because your turns are about to get very short without them…And the Noldor is quit sure dragons can die to. We shall see how long they can help you hold out.


What a fun turn! Well maybe not for the Dragon Lord or Long Rider. Neither for Mahrcared, but the remainder of his Rhohirrim countrymen (and women) salute him.

We wish to announce the official prelude to the initial negotiations of the creation of an all encompassing list of potential retitles of the currently named but hopefully soon-to-be renamed Dol Guldor, former capital of Khamul, who is himself (or itself should the said Khamul have a preference of nomenclature) the former lord (or lady or liege as the case may or may not be) of a renamed nation (or state or territory or polit or geographically and politically integrated area of finite boundaries).


Politicus Correctedus

Current Steward of the House of Mahrcared
All other candidates being persons capable of lifting spear and/or bow
Also otherwise unwilling (NOT unable) to ride a horse or walk a mile
Great Grandfather of Grima

If I didn’t know better I’d say you guys had it in for me. I think Obi Wan said it best: “If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine!”

Or something like that.

Love, the Duns.

I’m just a dumb hillman, but what the hell is he talking about?

Hey don’t look at me, I’m just a dumb hillman as well.

Your armies are reduced to battlefield corpses on which the carrion birds feed. Your outpost of Nerbush’a is a ruins. Your capital is forfeit.

Think ye that apple thefts are still a trifling matter?


Fear not. Politicus Correctedus has been sent to pasture. All hail Thuidimer, Son of Fabio, successor to Mahrcared. Goaties, mullets and muscle shirts will now be mandatory uniform for all fighters of the realm.


The War of the Apple appears to be progressing quite satisfactorily. I wonder why you have sent Erennis and Greed to do your dirty work? Please ask them if they enjoyed a warm Haradwaith welcome. I hope they brought along the first aid kit. Surely you yourself could come visit me in person next time? Or, if not, then I shall come and find you myself. As to your remaining real estate, we hereby lay claim to it all (that which the Corsairs doesn’t get to first).

The other nation of darkness that appears to have taken a particular interest in the Harad is that nation of shadows ruled by Ji Indur. I can’t help but notice him skulking about outside the tower of Tir Ethraid. Ji, you should go back home and get a new leather cape. Yours has too many tears in it from trying to scale the fortifications of Pelargir. Perhaps you will find the smaller tower of Tir Ethraid less challenging? Just note that we will be waiting for you.


Carlon - a costly apple indeed! But fear thee not, for even now the taint of bloodlust does abide as a canker within thy soul. Gladly shall I watch as comradeship and brotherly love do sour and embitter as they descend into petty bickering over the scraps from my table. Yea, my desert lands are sundered, but the climes of Mordor suit my disposition ever better than hot sand beneath mine armour…

I speak not for my brother - and doubt further he shall address thee himself! - but am assured that the full wrath of our Dark Lord shall soon rend thy love, thy heart and thy lands in twain!