Snaga had his orders (orders this orders that) but wasn’t paying too much attention to them…until he realised Ren (not someone you messed with) was at Minas Morgul…then he remembered in a hurry. Wasn’t till after that he heard that Ren had been detained…typical bloody typical you do something and then you find out you didn’t need to…geesh!!!
Still garrison duties had their advantages (not least of which you had only half trained orcs trying to kill you as opposed to fully trained tarks) and of courses ‘whas’ [editorial note "Whas are girls/females/women/whatever who possess low morale standards and start ever sentence with “Ya Wha” - tiresome after a while].
Fecking problem was his usual trick of handing over gifts [read enducements] in exchange for CENSORED wasn’t working. Everything was sooo expensive really bloody expensive fecking bloody expensive (or as Snaga would say…can’t seem to get it all into one word…expensive thats it EXPENSIVE) everything that is except wood (and lets face it giving wooden carvings of whatever shape tends to call into question whether or not everything is functioning as it should be - if you get my drift…besides ferret suggests teeth biting bobbit style…begining to see a trend here wooden carvings equipment malfunctioning a girl who likes to bite…Beorn care to comment!!!).
Still in true orcish fashion Snaga adapted plan A doesn’t work go to plan B [which is to steal equipment from army - who cares if the troops don’t have armor] and then plan C [bash Wha over the head at least that way you don’t have to listen to her talk]
If a neutral plants a camp, then builds a city before either the FP or DS, THEN flips to one side, the rhun empire will follow suit??? IS this the latest ruling from on high? How do the Rhunite people live from day to day? What is the foriegn policy? Oh well, better go suck up to some “normal” neutrals, just in case the Rhun Empire tunrs it`s gaze on mordor…
Originally posted by blaznak All I hear now is Beneo this and Beneo that. Beneo Beneo Beneo. AGH!
THEN I get word of camps disappearing so I toss out the first thing that hits my mushroom and ale addled mind and WHAM~ Faster than you can say International Incident I have some sand-caked diplomat on camel back in my back yard shouting something about being offended!
So, I shouted back “If your leader wants to take offense from a drunk woodchopper not above murdering his own men to get a shot at the cute girl go right ahead!”
I have horses, not camels. Get it straight, drunkard. Someone needs to check Beorn into AA.
Originally posted by benmin18
[b]Evil tyranny? Me? You’re the one that’s threatening to invade my lands! Ha! I shall crush you! As soon as I take care of this case of the munchies…
Rhun Easterlings [/b]
Its not an invasion its a liberation.
My lads have heard you have vast fields with a multitude of sheep of exotic stock and are eager to free them from your lands.
"So who is commanding those DS forces in Mirkwood. I’d like to discuss the terms of your surrender.
Beorn the mighty of the Wiley and Wooly Woodmen"
–Aaaah, Beorn…never one for the subtleties of war, were you? Lets see what you think of the DS armies in a coupla turns, huh? How is the old woody economy? Enjoying freeloading off the rich elves? But what is the APR? Tell you what, heres a plan; send Beneoracer into El-Drone`s clutches. Kill 2 birds with one stone; he can work off you national debt and you can make a move on the smelly bint Ferret!
ECTHELION sends his regards to the new Steward of Gondor, his son DENETHOR. He hopes that he is not too depressed about the capture of his father and the death of his beloved son BOROMIR…a word to the wise; keep the old goat away from the wine, kindling and lamp oil or it could all end in tears…
Now, where is FARAMIR til we wipe out the entire family line?
"I’m guessing bint is not as complimentary as one might think? (wink) "
I guess a good equivalent would be squaw
And scots do rule the world. just in a very quiet, insidious way. Ever heard of Rupert Murdoch the 3rd generation aussie criminal mastermind? He was too evil for Scotland!
smoke and stuff from the wreckage of your armies and population centers
Think you’ll find that your “Grand Offensive comprising 9,500 troops” has netted you 3124 - way to go:) .
The rather sorry looking remnants now huddling behind the walls of Minas Morgul time grows near. How many of their commanders will live to see the morning do you think?
Ice King troops control the road @ 3024 you have nothing left @ 3124 capable of attacking.
Yes all told your strategy has come off the rails. Care to bet how long before Sauron’s flag flies once more over Morgul.
Ren (name, rank & serial number is all you guys will get!)
Lets see…
Turn 6 is upcoming, and the DS have no way of capturing 3124, not to mention Os. I’d say the push was well worth it.
If I were you i’d pat myself on the back a little more about the artifacts. Having Khamul find the ring as he moved into the hex saved his life. (And was very lucky.)
We got unlucky with din, but I’m sure his luck cant keep up.
All and all, looks like it should be an interesting game.
P.S. Ren, we dont need you name or serial number. (as for Rank… we are afraid we will never get your stench out of the holding cell.) We will put you in a very shallow grave soon enough…
This is very entertaining and all, but I hope both sides haven’t forgotten about the little contest to win my loyalty. It’d be damn interesting to see if any neutrals jumped in.