Game 21 Begins

And by process of elimination…

  • Ben

Sorry to ruin your fun, Ben.


No worries, I’ll stiil mess with both sides.

  • Ben

So, Clint, you’re a neutral. The Khand. You’ve got the Maniac Floyd playing the Corsairs just to your West. You’ve got the . . . whatever Ben is . . . playing the Rhun just to your North. Are you a glutton for punishment or what? :slight_smile:

Cool to see you in the game, though. 2950 will slowly overtake your love and you’ll leave 1650. You’ll finally sell a paper map with 2950 pop centers and you’ll begin referencing 2950 as the game “most players prefer” in your new rulebook instead of showing obvious bias for 1650 at every chance. :slight_smile:

Russ / Corsairs 21

So,neutral dudes, are you gonna come to the mordor party or what?
We`d really like you ALL to join our side [not at all to get revenge for some recent debacle of a “game”] and wipe the floor with that freep bunch of imperialist scum by turn 52. what say you, neuters?

Adunaphel and Ji [a couple made in mordor] at their most charming. Go on, you know you want to be on our team!

You playing both, David?

What’s all the “turn 52” talk? Do games have a time limit now? I thought that was just 4th age?

Russ / Cors21

Yep, im playing both, and im not ashamed of it…kinda gives the lady adunaphel a little back-up to know shes got agents on call in case of uppity neutrals from khand or corsairland, huh? And those QA guys make niiiiiccce scouts. Hopefully theyll work well in tandem…wanna join the winning team? what can we offer you apart from adventure and good humour?


Oh, and im not aware of any time limit in 2950. Didnt get the opportunity to test that in g231, but it got close. Can Clint [with GM hat on] confirm this?


A few things regarding how I will be playing the game…

  1. I will not attack anyone in this game without first declaring in advance.
  2. All negotiations with me will be in public. If you send me an e-mail expect it to get posted.
  3. I do have a wacky plan in mind that will determine which side I join. This plan has nothing to do with how other neutrals declare or which side happens to be winning.
  4. I’m in a weak position, so I wouldn’t be surprised if both sides decided to ignore me altogether and jump me.
  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

No responses, eh…?

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

I think you scared 'em away. :slight_smile:

Russ / Cors21

The Republic of Rhun indeed troubles Our Lord Sauron…there are definite “waves of wackiness” emmanating from Riavod which disturb him greatly. Also he is not used to conducting his negotiations in public, makes offers/suggestions difficult when trying to prosecute a larger war…however…what would you like to join us/them? What can we DO FOR YOU to make you happy?

Gulthuin of Barduath

As I said, negotiations are going to be done in public, but they’re not really negotiations if I get my plan formulated correctly.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Okay…so you`re really saying there is nothing that can be SAID [by either team] to sway your allegiance…?

Gulthuin the Depressed

Yeah, pretty much… However much can be DONE for actions do speak louder than words. And the entire course of events will be charted in public.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

This is turning out to be an interesting game given the list of players. A hard fought game.

An earlier post makes me wonder about the lofty and perhaps ambitious goal of winning a game in 52 turns of play. That statement took me by surprise. Whatever happens this game, I’m sure it will be like no other.

At least the message board is buzzing, and all neutrals have been accounted for before turn 1 results. This is a good sign.

I too am a little bit puzzled and confounded by the mystery that lies around the Sea of Rhun. Will it be a race to march the largest army to his capital? Perhaps a race to deliver one or more artifacts? Or maybe, whichever team can gather and deliver 100,000 units of food will buy the Nation that is Rhun? So many possibilities!

If Galadriel should die before Murazor dies, then Rhun will join the DS. If vice-versa, then Rhun joins the Free. Any ties will be given another pair matching…

But I’m sure this is not nearly wacky enough!

Silvan - game21

Good to hear from “the enemy” for a change, we hope to hear from you right up until the end. In our last game–the much missed g231 [it ended on t47–i was digging in for another 20 turns or so but the 12 freeps surrendered to wee poor 9 dark servants to avoid further humiliation!]–there was good banter with our adversaries…at least until the tide turned and the formerly cocky went silent. Let`s hear your best taunts!

Shoglic the Suicidal

Our Lord Sauron sends greetings and gifts to your capitals, we hope you will welcome our emmisaries and advice?
Distrust the Elves–they want their lands for your own, they seek only power. The men under their command are deceived by dreams of equality the power hungry first born will never allow. As for the dwarves–they seek only the greatest share of wealth. They join war to take the spoils from your hard work.
Join the Dark Servants to enjoy the true meaning of Freedom under a benevolent figurehead, the Living God SAURON! You will be free to “express yourself” in any manner you desire, you will have the right to arm yourself against the persecutors that would take your freedoms away…and all at reasonable prices…

Why be squeezed between the strawheads of Rohan and the ragtag rangers of the north? Your agents skill will be welcome to compliment those of Mordor!

You are the natural successor to Our Lord, just as he has risen to the throne upon the departure of his lord MORGOTH. Your free army hire could come in useful all across the north–harrying the pop.centers of the noldo, dwarves, rangers. Or south to Rohan and the Gondors. We can supply you a secure base in the south.

Where better to use your power than against the gondors? The alternative would be a guerilla war in your own homeland, one that you would eventually lose over land. Surely that is not your natural environment? Pirates of the Desert??

The freeps surround you? You can take on and defeat the Northmen [especially with help :wink: ], You can place camps they cannot/will not find, you can attack them where least expected and we will grant you the security of Mordor. It is safer than roaming the wilds of mirkwood or arnor…

You are much more than an economic powerhouse–your cavalry can be the basis of a dark victory, and you will not feel hemmed in if you join with Sauron. You will be free to move your forces nearer “the front” secure in the knowledge that you have a safe homeland leagues from the grasping freeps.

We look forward to hearing from you all!

Praise SAURON!

Gulthuin the Grave

I will do my own thing, thank you.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

I wouldn`t expect anything else…

Gulthuin the Gravebound