Game 21 Begins

My plans are simple, I have none and would like to see teams do a scavenger hunt. I will post up the official list here when turn 5 runs, and teams will have until turn 10 to get as many points as possible. The team with the most points is the team I join and I will do my best to flip my icon on turn 11. I do have a few rules:

  1. Anything goes between the teams in terms of the hunt.
  2. Neutrals are allowed to participate, of course, but any points they garner WILL NOT go to an aligned side unless they flip their icon on turn 10. Icon flip fails? No points.
  3. Depending on how the hunt looks, I might change the timetable, but turn 6-10 sounds good for now.

I expect one of two things to happen: Both teams tell me to stuff it and attack me, or both teams ignore me and the hunt.

That is all.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Interesting…my breath is baited…and it seems like my esteemed Silvan opponent was almost right…

Shoglic the Manic

Whatever the items I have on my list, I expect none to be used as bribes to win my loyalty.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

I’ve decided to scrap my idea of a scavenger hunt and instead we’ll have a race.

Objective - Build a city from a brand new camp. The first team to do so wins my loyalty the following turn.

Here are the rules:

  1. The city must be on my map. I need to see progress, and it’s not allowed to be hidden.
  2. The starting camp location must be south of the major river running from Erebor and west of the Rhun Sea.
  3. Both teams must announce where they intend to begin their project.
  4. Camps may either be created by emmissaries or commanders.
  5. The camps may be created by ANY character.
  6. The population center is OFF LIMITS to any combat. Neither team is allowed to capture or destroy the other team’s population center. Anything else is fair game.
  7. Each team only gets ONE population center to work with. Transfers between teammate nations are allowed.

Important Rule
8. Neutrals are allowed to participate, but their population center is fair game for aligned sides to ALL ACTIONS and COMBAT so long as their icon remains neutral. Consequently if a neutral builds a city and flips their icon before either side can complete their city, I will flip mine as well the following turn to the same side. If a neutral flips his icon to an aligned side BEFORE getting the population center to city status then the combat clause in rule 6 against said team is null and void. For example, the WW decides to participate, gets his pop center to a town, and flip his icon to FP. Both the WW and the FP objective poplation center are now allowed to be involved in combat whereas the DS objective population center is still protected.

  1. If at anytime the objective population center falls into enemy hands, then a new objective population center is allowed to be started. The original objective population center is not protected under rule 6. If the original objective population center is retaken after a new objective population center has been created then the team must designate which population center will be counted towards the race.

  2. Race starts on turn 5 and goes until there is a winner. In the event of a tie, the city with the highest loyalty wins the tie-breaker.

If both teams decide to participate, I expect to hear which hex is designated by turn 5 and ideally camps already placed there. Good luck to both sides. If you have any questions over something I haven’t addressed, please ask.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

I’m curious to see everyone’s reactions…

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Me too!

-Russ / Cors21

Hey Russ, I’ll race ya… First one to ping the One Ring wins, you game? Our combined mage power might make a difference in this game.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

LOL. I’ll get right on it.


Well i for one am flabbergasted, but will of course be putting the full economic might of my two nations to accomplishing this task!
Good of you to give us 5 turns to get our houses in order though…

Gulthuin the Terminally Depressed

In the spirit of Ben’s neutral madness I declare the following.

Dunland will declare for the allegiance that holds the majority of Rhun’s pop centres by T10.


I don’t think I like this proposal…

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Originally posted by murmur
[b]Well i for one am flabbergasted, but will of course be putting the full economic might of my two nations to accomplishing this task!
Good of you to give us 5 turns to get our houses in order though…

Gulthuin the Terminally Depressed [/b]

Well, the DS are in… what say you FP?

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Originally posted by benmin18

I don’t think I like this proposal…

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings [/b]


Hello Friends and Foes Alike, I thought id issue a little news bulletin for you all. Not too much happening on T1, so lets hurry along…

In the North West the Rangers are active early on, bulldozing Amon Sul for a start, prancing around in their muddy rags and “larking” with horses all over the place. Meanwhile the Witch King broods and considers serious plots for recapturing his homelands. You see, its all about FREEDOM for us Nazgul, Morgoth Bless Mordor, yall!
In Mirkwood, those mutant shape-shifting woodmen have decided that Goblin-Gate is theirs for the taking, wouldnt it be funny if they got a nasty surprise when they arrived? Keep your too-close-together-eyes peeled for interesting encounters! Does anyone else think that Beorns father was a bit too familiar with his sister [as well as all forms of woodland creatures]?? I guess the woodies feel safe enough to empty their MTs of troops? The Elves meanwhile are sitting around formulating complicated plans whereby they can recapture their lost glory [and lands] whilst getting all the other races to do the actual fighting, so that they can still look pretty in their togas and lincoln green tights. They are in fact conspiratorial nonces. Lock up your sons is my advice! The Dwarves are short. Of everything. Rhun. The obvious question, oft asked, is; where? But, these easterlings have been making a name for themselves. The Northmen think they are "completely hatstand, cream-crackers, one keg short of a hobbit party" according to a source close to BARD. Yet, in Mordor, the notion is that Huz must have "a cunning plan"...we shall see. The Silvans fled 2915 Ceber Fanuin before the Dark Servant Sandwich could arrive...well it is their way...where ARE they off to? No news reaches our ears from those close neighbours in Dunland and Angrenost. Not a good sign. We do hope they dont go to war on one another. Edoras is nice this time of year, i hear…
The Gondors are of course mustering their troops for a “damned good thrashing” in fire alley. Imrahil the Ponce has been directing efforts since it has been long acknowledged that you can`t keep Denethor off the parafin for long enough to have a council meeting, Boromir and Faramir prefer traipsing around middle-earth on their “gap year adventures” and Ecthelion is as addled as Gollum. Alzheimers is apparently genetic in that family.
Khand remains enigmatic, yet open to diplomats with all the correct paperwork and manners…
The Jolly Rogers too have been busy in moving their fleets around, but what are they preparing for? Invading navies, or warring camels?
I remain the true voice of democracy,

THE VOICE of Adunaphel

So, Clint, you’re a neutral. The Khand. You’ve got the Maniac Floyd playing the Corsairs just to your West. You’ve got the . . . whatever Ben is . . . playing the Rhun just to your North. Are you a glutton for punishment or what?

1650 is still my favourite but I do like 2950 more than I used to. Something to do with blowing up my 1st ever (Silvan t’was) nation was in 2950 - well no-one told me to stop recruiting… :slight_smile: I find the building up a bit boring but pretty essential for 2950.

Who bought all the mounts btw?

Russ is a nice guy and nearly convinced me to join his team last time around; Ben is individualistic and you’ve got to admire that - with a pointed stick of course… :slight_smile:

Think I ended up with the Khand cos I stipulated any except 21 and 22, and WW is always popular so that didn’t leave much else. Never played them but have played 1650 Easterlings (someone’s cut my nation in half!)

I’ll shut up now as I am just rambling and I should really be doing some work for the FTF tomorrow…

Clint (player)

Oh, and im not aware of any time limit in 2950. Didnt get the opportunity to test that in g231, but it got close. Can Clint [with GM hat on] confirm this?

No time limit in 2950. For reference; if you send me queries for the “work stuff” to my own email I’ll just ignore them… :slight_smile:

Clint (GM)

<<Russ is a nice guy >>

So THAT’S why I always “finish last”!!!

-Russ / Cors21

Still no response from the FP… I get the feeling I’m about to be invaded.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Originally posted by benmin18
[b]Still no response from the FP… I get the feeling I’m about to be invaded.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings [/b]

Gosh, maybe they didn’t realise my proposal was in jest!


Come and get me, Brendan. I’ll squash your armies like bugs with my own armies, assuming I ever get my economy up to the point where I can support my own forces…

  • Ben
    MIGHTY Rhun Easterlings

Enion sat uncomfortably on his great throne in the Chieftain’s Hall in Larach Duhnan. It was piles season again, and the Dunnish people’s had yet to invent the soft cushion.

The Hall was full, being blessed with large warm fires and a roof that actually stopped the wind and rain.

Most of the people were drunk, or working on being drunk, and the noise was starting to give Enion a headache.

A respectful cough interrupted his descent into misery and he looked down to see Calmuad trying to get his attention.

“Wha ya want?” The Great King asked.

“Mighty Lord” Calmuad began, “I bring tidings of war from exotic lands, tales of people of cultures strange”.

“You what?” The Master of Dunland asked, “Speak proper you gob****e or I’ll 'ave Aonghas break yer other arm”.

“Right you are Dread Chieftain” Calmuad replied, gulping nervously. “Its like this, these fellas called the Rhun are threatening war with us because of that joke message you sent with the envoys to Mordor and Gondor”.

“That right is it?” the Fetid Ruler of the Clans said thoughtfully. “We can’t be ‘avin’ that now can we? Right, get the lads together and we’ll pop over and burn down some of their farms and maybe steal some cows”.

“Uh, just a suggestion, Oh Awesome Chief of Chiefs, but you might want to look at this map first…”