Lose camps - are you insane… (Big grin)… oh I’m a Neutral - cool - yum, slurp. Just see if I can spell my name with the camps
25 asterisks for that = 25 camps uh… well if I must.
Clint (player)
Lose camps - are you insane… (Big grin)… oh I’m a Neutral - cool - yum, slurp. Just see if I can spell my name with the camps
25 asterisks for that = 25 camps uh… well if I must.
Clint (player)
This neutral thing gets boring. Won’t someone go ahead and woo me? Oh, that’s right . . . I’m “staying neutral” for a while this time. I forgot how boring that is.
Russ / Cors
You guys should establish your own contests to win your loyalty. It’s fun to make people work for it, and it’s good to feel wanted.
I have issued the terms necessary to gain my loyalty and am distressed to see that neither side has eliminated the Rhun menace.
The evil Rhun have oppressed the poor people of Dunland for centuries and their evil warmongering ways threaten the peace of Middle Earth.
Come and get me.
Originally posted by benmin18
[b]Come and get me.
- Ben
Rhun Easterlings [/b]
No, its too far to walk.
Then do you want to meet in the middle somewhere? I figure if we ask nicely the White Wizard, Rohan, Sinda, Dragon Lord, Long Rider, Northmen, and Dog Lord will be work with us in finding a nice little place to fight somewhere in their respective territories.
That sounds too much like a fair fight. My lads aren’t into that sort of thing.
Your lads are all a bunch of cowering pansies. They’re as ugly as orcs, and they prance as well as elves. Come and get me.
Yeah well, your boys are all mincing horse lovers and your women folk look like fat dwarves.
My armies leave on the morrow. Lets see how well you savages deal with 2000 manly, pissed up men in skirts, I mean kilts.
I’ll ride you down like the vermin that you are. Now make sure you ask the White Wizard, Rohan, Sinda, Dragon Lord, Dog Lord, Northmen, and Long Rider if you can come out to play.
Try meeting at Morannon. It’s more or less in the middle. Of course, you’ll have to clear the Dog Lord orc vermin and their worgs first. Think of it like cleaning the boxing ring before a fight.
Hmmm, that`s quite a few troops you freeps have at Osgiliath. How many are there exactly???
And…don`t the riders of rohan/south gondor feel a bit vulnerable to surprise attack from the neighbourly neutrals with ALL their troops away from home?
Gulthuin the Gimp
Well, we know you orcs can’t count. So, the answer is 5.
As for the neutrals, unlike you darkies, we Freeps have this thing called trust. We trust them to make the right decision… I know this is a foreign concept so if your head starts to hurt, just lie down and think of stabbing someone in the back…
As for the last comment, who said these were ALL our troops?
Watching through Elrond’s Palantir.
Pretty big words from someone hundreds of leagues away…not that im saying the dunadan are cowards you understand. BTW; is Elrond
s Palantir wot you well edjucated freeps call a euphimism [thanks to Erennis for spelling]?
Barbarous Intent, of Barduath.
Hello Wraiths and Gimps All,
Welcome to the second round-up of what is happening in Saurons Realm!
I guess i should start with the big news…yes, it IS true; IMRAHIL this morning came out of the closet and revealed himself to a startled ADRAHIL. So shocked was the naval commander that he took his fleet and sailed to certain doom at Osgiliath, rather than face his Lords awkward passes. Oh yes, and he met 7 other armies of the free there too. Anyway, pressing on with more important matters...what? You wanna hear about Osgiliath? How tiresome. Okay, okay... The Freeps have landed 8 armies at the City of Blood this week in an attempt to make an immediate hole in DS defenses. The Dark Servants retaliated with 5 of their own, but the numbers [more than 15,000 troops in total!] don
t look good for Sauron`s Servants. The big question is; can the FP punch through and actually take anything? It is sure to be carnage, the bodies will be piled high.
Around the Rhun area, the uneasy quiet has been broken by the incursion on a Long Rider army which threatens the dwarves at Kheled-Nala and the Northmen at Shrel-Kain. It is doubtful that the FP will have the quality that UVATHA`s troop have…
Harad remains suitably Quiet thanks to the early non-agression treaties signed by the ministers of ADUNAPHEL, SANGARUNYA and OVATHA. The South slumbers…
Mirkwood saw brief violent action as the snivelling Silvans were purged from Ceber Fanuin at 2915. It is now in ruins. The Long Riders army under HARGROG then marched north west and was halted by a Woodmen force under BORNBENEOR at 2614. The Sinda under TATHAR, meanwhile, marched on Dol-Guldor, but they are outmatched there by superior Dragon Lord forces. Further north, GRASHUKH came out of Goblin Gate and crashed a rather dubious party being held by the inbred BEORN for a Silvan princling ARGALDOR at 2410. Who knows what the fey elves and mutant animal "worshippers" were up to in the forest together. GLORFINDEL the Blouse decided to check out the furnishing of Goblin Gate himself. Perhaps he
s misinterpreted the name of the place to be some kind of wanton establishment for his “sort”. There`s a lot of it going around. Just ask IMRAHIL.
More elves appear to be sniffing around the proposed DS golf and health spa at 3320. Is this against the rules that Rhun have set? Its so hard to remember...none the less, the freepies are taking a bit of a risk so close to Mordor. Our Master doesn
t like that kind of thing. Why not go home and count your horde of taxed gold elf-boys??
Who HAS been buying all the mounts? Freepie invaders? A cunning Newt? Or perhaps Sauron`s minions???
Here`s to the City of Blood and Fire Alley!
THE VOICE of Adunaphel
Those ARE big words for Darky. Let me try and spell it out with small words.
Elrond has big magic glass ball. Aragorn look into ball. Aragorn see darkies running around like chickens with no heads. Aragorn pleased.
I also never realized the DS were to homophoebic. “Imrahil out of the closet” and “Glorfindel the blouse”? It will be even more humorous when these light-skirts trounce the DS back to the previous age. I hear the Mayor of Goblin Gate has a nice collection of George Michael records that he had to hide from Khamul. I’ve seen Elrond’s Wham collection and they should get along just fine.
Also, I’m sure Ji and Din are slinking around Os somewhere. In fact, I’ve heard that Ji wears women’s clothing. Of course, no Freep has seen Ji and lived to tell but I believe the rumor none-the-less.
Future King of Gondor
Currently peeking over Elrond’s shoulder
It has been confirmed by an anonymous source [well, Gulthuin actually] that JI INDUR does indeed wear womens clothing. But just in the line of work…and as for homophobia we would like to say that it was in fact a product of latent homosexuality, but actually it is just a reflexion of our hatred for all the living and their nefarious physical ways. We hate mutants, elves, stumpy dwarves, smelly ranger men and prancing unbelievers of ALL kinds.
So there.
Shoglic the Sickly
Does Elrond still sleep with a dagger under his pillow?
Just out of interest…
Shoggy the Deadbeat
Elves suck… So do Nazgul… Neutrals rule.