Game 21 Begins

Doh…I will never look at another woman the same again. Arwen, show me your legs! If they are hairy, I’m outta here!

Future King of Gondor
Unless he meets the Hairy-legged woman

PS Elrond actually sleeps with a little doll of Galadriel under his pillow. Of course, who doesn’t! She’s a fox! I ever hear that Urzahil has an old drawing of Ms. G that he keeps in his locker.

Um…Arwen, sweetie. I don’t REALLY have a doll of Galadriel (crosses fingers). It was just a metaphor.

mmmmmmm, galadriel

drools uncontrollably

JI the CrossDresser

I do have a doll, that pale-skinned be-hatch is full of pins!

The “Lady” Adunaphel

I really dont think the free army violates any rules that the Rhun put out. We are not capturing or destroying your pop center, which are the only army restrictions. Its not our fault if you cant post that camp. We arn’t planning on camping right outside mordor. (at least that is visable to you…) And correct me if I am wrong, but the contest doesn’t start until turn 5, and we are only upcoming on 3. So, you will have to get your lawyers something else to do for the next few turns.


Originally posted by benmin18
To ensure that each team gets a FAIR START the designated hexes shall remain clear of opposing army icons since you can’t camp a hex that is occupied by the opposition.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings [/b]

Think again. I want a fair start for both sides. Leave the hexes CLEAR OF ALL ARMIES.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

oops… Did I mention I cant read. :stuck_out_tongue:

The army is moving anyway, and wasn’t meant to hinder the camping anyway (Still a few turns early for that…)

My ScoArmy Assassins need practice anyway…

JI IN A [battle]DRESS

Can we posibly get all the rules in a single posting? I still thought we were doing a scavenger hunt!!! :slight_smile:

FP have designated 3814.
DS have remained the same at 3320.

Objective - Build a city from a brand new camp. The first team to do so wins my loyalty the following turn.

Here are the rules:

  1. The city must be on my map. I need to see progress, and it’s not allowed to be hidden.
  2. The starting camp location must be south of the major river running from Erebor and west of the Rhun Sea.
  3. Both teams must announce where they intend to begin their project.
  4. Camps may either be created by emmissaries or commanders.
  5. The camps may be created by ANY character.
  6. The population center is OFF LIMITS to any combat. Neither team is allowed to capture or destroy the other team’s population center. Anything else is fair game.
  7. Each team only gets ONE population center to work with. Transfers between teammate nations are allowed.

Important Rule
8. Neutrals are allowed to participate, but their population center is fair game for aligned sides to ALL ACTIONS and COMBAT so long as their icon remains neutral. Consequently if a neutral builds a city and flips their icon before either side can complete their city, I will flip mine as well the following turn to the same side. If a neutral flips his icon to an aligned side BEFORE getting the population center to city status then the combat clause in rule 6 against said team is null and void. For example, the WW decides to participate, gets his pop center to a town, and flip his icon to FP. Both the WW and the FP objective poplation center are now allowed to be involved in combat whereas the DS objective population center is still protected.

  1. If at anytime the objective population center falls into enemy hands, then a new objective population center is allowed to be started. The original objective population center is not protected under rule 6. If the original objective population center is retaken after a new objective population center has been created then the team must designate which population center will be counted towards the race.

  2. Race starts on turn 5 and goes until there is a winner. In the event of a tie, the city with the highest loyalty wins the tie-breaker.

If both teams decide to participate, I expect to hear which hex is designated by turn 5 and ideally camps already placed there. Good luck to both sides. If you have any questions over something I haven’t addressed, please ask.

To ensure that each team gets a FAIR START the designated hexes shall remain clear of opposing army icons since you can’t camp a hex that is occupied by the opposition.

I think that’s all of them.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Nah, Elrond doesn’t sleep with a dagger under his pillow he could cut himself and that would be icky.

He sent that blond bitch Glorfindel away with an army of hair dressers because he just couldn’t take the competition for Gildor.


I would like to announce that my emissaries suck. One for four on camp placement does not bode well.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Well, I havn’t seen all of the results, but the battle fo the 13 armies didn’t go well for the filthy orcs. But the good news (for them) is that now it is the battle of 10 armies in Minas Morgul. Bad news… they are again severly outnumbered.
Well, WK, I hear the north is nice this time of year.


Still didn’t drop the bridge, eh?

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Nope… and now is a little late. :slight_smile:

I would like to announce that my emissaries suck. One for four on camp placement does not bode well.

Yeh 1 out of 3 this turn for my Ems… :frowning: Must be everyone creating - gives more credence to that opinion that number of Ems related to number of camps created.

Clint (player)

Come on neuts. You are supposed to be building! :slight_smile:

Even the DS had some good emmisary luck. Thanks by the way for wasting the 10k on upgrading MM to a city. Lets see… do we want a MT/Castle in fire alley, or a big smoking hole… tough choice.

We’re trying… I forgot how boring it is to be a neutral.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings

Well Ben, you could always flip free and come with me as we storm into the back of mordor. Think how much fun it would be to have the Rhun burn the CL capital…

Originally posted by benmin18
[b]We’re trying… I forgot how boring it is to be a neutral.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings [/b]

Oh, oh I see.

Our little war not good enough for you is it?

Well, lets see if we can spice it up for you. Your lands will be mine.

Originally posted by Brendan Miller
[b]Oh, oh I see.

Our little war not good enough for you is it?

Well, lets see if we can spice it up for you. Your lands will be mine. [/b]

I told you to ask the White Wizard, Rohan, Dog Lord, Sinda, and Northmen if we could play through. What did they say? And I’d stomp you anyways.

  • Ben
    Rhun Easterlings