Game 22, 2950

There is a mailgnant evil festering in Dol Goldor. Khamul, Shadow of the East, has returned to the abode of the Necromancer to spread the reign of Sauron and banish the elves forever from Mirkwood and Middle Earth.

The emmissaries of the DS are open to discussions with those neutral nations who have not fallen under the sway of the lies of the elves and their mannish slaves. Elrond is no Gil-Galad, Aragorn is no Elendil. Their time is at an end.


PS Email Contact:

Ecthelion, Steward of Gondor has risen from his throne to wage war on the forces of Sauron the Foul once more. The might of Men is waxing. With our Elven brethren we are unstopabble. Mordor shall be cleansed in flame.

In anticipation of the return of the King does Ecthelion wish parlay with the ambassadors of those yet unaligned, for the time to take sides is nigh. Join the mighty Free in our quest to purify Middle Earth and eradicate the Scourge of the East once and for all!


p.s. please feel free to message me on jamesandrewknight at gmail dot com - especially if you are a neutral!

Greetings Brethern of the Light! Our swords have lain dormant far too long. The evil has grown tongues but still slithers on it’s belly like the snake it has always been.

Neutral nations of Middle Earth, turn not your ear to the false promises of the minions of the DArk One. Lift your eyes to the heavens and embrace the true light. Orome sits astride Nahar and raises a fiery brand to light your way!

The forces of evil will be driven back into the bowels of the earth by the might of the Light! Join us as we will be triumphant!

Elrond of the Noldo

(P.S. AKA John d - abqjohnd - at-

White Wizard chekin in would love to hear from all players. especially neutrals, before 1st turn runs.

send emails to

I have no problem with goin with either side. I dont care that i am in a bad position to go DS.

i really dont.

all i ask of both sides in game 22 is that i am allowed to go after tinculin myself.

i started with LAT and both the free and ds start with curse arties. I would like the chance to have my own curse arty.

this IS negotiable. please let me know what your team thinks of this.

GoToWARH (maryjane8193)

Hello All,

Northmen here… looking forward to a long, drawn out battle for the east!
Any and all in the game are welcome to contact me through the board or at


This is Quiet Avenger checking in, looking to begin communication with the Corsairs and the Khand Easterlings. You can contact me at I eagerly await your reply.

Until that time.


Greetings fellow members of game 22, I am the Dunlendings player and wish to make contact. I can be reached at CPA2REFER@AOL.COM. I look forward to hearing from you.

Steven Brydges


Did you get my note?


Times almost up guys. Turns are due to be run tomorrow. The war has finally begun, again…