Game 22

Greetings Warlords,
looks like game 22 started after several months of waiting and waiting…

Corsairs are checking in.

If you want to get in contact with me please use

The not pre-aligned Corsairs.

Let’s hope for a good game!

Have Fun!


Greetings Ringseekers, one and all

The Dunlendings welcome the contact of all nations. Their emissaries can be reached at

We are particularly interested in contact with the servant of Saruman. Their actions and agenda are pivotal to the security of our nation.

I have no preconveiced allegiance. The contact and cohesion of the relative factions will play part in my decision.

A brief outline of my nations agenda
-Secure lands south of the river Tharbad, West of the misty mountains and upto and including the Southern mountain range. Saruman and I to negotiate his allocation within this area
-To be left in peace to recover treasures lost to the Dunlendng empire. They include 187, 170, 61, 44, 31. Any nation carrying these when I move on them can expect some serious diplomatic discussions.
-Provide agent support to nation’s that make reasonable requests. Costs will be negotiated in private.
-To make occasional reqests of the allied factions to test how much our allegiance is wanted. Be guaranteed any request is to both nations and outcomes will be measured.

Mike Johncock

Greetings Everyone!

We welcome diplos from everyone! While the war is sure to rage between DS and FP we the Rhun easterlings wish to stay out of your affairs!

As for possibilty of early declarations to either side will only happen if and aligned nation does any covert or overt action against any of my home current or future holdings.

Current plans are to move nothing and only declare to ensure this game is balanced.

For diplo’s

Good game and have fun!

Dunadan Rangers signing in.

Curious to see who is playing the various DS positions.


Lords of Middle Earth,

The nation of the White Wizard seeks to converse with both the nations of the Free People and the Servants of Sauron. My realm is encompasses numerous areas and I wish to reassert the neutrality of my humble servants.

I will do whatever is necessary to bring an end to this horrible war. If it is deemed that I must safe guard this…One Ring. Then so be it! I will do what is necessary in order to save the rest of you!

Self sacrifice…that is what my nation is about. :smiley:

In order to contact me in regards to the location of any such ring or any other ring of power… :rolleyes:

Lord Thranduil has been informed by Galadriel, that Sauron “enslaver of free will”, is moving again!

The Silvan elves has decided to leave the safety of the woods, to form an alliance with the other free people of Middleearth, to rid the world of this scourge once and for all!

In the lands of Rohan, Lord Theoden is mustering his Rohirrim. His horsemen has long waited for a chance to revenge the countless attacks from Mordor.
Theoden does fear for his western border, but is ensured that the neutral Dunlendings and his old ally Saruman will aid in this fight.

In other words…

Silvan Elves and Riders of Rohan are checking in!

Can be reached at:

Greetings to all your Lord and Ladyships of Middle Earth,

The mitey Dwarves are here! We see a fair few nations already showing themselves here, and we expect (and hope) to see yet a few more. We invite any neutral nations to contact us, as we certainly plan to contact you. Feel free to contact us at [the space is an underscore]

~Thorin and Co.

[ Whispers to Dwalin: “Well, that went on nicely, don’t you think? Now then, how about a pint whilst we wait? Don’t want to be sittin’ nervously about whilst the representatives from Rhun eye us up. Need to look relaxed, capable, all that.”

Dwalin whispers back: “Indeed? Well then, next time try not to sit on me sandwich.” ]

Sibroc’s guidelines for Dunlending actions in early game.

Contract negotiations
I intend to use the 1st week after turn process to field offers for my support and feeback as to requests. At the end of week 1 final bids will be accepted for submission. Over the weekend I will weigh the decision on which actions will be taken. You will then be notified as the successful/unsuccessful bidder and actions will be taken. Payment will be due the turn following scouting and 2 turns later for thefts/sabotage, based on success.

Preferred payment is in food and quoted at a price of 1. This generates no rumour. Other resources may be accepted based on needs at the time. Artefacts are of course an equitable form of payment, particularly for multiple missions or several turns actions. General value early on while gold is rare
weapon -5 x cbt rating
command -1000 x command rating
mage -1500 x mage ranking
ag/st -2000 x ag/st rank
emmy -2500 x emmy rank
1/2 the value if it is aligned as it is of limited value.
Casting of spells for my nation is a form of payment

Mission Agenda

stealing -Roughly the amount I steal is the cost to employ me to steal (capped at 5000). Additions are incentive if both sides ask same mission. Payment after mission so if theft fails I get nothing
I justify this cost based on

  1. Thefts can stop character and hire orders
  2. Unaccounted thefts can drive nations to ruin
  3. Cost is paid by a nation that can afford, theft from a nation likely in trouble
  4. Part cost as life insurance policy in case my agent/s die in action and need replacing. Also covers charcter maintanence costs
  5. It reflects the chagrin I may draw from the victim
  6. In employing my services you will not be targeted by other agents on the turn in question. I don’t steal from a client.

guarding -Not a priority for me as my agents are capable of doing more productive orders early. However if you fear for your mightiest heroes and want the protection offered by a guard then I entertain all offers. This is a deadly order, especially guarding for the FP v the CL. Should the guard die, base replacement costs will be fowarded to the guarded characters nation. Guarding Aragorn while he sits at 3024 threatening or Ji while he is in an elven capital adds to the cost. Generally I’ll only do this order after I have scouted on the way into a hex.

scouting -This is the most expensive of options. I don’t train and I go to a hex where the intention is grievous bodily harm and/or the acquisition of items of mystic significance. I then have to get clear likely reducing action to guard or refuse. Without using arties or one Nazghul these scouts cannot be matched. With me using 4 orders, getting maybe 1 guard and providing such unparalelled scouting the cost is high. For a battle hex like 3024 the cost would be one around 10,000 gold, 1 LaT, 2xLA or a lesser artefact delivered. When you look at the actions taken by a Dun scout, it requires far less orders to provide payment and you will have more of the payment orders than you have access to scout 80+. If I find nobody I don’t charge.

sabotage Not capable yet The cost in gold to build the defences, bridge, harbour, etc (timber cost excluded). With timber cost 2 at least, this means it will cost the enemy 3 times the price to rebuild or 2 times time for fortifications if you use 1/2 timber SNA.

kill/kidnap Not capable yet These sort of actions cause alliances to hunt you, even if you are neutral. Cost is calculated using the bribery calculator with my Agent skill substituting as the Emmy rank and my targets ranks = to the bribed characters ranks. Success to = 100%. On top of this if I kidnap then that will leave a trail back to my nation. This means you will incur the maintenance costs until the captive is transfered to you.

armies -Performing actions with armies is virtually a declaration of war as the action has a very tangable effect. Before you ask me to do this think what reaction you would have if a near neutral attacked you. eg. If I blocked FP access to 2006 while a DS dragon was recruited or cleared a defending army to allow threat that would mean war to most. Even hitting small pops will draw immediate reaction as economies are low and my downgrade would create a very real perception of animosity. Get your cheque book out, have your favourite baubles in hand and be prepared to part with it all… Thats assuming I’ll even do it, no guarantees here.

Hopefully this helps nations understand the cost to me and in turn the cost to a nation hiring my services. I place no onus on a person to use these services and they will have only small bearing on my allegiance. That bearing is generated by proactive actions, not because you employ our services.

Dunlending Overseer

Interesting stuff!

If someone will try to steal something from Corsair’s land we will treat this as an act of war and our navies will leave their harbours!

Have Fun!


Who’d be interested in stealing fish? :stuck_out_tongue:

Good question! Who would be interested in stealing fish…:smiley:

Now when he comes to steal the fish…all I need is a big rock and then I look for the ring…

Yeah…this white robe isn’t helping…sigh :frowning:

hmm… that obsession with some ring sounds unhealthy…

Khand approve of the Dunlendings bill of services. We ask our usual 30% management fee and 20% surcharge.

Ovatha IV

Thorin: “Steal fish??? Fish doesn’t even make fer good beer. Now fish n’ chips, that goes well with an ale, or mebbe a lagger. That reminds me, some odd little one once told me to “Keeps yer smelly chippsss!” Wonder what ever happened ta that feller. Little guy. Slinked around alot. Liked his fish raw and wrigglin’. Can’t abide the thought meself. I like beer batter too much.”:slight_smile:

Dwalin:“Pay attention. That one from Dunland has a price list and a contract. We shoulda brought Fili along. He’s good with the cypherin’ and the appraisin’.”:cool:

Thorin:“Price list???”:confused:

Dwalin:“Quiet. I’m doing a quick maths here, to see what we ken afford. Figures he’d name food as the exchange unit. Might as well name payment in singing donkeys.”:rolleyes:

Thorin:“Or fish.”:smiley:

Hi there little folk,
to clear it up a bit:

If you’ll try to steal a fish at our market-places the thief will lose the hand used for stealing the fish.

If you’ll send fisher-boats in our territorial-waters, we will capture them.

If you’re interested in our goldfishes, we will come to your homelands and burn them.

We really love our “goldfishes”!

Have Fun!


… to be continued:

if you need me to do something for you, persuade me that I’ll choose the right side!

Have Fun!


Now why do I have boats! There is nothing more than a duck pond in Rhun… Is this what we do with our spare time… meet up with the NM and have sail boat races when war is not raging! certainly not for trade as we have nice roads to race around…

Hi Terry,
if you don’t need them…

I would like to take them!

Please use order 458 MakA(ir)Shp, I’ll come to get them!

Have Fun!


Thorin: “Bah! Boats?!? Don’t need boats. We dwarves, we’re natural long distance runners. Don’t need a boat to get where me feet ken get me.”

Dwalin: “Sprinters.”

Thorin: “Wha?”

Dwalin: “We’re sprinters. Not distance runners. And put the nice man’s fish back. I know you were just lookin’ at it, but he may not be as understanding as that Northman feller.”

Even for long distance runners, Corsair’s land is far away from the little folks home.-

Even if you’ll sprint, our guards will get you.

Tons of armour won’t make your sprints much easier.
You would have to get rid of your armour!

… can’t remember that one of the little folk would have stripped his armour!

Better not touch things belonging to the Corsairs…

We’re southerners and our blood starts boiling soon…

Have Fun!
