Game 23 Starts

Ji decided to try and sneak away with Ecthelion in the night and Ecthelion thumped him on the head and said go away snotling.

Denethor II

course i am sure Ji will be sneaking around again somewhere else.


Why focus on all the DS negatives, let’s look at some positives … ummm … they did steal 300 gold from a camp … errr … lets see … LR cav armies - caught … Osgiliath - standing … oh nevermind.

Something must be wrong in the ranks of the Nazgul’s it’s way to quiet in here only Freeps seem to be doing all the communicating.

Any DS? Anyone? Hello?

Dragon Lord? Hello?

Witch King? Anyone?

hey did you hear that? Oh i thought it was a Nazgul trying to sneak into the tavern; i guess they have more improtant things to do then rest and drink some ale.

hello to everyone in game 23. the duns are joining the free alliance. as i pro0mised both my contact people i will make no moves against the dark servants on turn 5. after that it is war as usual.good gaming to one an all…GATOR

No, it is just your friendly fellow Easterling. Does being Neutral mean you have no-one to drink with?

To the contrary: it means you buy all the drinks!


Well while Murazor certainly doesn’t have time to post here, clearly those trolls in Mt. Gundabad have had time multiplying their number <shudder at image>. Too bad the elves sniffed you out up there. Of course, it is not hard considering the considerable odor.

Groin : " My boyz can’t seem ta find any orc rabble anywhere! "

Gloin : "Better check the Mordor marshes, they be hiding… "

Ballz : " I have seen many emissaries from far away lands leave our
Free People’s council with smiling faces !"

Nutz : " Perhaps they too have knocked on the Dark servant doors and
found no one home ?! "

FYI I changed my username, just updating that fact.

How come we don’t see this kind of banter from you in Game 27?


well. i dont know why. maybe because the Rhun was my last of FIVE choices in the game and its takin me a while to get in the groove. :slight_smile:


Apparently if I don’t post here then I am not communicating. I didn’t realize the Forums have become so well used, not till just now. I am used to doing everything by email but some reason I have Neutrals saying I don’t send emails, yet I have sent emails to all Neutrals. I am interested in having a fun game yet it seems that everything is stacked against my team already. I don’t mind admitting that we had 2 drops within 4 turns. But I will not admit that we haven’t tried to talk with the neutrals. Gator I don’t know how you came to joining the free, I know for a fact that you never made any attempt to talk with me the Dragon Lord, second closest DS to you. Maybe the internet gremlins ate all my emails or something.
Anyways I can promise this will be a short game if all 5 neutrals go Free. So here I am trying to contact all the Neutrals again through what seems the only means someone might respond. Well I did get ONE Neutral to respond, not a very good ratio.

One speaks! Welcome Khamul. We should meet somewhere convenient, to discuss your surrender. Perhaps 2715? That seems a central meeting spot, convenient to all.

Sorry to say that I am not really interested in surrender at this time. More I am interested in hearing from those very quiet Neutrals. I must say though that the Sinda have been very lucky.

Yes quite.

Read your Private Messages Kalgren. Click the link in the top RH corner of this page.