An ominous still laden with possibility has fallen upon Middle Earth. The raids of marauding bands of orcs have increased in frequency and ferocity. No longer content to strike quickly and flee into the night with goods and livestock these foul mockeries have butchered whole villages. The bodies of the fallen show signs of being hacked and mutilated beyond death.
Whispers have reached the ears of free men behind tightly bound shutters of worse horrors that stalk the night. Fey riders swathed in tattered black cloaks and riding strong horses darker than midnight are said to stalk the scattered towns and villages as if in search of…something. Rumblings and harsh gutteral voices are said to be heard in and around the jagged peaks surrounding the blasted lands of Mordor.
Men, Dwarves and Elves are said to be meeting in secret council where the Wise might read the nature of these dark portents to determine their true meaning and scope. An uneasy malicious fear and firm resolve has fallen upon the Free nations of Middle Earth for times that trust the true mettle of men are upon us.
Will Free nations stand with courage and sell their lives dearly or lay whimpering upon the ground in fear of the horror to come?
Game 230 Grudge begins!
I look forward to a fun game and spirited match!
Noldo Elves
Rhun Easterlings
Game# 230