Game 230- hello out there.

GAME 230

Hey gang,

How come no trash talk in game 230?
Looking forward to some good banter.
Hello to all the DS – may you play just well enough to lose.

Bob / SG


There are one or two trash talkers on the DS side; but I tend to frown on it, not sure if that is what’s holding their tongues or not.

I can speak for everyone on the team when I say we hope to give you a good game.

I apologize for the delayed response.

Greetings SG-Bob

Since I am the quiet Avenger I mostly avenge and talk less. However, the two of us will probartly see much more of each other soon…

Adunaphel the Quiet Avenger


Looking forward to it.

Bob / SG

Finally the forces of South Gondor has come to the aid of their fellow Gondorians. They will join them in the abyss. Pelargir and the surrounding lands WILL fall. It is Saurons will…

Adunaphellow, the Quieter Avenger

PS. Tell Elrond that Ji says hi and thanks for Elladans wig;)