Game 233


No, I trust you and echo Ben’s comments, just was wondering about some of the specifics, and you have enlightened me.

Beside, you were a gracious Eothraim team leader in one of
my first games that issued a coup de grace (with those damn war machines with HC- damn them!) on one of my first games and
put us Darkies out by Turn 13. Well done and ouch…



You already know how the Dragon feels. I respect you as a player and I’m very interested in what comes of your quest. I would look unfavorably on any attempts to “force” your hand and would do my best to prevent them. NOTHING like that has come up in our inner circle, though. However, judging by some of the rumors I pick up occasionally, I’m not sure the other team feels the same.

-Russ for Khamul

BTW, R.I.P. Prince Imrahil. We shall all miss the Joker Formerly Known as Prince . . Imrahil.

Also, R.I.P. Hidalgo. Your movie bombed, and so did you. But rest in peace knowing your crappy movie can probably still make millions internationally.

South Gondor, are you enjoying the gradual shift from nation-building to nation-dying? We are here to entertain you.

-Russ for Khamul

I’d just like to advise the rest of the players that Saruman is the One True Lord and as the leader of my chosen Third Alternative Allegiance, anyone who has an issue with the Wizard and his plans had better put that bridge back and go through me first.


You put it up. And we’re waiting for those PDF/XML files.

  • Ben
    Dog Lord

Originally posted by benmin18
You put it up.

Okay then. I will. Just you wait. I’m gonna do it. Don’t snicker Hormie. Slap him Khamul. Don’t make me come over there. I’m serious you know. You’re gonna vote Ohio off when you see what I got comin’.

And we’re waiting for those PDF/XML files.

Taken care of son, you lost.


Mac, maybe you should have just started a game all by yourself…just think how fast you could gather your information.

one confused elf

I will now impart a little info on the one ring i have from experience in 2950.
Finding the One Ring is a HUGE pain in the Ass, dont try till
around turn 20 and with a mage of 200+ ability or you will get
shafted. Finding the One ring is one thing and getting it is
another, Bilbo has the ring untill after turn 40, not sure how
long after but at least turn 40, he will move randomly around the
map turn after turn but will occasionaly stop in one hex for two
turns so you will be following him for a while if you are even
lucky enough to keep tracking the ring and moving an agent to the
hexes it was in. This is when you can steal the ring (stole it
with a 47 and 77 agent before) or challenge bilbo but you better
have a damn good challenge. When the Ring is “STOLEN” no other
nation receives a message like when the ring is “FOUND” of this
i have proof.

The possible reason for not being able to curse the carrier is
that the ring provides extra health to the carrier, he is not
limited to the 100 points as normal characters are, not sure what
the health ranking is but is IS above normal.

The ring CAN be transfered to another character as i have done
it.The 77 agent transfered it to Khamul, so maybe a
transfer down in rank is less likey to succeed.

The ring will corrupt high level characters quickly i have heard
of Saruman being corrupted the same turn he received the ring and
he was a 100 Mage at the time. A corrupted character is lost for
the rest of the game.
Lower rank characters can hold on to the ring for shorter periods
of time then Mid level characters my 47 agent only held the ring
for two turns where as the 77 agent held it for 4 turns before
transfering it and Khamul held it for 4 turns before losing it.
When lost the ring will fall in the hex of the character carrying
it or one hex from that spot.
I have heard, though never confirmed, that the one ring can
travel on its own.

Once you lose the ring it seems about 50% harder to locate it or
pick it up, after i lost the ring a 260 mage with a 98% casting
rank on LAT could not find it after 6 tries as well as the 3
other mages with a little less chance of finding it, the
reason we knew where it was is from the end game report.
There it sat as high and low level characters and different
classes attempted to pick up the ring using the 900 order,
probably 10 attempts.

The ring Does afford the bearer 100 stealth, my 77 agent that
showed up everywhere DID NOT show up on two cities with
over 90 loyalty that were friendly towards me. As for the other bonuses it conveys i am not sure, but i do know that the bonuses
DO NOT show up on your character information on your turnsheet.

Moving the one ring is by foot only, spells will make you lose
the ring automatically. Movement over 2 or 3 hexes is possible
but with lower level characters it is not as possible, with the
77 agent i moved 12 then 11 hexes and Khamul then moved 8 hexes
then 6 hexes.
All of these things may change from game to game and probably do
and actions failing and succeeding where the one ring is linked
to the characters involved so all in all it is a crapshoot.
BTW the discription above when referring to tracking the One Ring
was tracking bilbo not the ring specifically but while he had it
we did locate it as with him. I have heard that he loses the ring
in the later stages of the game and that Frodo does indeed have
it at some point but have not personally confirmed this.
The events above took place in two diff games as DS and from turn
37 to turn 57 and turn 39 to turn 50.

Last info is just some general info I found.

Still confused about the big picture… .


I have a question, posted here publically in order to share the answer as such:

If the Wiz does get the ring, loses Saruman, moves it around, etc…is one of your experiments going to be “What happens when a Neutral casts the ring into Mount Doom?”

I think that’s the big one on everyone’s mind - if/when you get the ring and if you’re successful playing around with it (low odds, it would appear…) then what…? I don’t think the players want the game to end “for” either side “artificially” by one player fiddling with his own agenda.



You already know how the Dragon feels. I respect you as a player and I’m very interested in what comes of your quest. I would look unfavorably on any attempts to “force” your hand and would do my best to prevent them. NOTHING like that has come up in our inner circle, though. However, judging by some of the rumors I pick up occasionally, I’m not sure the other team feels the same.

-Russ for Khamul

Does the Dragonlord use lipstick?

A disgusted elf

There is no NPC named Frodo in 2950. Gollum can have the ring also.

Another LONG message sorry!

Deevel- you’ve been holding out on me! This sounds like a mixture of personally verified info and stuff from the Mouth- Is this ALL confirmed from you personally? It makes a difference- I am not going to try to reinvent the wheel- though I will try to pin down when you can start to locate the couriers- and in a game I lost on turn 28 I had Gollum holding the ring… interesting- we should talk! De-bunking the mouth of sauron back issues is a major goal…

As for a neut dropping it in Mt Doom… I didnt think about that! It is a thought- but I think if I tried, I might hit a flag in the programming and loose the thing. I’ll have to talk to the powers that be and see if they’ll humour me on this. You never know. THEY may not know what happens either! I know that they seem to be trying to buy the rights to the code for this game- which implies that they don’t have all the answers at this point in time. Either way- if the movement thing works as described by Deevel, I won’t be able to get it to Mt Doom anyways- not without getting killed by somebody en route… Actually- page 5 of the rule book stipulates that it must be an aligned player that does this- it also MAY imply that a neut is unable to even secure the ring… points to ponder…

I will say this- and hope to be prven wrong…

I think it wil take me a LONG time to find it, let alone get it. Even when I get it (IF I get it) I don’t expect to be able to move it and IF I can move it, I may work out something with both sides whereby I move it AWAY form MT Doom just to see how the movement thing works… that way everybody gets to continue the slugfest. The only thing I know for certain about the ring is the ending- therefore I don’t need to see it. (would be nice though :slight_smile: ) I seriously think that this game will end sooner than this of course, thus my aggressive efforts to aquire more artis, and get greater co-operation from both sides. Ill post a second message on ‘helpful things that we will all be grateful for later’ which will detail some things that volunteers can do at thier leisure (like anybody has time for that! Ha!)

I am not here to ruin a game- as a self described oddball, I am not concerned with this aspect to the game. I would LOVE to play a game where I get to do this without worrying about whether the game is about to end or not. MEPBM won’t oblige me on this- so I’ll do what I can in this game and hope for the best. The average for getting this position is something like one in 20 games? May be as low as one in 14. I am not waiting THAT long for another attempt at this… that’s roughly one year to almost 2 years at the outer end to get the position that I need to do this. Of course if I could play WK, Sinda or Drk Lts, I could do this faster- but the war tends to get in the way. No team can afford to loose these posiitons, and to provide the support needed to help them along thus… WW or bust!

Fingers are crossed that this game (a) lasts long enough for me to find it and work through some recovery theories and (b) that both sides find enough of a ‘comfort zone’ to help me out in the trivial, but essentially necessary, ways that will maximise my efforts.

Macman- Da Wiz

PS: Geez Don- was that me? SOUNDS like me, but I have played in some fast games and I don’t remember playing the blondies in a long time… how far back was this alleged mess conducted? Perhaps it was Chris Hind… a chum and co-conspirator in many of my games? He’s played the horsey boys at least 4 times…

Things that would help find the ring without actually finding the ring:

1- casting 408, 422, 424 on Bilbo and Gollum- more to see when they come into play than anythign else, but a strong mage may get useful info out of 424…

2- casting 412 on the ring. I am interested to see what it will say- if anything. If the ring isnt in play, will it have a different message? "there is no such artifact vs further efforts will succeed? This tells us when the ring comes into play…

3- 436 on bilbo and gollum. obvious benefits to this spell working…

4- 420, 430- see #3 above

ALSO- naming characters “gollum” and “Bilbo”. I have already used the names Frodo and Smeagol so these are not NPC names… and on turn 2 I tried to use “Bilbo” and found the name in use already… I wish I had tried naming GOllum and Bilbo turn 0! Dumb!!!

I am sure you can think of other things to do that wouldnt cost you the game, and that WOULD help the search… these are just off the top of my head.



No, while I have been around a long time (can you say Earthwood?), I found that information on a ME site.

But I have been in games where the ring was successfully used.

Maybe you should ask Psycho Pirate, he always was a wealth of information. If you could find him.

If you want this game to last a while…maybe you should rethink your position?


<<Does the Dragonlord use lipstick?

A disgusted elf>>

  • Only in your perverted dreams you sick FREAK of an Elf. Does Elrond know about your fantasies? I hear he can be quite jealous. I’d keep this kinda’ info “under the table” were I you. And please don’t relate any stories to me about “what else” goes on “under the table” in your elvish circles! The only story I’m interested in is the one in progress now . . . the slow and sure demise of your kind.

-Russ for Khamul

“You already know how the Dragon feels.”

My sincere apologies. I misinterpreted your statement. Evidently I was wrong about your statement sounding like KISSING WW BUTT.

As for perverted, sick, FREAK of an Elf, you may be right.

annoyed ELF

You’re just jealous because you personally don’t know how the Dragon “feels” in a physical sense. You sick freak Elf. You’ll have to stick with your fantasies. The only part of the dragon you’ll ever feel is the tip of his sword. Eh? Why does this make you grin? . . . . Ugh!!! Die freak!

That’s all for me then. I’m not hangin’ with some dragon feeler… I guess I’m on my own again. Dragon touchers, freak elfs, Rohan Riders (sicker than the dragon thing, whatever a rohan is). Wonder what I did in my previous life to deserve all this…?


Things just got a WHOLE lot worse for the Free Peoples, didn’t it…

  • Ben
    Dog Lord