- …
Dang it! I was trying to count the number of DS armies on my map but I don’t have enough fingers!!
Russ, The Ten-Fingered Dragon
Dang it! I was trying to count the number of DS armies on my map but I don’t have enough fingers!!
Russ, The Ten-Fingered Dragon
And they’re all MINE! The Dog Lord has run rampant out of Morannon!!!
How so bad guy?
Ever in the Dark
Well, I’ve just usurped control from everyone else. Long Rider, Ice King, Witch King, Dark Lts., they’re all following my lead. The Dog Lord hath spoken.
Hmmmm… a coup eh?..
Perhaps the losers in this internal power struggle would care to join my grand nuetral alliance? We are growing each month!
You better hurry up on finding that ring. These freeps aren’t doing you any favors by losing the game in a rapid format.
Russ for Khamul
Yeah, yeah…
This turn a rank 100 mage with a 93% chance failed to get so much as a whisper of the ring… Ill try something a little different next turn involving character based tracking…
I do believe the rumors about the ring not even turning up 'till turn umpteen. The Freeps don’t have the fortitude to keep this game going that long.
Except for Stewie, of course! Stewie is possibly the only worthy player they have what with his experience, charisma, and properly balanced sarcasm. He should really be a DS with us but what can you do?
I told him that all we needed was his PDF and XML file and we’d let him in, right?
So Brad…
How does it feel to be stretched? You’ve got to cover South Gondor and Rohan. It’d be a pity if we decided to raise the bridge, wouldn’t it?
I will take care of the Gap soon enough, so one less thing to worry about.
South Gondor and Rohan? Pelargir is “South Gondor”, nice and quiet now that the carnival has left town. Rohan? I’m not coverin’ nothin! I don’t care to know anything about those who “ride” the rohan and I don’t even want a hint as to what “cover” entails. You just pop that little bridgie on up there mutt-head.
Originally posted by RKFloyd
I do believe the rumors about the ring not even turning up 'till turn umpteen.
12 or 13, forget which I got told over and over and over.
I have had the Ring all along!!
I cant see it of course, but it is greasy, rough and smells of onions.
I am the true Master of Mordor
The Blind Sorcerer
PS: Blind and Undead, talk about crap luck!!
Russ, you’re the Personal Secretary to Camel-breadth, si? I’ve been reading the histories of cross/in-breeding royals and was looking for an appropriate mate for my daughter. Got any kids in line for the title of Nazgul? Nazgulovich? Emily’s off in training (hmmmm…not the Haven’s again ?? ) who should I recommend her to?
Stewie Proud Dad
How about Camel, son of Khamule? Dragons do smoke too much.
the other elf
leader of
E (elms)
L (love)
F (freaks)
touchers, riders, freak-loving trees. i need a bath just reading about you people.
Stewie, Alone By Choice
And alone you will be to defend Minas Tirith. Our invitation still stands, Brad.