Game 233

You might consider moving, Stewie. Ren and co. stay up late and get REALLY noisy. Why do you think he’s being evicted from Mordor? Sauron himself can’t catch a good night’s sleep of late!

Gondorian water front property available soon. Inquire within or follow the smoke. Financing available

Snaga, CFO-New Gondorian Real Estate

Indeed, Celebion, the map looks like a very nice beach head breakout; Saur-(Patt)on would be proud !

Methinks this agent war by the Freep better make some headway soon before they have no pop centers left to pay for them.

Veo- or whatever moniker you are going by this month- I have one question:

Where is your messiah (or allies:) now ?

Hoarm - IK

I keep humming the AC/DC song Jailbreak for the past 2 turns :slight_smile:

It’s VEO - all caps…

My allies? They’re arguing over the last rotten canteloupe in Bree. It’s down to Popcorn Spitting between the Northmen and the Silvan. I just compost the peels myself - going to have to increase food production in my last mountain village soon.


<<Methinks this agent war by the Freep better make some headway soon before they have no pop centers left to pay for them.>>

  • I don’t think that’s going anywhere fast with 2 of their big agents biting the dust this turn. A shame, that. The attempt was admirable and I must offer kudos for the kidnapping of Ogrod. That was a surprise. Not devastating, of course. Not even annoying. Mildy amusing is the most I can say. :slight_smile:

Russ / In the Trenches of Mirkwood

Hang in there Russ. The FP are busy trying to dislodge you from Mirkwood and they are taking a beating elsewhere. We killed at least twice as many as they did last turn and there will be several FP pop centers smoking after this next turn. It is only going to get worse for the FP

Ren, who brought his marbles to Gonedor


Alrighty, Ren. They’ve been trying to knock me out all game so I worry less and less each turn! :wink:


Creative spelling, I like it. Nice touch, adds flavour. But inaccurate, sorry. The Duns have promised me a new village, even better than the one you’ve got all that metal-clad cav on (don’t tell me…you’re going to use those forces to Threaten the place…?). And the Rangers have promised that in the next game, he’s going to ship me more leather. So I’m all about winning here, there’s nothing you can do to bring me down!


The fat lady is certainly singing on this one.

The DS had all the momentum when I rejoined the FP on turn 7 or 8, or whatever it was. I organized an emissary strike on Dol G and Gundabad. Still haven’t figured out how 5-15 points per InfOthr * 8 successful InfOthr’s (including 2 emissariers in the high 70s and one mid-80s) is only 40-45 points of loyalty drop… But anyway… We did take Gundabad…

The real hammer was to fall on Dol Guldur a couple turns later when a combined force of Woodmen and Noldor were to show up with a crap load of war machines… Unfortunatly, the DS landed on and revealed the Sindar capital the same turn. This, combined with 2 top DS agents at the Woodmen capital that scared us out of building war machines and instantly losing them to assassination, caused a major delay.

The troops for the assault scattered to defend Lorien. Never to be gathered again. Then the Dog bankrupted himself and we thought we had a chance…

Corsairs are running wild over SG, Khand has launched a very successful campaign into Rhun. It took some motivation to convince the dwarves that armeis are to be used, not left sitting sucking money. Now with troops pouring into Gondor, our continued inability to take Mirkwood even with all our nations focused on it, and the DS ever stronger agent superiority… My inability to prevent the DS from having their way with the market…

Personally, I’ve made more mistakes in this game than in any game I’ve ever been in. Many on the team looked to me for leadership, but I’m not a good enough player to lead a team… Especially not a team that was way behind when I joined them. Not down 1 neutral to 3. Not against good oposition.

In MEPBM, the FP must make gains early in the game while characer limits are still down. At this point, we’re behnd and just getting ever further behind.

Hats off to the DS. They got momentum, have kept momuntum, and have really given us little to no hope of anything other than losing slowly to give the White Wizard time to learn how to find the one ring.

No offense intended but I don’t think the FP can will this game. All bravado aside, there is a whole lot of hurt headed your way not counting the boatload of assassination attempts this turn. All of us are willing to play as long as you want to fight however.


No offense taken. We know we can’t win. We thought we may have had a small window of oppertunity between GT10 and 15. The FP hadn’t shown much, so we hoped you weren’t prepared for an organized counter attack.

We’d hoped to hold in Rhun and Gondor while allocating EVERYTHING to Mirkwood. Then through everything at Morannon, pulling DS assets from the sides back to the center. Unfortunalty, there were already too many huge armies coming at Mirkwood. It took everything we had just to hold back the tide, leaving nothing left to mount an offensive with. DS assets were never pulled back to the center.

Now, there is overwhelming DS force in Rhun and Gondor, and we’re still fighting to hold back the tide in Mirkwood.

Oh, and we know about both dragons in Lorien. I’d planed on the DS launching another major offensive against the Sindar. Unfortunatly, some of the assets intended to block it, didn’t arrive where I’d hoped they’d be. Some because of DS assassins killing off armies, some because they were needed elsewhere instead.

Once again, we really have “little to no hope of anything other than losing slowly”.

239 needs 6 for any one that wants to try another game :slight_smile:

<<Oh, and we know about both dragons in Lorien.>>

  • Figured you did. You guys just HAD to repost CG didn’t ya. :slight_smile: But which army are the babies with? Or are they split amongst the two? Stay tuned! Dum dum DUUUM!!!

  • Darrell, Regarding emmy strikes against Dol Guldur . . .maybe You’d like to share pdf’s when game is over? There’s some things I’d like to look at myself. Contact me when game is over.

  • Good to have you “back” by the way!! :wink:

-Russ, In the Trenches

Yes we have come out of the mines to stop drilling and counting our blessings. We would like to join the party, it’s no fun parting alone.

edited… was meant to be email, not posted to the site.


Is that the Fat Lady I see getting up and moving to the podium?

White Wiz :

Found that dang ring yet?

Hoarm - (on horseback)

No fat ladies with our rationing.


Not so fast, Hoarm. If you’ll turn your attention to Mirkwood, you’ll see the Freeps actually used some basic “ME101 tactics” as a good friend calls it to keep their Sinda MT alive one more turn. This slow turnabout towards using basic tactics instead of doing strange, odd, random things could be cause for concern? Perhaps they are rallying? Perhaps they still have time to offer us a good game? Or maybe they’re hoping to pick us off one by one with botched NatSell orders . . . that’s actually their only hope but I would never tell them that as it might crush their last marble of morale.

I think that they think if they take Dol Guldur they can still make a game of it though, really, it wouldn’t matter in the long scheme of things. But let’s not tell them THAT either. We’ll just wait and applaud if they ever manage to do what is usually done by turn 10! :slight_smile:

-Russ, In the Trenches


We lost our text book at our first picnic. But the hypnosis therapy is dragging some of the information out of our Elves. It’s slow going as they’re usually off in Dunland picking muchrooms and flowers, but we’re cycling them through. I had a moment of clarity myself last turn, but it got washed away in my bi-weekly Game 233 whiskey. Started as a nice shot on the patio, but since the bridge it’s turned decidedly ugly. I guess I’m too late to join your new game, but I certainly qualify these days…
