Game 233

I’ll humor you…

  • Ben
    Bankrupt Lord

Well, Riders here.

Even with “Stewies” encouraging words, it is time to call it. Cannot stop you all and the DS agents have not even showed up yet. FP could make one hard push for the ONE RING. We even know where it is. But, you beat us. Riders are resigning.

My compliments to the FK player. That was a lot of cav buring a lot of FP pop centers. Well played.

My only joy, I outlasted the DogLord.

Running for the elven boats and next time, I hope to be a better Rohan player.

Perry Carlson

G233, Riders of Rohan
G26, Sinda

As Perry has mentioned, it is time to call this game.

I’m not going to whine about what ifs, the DS played a good game and congrats.

All I ask is if you want to put down as best enemy on opposing FP team:

Please select one of these guys:

Riders of Rohan - Perry
Silvans - Adam
North Gondor - Stewie

Personnally my vote for best Dark Servant is for the Dragonlord, who taught me how hard it is to take Dol Guldor in 2950.

Noldo 233
Gunboat 52/59

PS: Perry, I have kept a slot on the boat for you, Riders can paddle cant they?

Appreciate the appreciation Doug. Everyone noted you’re the Noldo and Woodmen… NG can’t vote so I don’t deserve any, I’d likley vote Rhun anyway… Echoing Perry’s comments, yes, the FK was overwhelming. Tip of the hat sir, and to Russ also - always fun, whether it’s my daughter escaping your dungeon’s or just spewing our animosity on the boards from far away. :wink: Cheers.

Brad for Stewie

Did splatting armies on the walls make any real difference?


<<Personnally my vote for best Dark Servant is for the Dragonlord, who taught me how hard it is to take Dol Guldor in 2950.>>

Thanks a bunch . . .but I had luck on my side several times there and I also received some good early-game guidance from our FK player, Steve. Steve masterminded much of the fall of Gondor with some assistance from our Mighty Cors. He was also largely responsible for the Khandian sweep of the East which is ours all the way to Mirkwood if memory severs. Many thanks to Fred/ CL for kicking arse in the character war and helping these plans succeed.

Hate to see it end as I’m just about ready to kick some arse again after my little holiday from Mirkwood. It’s probably for the best, though, as there’s always next game. Maybe I’ll see you there?

Good Gaming,
Russell Floyd
Dragon Lord 233

Cmon freep types, dont go now. Youre just about to find out how strong the hand of the Corsair has become and how far afield he can exert his influence. Ill sulk if you go.

Mighty Sanga.

Hiya Freeps !

Good game all, actually an interesting and strange journey on both sides I’m sure!

But… are you guys mass conceding? Or is someone playing on and getting replacements? And will your SG player ever know either way :slight_smile:


Who was you’re Khand Player? Inquring minds of the newly retired Dwarves.

Silvan player signing in.

Congrats to the DS for an overwhelming victory. We had hoped to carry on to the bitter end but lifes to short!

I believe everyone bar the uncontactable SG has conceeded victory!

NM here!

Congratulations to DS. Well played! Especially the KE.

Personally I have a long list of mistakes to avoid next game. :wink:

The KE was played by Steve the FK for the last several turns, pretty much doing all the damage. The original KE player dropped a while back, but had built one hell of an economy up though.

Thanks for the game, although I too only had a brief part in it

BS (after T12 or so)

Cloud Lord was the DS MVP.

Many times he sent his companies in to paralyze capital orders and remove the fortifications before our armies landed on pop centers. Even with all the non killing agent actions he should hit 50 kills this turn. Also scouted many an army and sent solo agents after army commanders found via palantir scrys

He played the position extremely well by building a strong economy and not foregoing the emmys for those 40A’s in the early game.


Can’t argue with Steve here . . . . you ever need a Cloud Lord, our player is the man to call. He was a huge help economically and logistically via shipping needed supplies for our armies.

Thanks for the game, Freeps. It was loads of fun and I learned some things. Thanks for not carrying this on longer than it needs to go . . . it’s still fun, but it’s time to move on. I only hope SG will get the message sooner than later. I anticipate my team will still have to play several more turns so no relaxing here just yet! :wink:



Hi Steve,
I’ve sent a message to SG telling him what the situation is, we won’t carry
on the game just because he’s in it.
I haven’t heard from all the FP yet (not just SG) so I can’t give a 100% on
the drop although it’s very, very likely.
Only if a few of the FP want to carry on and find replacements would we run
another turn.


It’s over, finito, finally the DS victory is achieved! Congrats to my Dark teammates on a job well-done, and to the Freep for sticking with it considering the SG communication problems (among other things). Of course,
we had our share of problems as well, including a bankrupt Doggie and some
infighting, but to summarize our FK player’s explanation, economy rules!


My 2 cents.

Not that anyone cares.

Joined planning to remain neutral for 5-7 turns, but blew some crucial orders on GT1, and decided to play it safe and coordinate with the FP. Later, when the PRS came to pass, I decieded to return to the fence… By turn 7, had calmed down and rejoined the FP…

Unfortunatly, the game was already decided by that point. The FP had gotten off to WAY TOO slow of a start. All the momuntem was favoring the DS.

SG was totally uncommunicative. Rhun were uncoroperative and had to be put out. Corsairs and Khand were set to go DS. WW had vowed to stay neutral and only look for the one ring.

The Rangers was the absolute best kind of Newbie… Cooperative and willing to learn. Dwarves… not so much. Man was it frustrating watching him run from the enemy with his cav army that he’d recruited with the Mounts that I’d bought off the market and sent to him. Not until Northmen were on the verge of being overrun did he finally commit troops to battle.

We had a slight window of oppertunity when the Dog Lord bankrupted himself, but we simply couldn’t get organized as a team. I’d sent out plans coordinating the armies of 3-4 nations to guard Lorian and keep preasure on Dol Guldur… I never heard back from a single ally about the plans, and not a single player actually followed through with even one of the army moves.

No coordination. No cooperation. Too many newbies. A couple newbies that refused to be part of the team. For me, the game was FAR more frustration than fun… I kept thinking, “If anyone on this team is looking to me for leadership, they really are forked!” Thus I dropped. Well, transferred the position to an ally.

For my own part, I made more mistakes this game than ANY other game I’ve ever been in. It is the ONLY game where I’ve woken up one morning and realized “HOLY crap, I forget to send in my orders yesterday.”

All around, an odd game that was really over by GT7.


If it’s any commiseration, I personally had a blast (overall) and met some great people. Sparring with you on the PRS was a blast, and the infighting on my team that IK referred to was icing on the cake. Call me crazy . . . but it all makes for a memorable game!! Getting married in the middle of this game was interesting as well if a little time-consuming!

Thanks to the FP! Thanks to Doug, Brad, and others for sharing taunts on the forum even when things weren’t going so well (which was turns 2 - 24 :wink:

-Russ / Ex-Dragqueen 233


Turns 3-24, if you don’t mind…
