<<PS: Who else am I going to pick a fight with?
If you are looking for suggestions…Murazor, Khamul, Hoary Breath - all come to mind (and I didn’t even have to sit on Amon Hen).>>
Now why would he want to fight Khamul? Khamul is one of the Wiz’s biggest fans and wishes him the best!
One quick statement please! I hope Ecthelion and his boy scouts are enjoying their hiking expedition. Nice to know the troubles facing Baranor just north of there do not bother Ecthelion too greatly. Your thoughts?
If you’re implicating Baranor in that paternity squabble surrounding Ecthelion’s daughter, I assure you that the government has a firm “No Comment” on that.
Wookies map shows battles all over the place - gonna be a fun round. When the smoke clears (and it will) who will be standing? It might not be the brave, but it sure will be the few.
Yes, many a minor battle, and it appears the Lord of Dogs has gotten slightly the better of those supposed Rohan horsemen in all cases. And 3024 is burnt with Baranor and his minions at the bottom of the Anduin.
But where are those Freep “S” forces (South Gondor, Silvan and Sinda), I wonder aloud ?
The “S” forces have convened a new “S-Club”. They hang out drinking mead in the forest, no time for war. You’ll have to find a way to have 8 nations kill me all by myself. Best of luck.
I payed my membership dues up front!!! Got a club card and everything…but heh, no forest rampage invites for the Noldo…you’re on the other side of the mountains, you aren’t needed, you don’t play ‘fair’.