Game 235 begins


Nice to see another neutral checking in. So, did you want to play the Rhun again by choice? How did the previous game go? I hope you were able to join a good team that helped you out. It can be a tough spot.

The Dark Servants are still active. We still have a few days to finalize plans of destruction and ruin - at least that sounds better than trying to find some missing jewelry the Lord Fop of Evil lost.

I’ll try and coax a few of my comrades to say a few words before the turns run.

Best of luck to you,

WK - 235

Long Rider checking IN.

Sinda Elves checking in. Assuming this post finally goes through…ugh!


Pretty quiet here, if you DS want to concede already, well, we won’t let you!!!:wink: We want to whoop you like you’ve never been whooped before.

King Whooper

Dwarves here, checking in.

I’m looking to adorn my belt with more than a few goblin scalps.

Should have my opportunity within a few turns.

Greetings King Whooper,
smells like fast-food.

Do you’ve aranged a dinner at Mc whooper ?

What’s about a dinner in a more exlusive restaurant ?

Ha, Ha, Ha !

I’m free for new ideas.

Scott, do you think we will have boring times here at the board ?

I don’t think so !

Bye, Gerhard

Dear King Whooper,

It looks like you are off to a good start picking on a Dragon Lord camp like that. Might a village be next?? Don’t start thinking the whooping will be so easy!

Have you by chance had an opportunity to exchange words with the Rangers / Noldo? It seems that they let a Dark Servant icon slip by them. Now which way will that army go??

WK - 235

Woodmen here, checking in!


Originally posted by MrDarwan
[b]Dear King Whooper,

It looks like you are off to a good start picking on a Dragon Lord camp like that. Might a village be next?? Don’t start thinking the whooping will be so easy!

Have you by chance had an opportunity to exchange words with the Rangers / Noldo? It seems that they let a Dark Servant icon slip by them. Now which way will that army go??

WK - 235 [/b]

Of course I’ve talked with the Rangers/Noldo, they just thought that you would get lost and end up eating themselves. As for things being/getting easy, all is easy for the horsemen of Rohan!!

King Whooper of the Rohan,
Keeper of the Handbag of Death


Where, O where did the Gixxxer go?

King Whooper of the Rohan,
Keeper of the Handbag of Death

Hi all, Dark Lieutenants here to to spread a little disinformation…


As the new turn time draws near, lets take time to reflect on the buttocks whooping that the DS are going to get (we can do this as I’m a psychic). Anor is quickly freed from the yoke, followed by Greenwood. Mordor is a bit harder to crack, but when it does, the poop just flows straight out to sea. There you have it, the history of ME game 235, before it happens, but as it will happen.

King Whooper of the Rohan
A.K.A. Scott Moyes

Northern Gondor checking in. I’ve been so active on the team web sites that I forgot this forum existed!

I’ll try to be more vocal on this board in the coming turns, as results unfold. Right now there are too many uncertainties and neither side can really claim an advantage. :wink:

Chris H (NG)

So close to slipping to page 2, boo-hoo:(

Can’t let that happen.

King Whooper of the Rohan

Hi Scott,
Gixxxer is here, as always !

King Whooper ?

You’ve chosen this name while looking on the “deleteious” menu of Burger-King-Restaurant, right ?

Hey what’s about your subcomms, do they have names like “Gipsy-Chicken” ?

I have a BK-menu here at home, so it will be easy for my agents to find your chars !

Ha, Ha !

Have Fun !


Hey Grehard mate. Wasn’t I the Dunlendings in 235. Seems weird that. Sorry guys not in this game but Gixxer and I played in the last 235.


That was meant to read Gerhard.

Actually Gixxxer my characters are all named after porn stars (female ones that is). Just wait till you get a load of Paris Hilton or Linda Lovelace or… I’m not going to give you all of them!!!

Anyway, you don’t want to go after them anyway. They’ve been riding horses way too long and they all walk funny. Besides, I still have the handbag of death!!!

King Whooper

Originally posted by lionatus
[b]Hey Grehard mate. Wasn’t I the Dunlendings in 235. Seems weird that. Sorry guys not in this game but Gixxer and I played in the last 235.

Lionatus [/b]

could be !

Sometimes I’m taking up some drop-outs without hope.

This was one of these drop-outs.

A WK with only one MT and a “team” that have taken a look in the “Cobra’s eye”.

Have Fun and don’t worry too much !


[QUOTE]Originally posted by SMoyes
[b]Actually Gixxxer my characters are all named after porn stars (female ones that is). Just wait till you get a load of Paris Hilton or Linda Lovelace or… I’m not going to give you all of them!!!

Heyja Scott,
you should delete the spam not buying it ! :smiley:

Have Fun !
